2557 Quatrains Set 800
(in order of creation, newest first)
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Dare to teach the sun a lesson, and hide in the freezing cold. Let the be world teach you gently, or by its sting be told. To whet oh pliable soul. _ A will that would of touch a said. If wish its only need. To be at odds with shadow's light. Old struggles inside of me. _ Who holds who among enemies. In sharing eyes not far. To this I toast you dully. May we all be what we are. _ Who applies the brakes. Who keeps warm the keys. Heroism, chivalry. Wands that water weeds. _ The roots that find directions. That youth the tips have said. As fleeting as a first bicycle. The root forever bends. _ Battleship and Checkers. And Snakes and Ladders tried. But Cooperation beat them all. And soon out sold the sky. _ Could I behold such tragic triumph. All dewdrops fill such seas. And I went home and honored thus. The wisdom of all fees. _ Any world that can cast slow shadows. Upon my flesh feels wise. And all I need to do to choose one. Is reveal my morning eyes. _ Two art patrons with triangle heads. Looking at the center of my pie shaped painting. If they bunch at the atomic scale somehow. I'll know after hunch by tainting. _ A paper airplane dividing a feed of punch cards. Where one side has no holes or seams. I would ask you softly to have dinner with me. If I could just compute what that means. _ Woman kind resting surrounded by friends. Viewed from forty five feet away. And I also saw a robin this morning. Which was equally years non prey. _ Looking up at many loaves of bread. On top of a refrigerator asking. Just when is a man a man. And where is his dream of lasting. _ A comedian testing the hearing of his audience. By increasingly elaborate means and drastics. Allure which always seems to be unheard. And perturbed are my favorite tactics. _ I'll never wear legs and arms together. When I wake I choose my missions. If I wear my arms I'll stay home and love. Or wear legs outside conditioned. _ Since we have reviews and points of view. And focal points of no return. I wonder how five leaf clovers grow. Wherever lies the learn. _ Child three card monty enthusiast. Running away from three unhappy cures. He just wants to serve a world. And provide the best of tours. _ Department store saleswoman seeing man. Crossing a rope bridge from her vast tv's. Of all the ways to impress your heavens. Have you seen where I lost my trees. _ Woman proud of man and standing. Behind him and holding his shoulder. Wherever a man owns horizons. No endless warm is colder. _ A dentist testing out the advice he just gave. By brushing his own upper lip. Make no mistake, the hush of science. Is morned, marred within the quick. _ A woman in a bed against a barn. Being photographed if that's called bliss. Domestic living at its finest. But only if she exists. _ Warming up a lucky lottery charm. By dangling it inside a toaster. I'll never understand a day. And my cup just hit a coaster. _ A plate of leftovers in a refrigerator. Very strangely not getting warmer. Table twelve just asked for fame. Very strangely from in that corner. _ The non-cynical pinnacle. Is the hilltop I hope to found. Where they forgive a poem for pausing. And poets choose higher ground. _ Like an irresistible supermodel. Showing the newest unapproachable fashions. Like a woman setting up her first art show. Of artificial fruit in a restaurant, passions. _ Twinkle twinkle little star. In who's mind are you the brightest scar. And when I think of inner things. Have I stolen the whitest stings. _ I saw enough beauty. Today to choke a horse. It was a tuft of carpet. That looked like you of course. _ Neighbors are the true horizons. So I do not need a sky. Within the unknown depths of hearts. I see all the seasons why. _ Do you suppose there's any truth to the rumor. There's an endless long table between minds. Or that words of a quatrain can be in love forever. Or we could know each other like rhymes. _ I think I saw an injustice today. But there is no way I can be sure. Because an injustice, like a brain cell. Will never unwitness core. _ It arrives disfigured as a situation. The unthinkable ugly hunch. And somehow someway a choice is made. And the universe bungie jumps. _ As equal storms are men and weather. I shall never hate the see. Like on an oar, like sinned are sure. All wind and men shall be. _ Each day I wake and drive another nail. To hold my house to the mountain brine. And hold in place the saddest face. You can buy with peace of mind. _ Have you ever cleaned a keyboard. And accidentally wrote a letter of love? Or ever cleaned your mind so well. You only spoke in of? _ If I tuned my antennas to that lowest frequency. Somewhere far away from your kiss. If I spoke point one new words a year. Would you know that I exist. _ There where the trend calls no friend. Like the winds with inherited duties. Be cautious then when names offend. And be careful of their poisoned movies. _ I'm writing a song about you. The first note should last ten years. And then I expect in a morning rain. Note two might sound like nears. _ Come sit with me by the fire. And I'll tell you how two whales met. Of an ocean visitor counter with six decimal places. Showing no whole numbers yet. _ Of an interested costumer being pushed out of a store. By a store manager from his world of steps. And his entry turnstile to his city oars. Only seven inches wide that lets. _ If you find a crumpled up piece of paper. Somewhere quiet inside a vacant building. Don't unravel it or give it pens. For that's the inner warmth of guilting. _ With fifteen insects swarming around. A cup of fresh coffee being enjoyed at a mall. She should hold our astrays up to the light. And examine our rights to call. _ Dear mankind holding a water fountain jug. Near the woman standing in the bath house pool. If you tear any electric guitar in half. The camera inside will school. _ To spies then, with pocket dna analyzers. Secretly searching the world for shyness. And all their telescopes facing northward. Let's toast to that best besideness. _ Like a man before a high voltage control wall. Shorting one component with pliers. Current almost, is the richest sting. Like a dream of best for tryers. _ If you find a fisherman on a lake. No dancers have ever lured. Don't hesitate to ask for wait. And please forgive each word. _ No harm is a stone made of tongue grown stale. If said though the stone will fail. And tea has an enemy with watchful sores. In so much pain from the stones it hoards. _ And as green as if I knew. I neared an angel and then it flew. From what was once a choice of blend. I spoke no song and wronged a friend. _ If I buy a gift worth sixteen heavens. What fifteen facts are you? And if dreams take away the almost moveable acts. Can I give you the almost movable few? _ As secretly as ground is cold. Glee carries a secret best. Wearied by a weight so old. That oh we might say yes. _ And when a thousand voices. All around you spread their fear. Where can you point your head. So no one's voice you hear. _ Succumb to all such rhythm. Thus the universe has ran. The simple act decision fights. Each person codes each sham. _ Speaking is always that self surprise. A presence only speakers trust. The one every person you're talking to. Knows was obvious. _ Behind every star of living. I hide in the don't call us milieu. Knowing bright stars are only bright by giving. And because they're close to You. _ It's not just such a simple problem. It's complex like the spelling bee. But if you garden the hours right. It ends in justice like a pageantry. _ When you look at the knight of a shining star. How does your love begin? Does it song on a planet years away. Or does it slow within? _ Among the avenues of the inner slopes. There lies a dangerous curve. Power point a to power point b. Near excuse me I've lost my nerve. _ And how is that different? You forgot to say. Please answer in lonely. And don't forget to sway. _ Stimulation addiction knows no bland. Because the bland keep the bland to themselves. Two ounces should be enough for a lifetime. And should be stored on the shyest self. _ An illusion that I would love for. Of a song I would never sing. Needs a vacancy for my fracture. Do you have such a nothing thing? _ Personality makes it's own slopes. The angles it fights then slides. But the lone key reaches gentle grades. Then only one lock it tries. _ I live within an unopinion cabin half embedded. Into the upper corner of another cabin roof. Where depending upon the current time delay. I can fear the perfect aloof. _ Would you mind if I crossed your path. At the incredibly slow speed of wife? I would only be a bother for just a moment. And we could pass the time with life. _ If the correct were corrected without transgressions. As far as why farms could knew. And felled sideways each demand's two lessons. Would that be dancing for true. _ If there was such a thing as a shallow dream. Could there also be a shadowed task. No, tea would be a crowded heaven. If any man could ask. _ Buy equations to rescue mind. And equate the mist with climb. With only kind plus lonely time. I insist that equals fine. _ Known as where the crickets shy. Where fame is the least of man's. I'm above within below the din. Wondering if you have plans. _ In a massive long hallway at four in the morning. Near the stranger at the other end in rain. You'll find a suggestion box narrowed at the top. A deterrence to a feedback's aim. _ Excuse me where does the eleven go. Is it the same place I forget like time. Towards unleaning or towards unmeaning. Or towards an indifferent mind. _ And should the music be fast or slow. We'll know by the face of gain. Year of the two eye blinks given. I'll be arriving on that train. _ There's a road that leads away from my home. I'll know not where it goes. It's newly paved and lined with flowers. But I'm sure it's timeless old. _ From in my heartbeat I can hear of man. His must the smallest code. So each day I find an unloved pebble. And add it to his road. _ Within the work load of a crazy man. I'll soon have half a levy. Where in a port I'll leer for sand. And carry what lust calls heavy. _ Where the alphabet can leave like wind. And even the adjectives may think of spin. Where the uncaged focus may roam or be. And even the news hounds sleep touching free. _ I have a perfect bird feeder in the rain. No birds have ever found. And a pleasure of everything nicely right. Would you like a cup of sound. _ Nor angry bee with bad teeth throwing cigarette. That lands on lost envelope under curtain. Nor the way the accidental grin is made. From lost days of being certain. _ You know those lapse of never time. Where you don't know a second hand exists. Well turn right there at that never wrong. And that's where the bland get kissed. _ A flat faced man in a bed. His features like a rubber mask. Thinking about two women on a tundra. Is worth so much to ask. _ Like fifteen nuns riding a single motorcycle. On a road trip to find the best printing shop. I hear physical world maintainers find the go. And spiritual world maintainers find the stop. _ The sky looked for me like telescopes today. And somehow the evening won. I took great pains to hide my warmth. Yet I think it saw my shun. _ Who puts you somewhere on a ladder. At your very own attitude and might. Who leaves the lessons up to you. Dear Mom it's you with life. _ May I please get to know you. The same way a curse is long. The same way a man sings no lifetime. For a second of song. _ Front door clock with one foot tangled vines. Of a man who keeps his outings short. His full appreciation for real world maidens. But it's just his own errors he'll court. _ That large music box note wheel. Turning around inside my back. Repeats and repeats every hour. Loving where it tings your at. _ When mankind broke the sound barrier (sorry). Soon every man could talk. So anything stronger than zero meaning. Could ask you for a walk. _ Be quiet when you hold a human being. And try hard not to hurt their spin. Of all the creatures that near the Mozart. They'll have the thinest skin. _ With adequately as my favorite word. I try to shave each war. Blightless like my Apple Macintosh. Perfection is just being sure. _ Have you ever lost a smitten. The same way my gosh escapes. Like whenever a man looks at love. The third above hides hate. _ A man fishing with dry stale cheese. And a strong warehouse dolly for the catch. He thinks alone about the law of attraction. But observers decide the attach. _ Like a man's last cigarette lighter. At the end of hundreds of them on a bar. I look each day towards the permanence. And wonder where you are. _ Could you please tell me your coordinates. Are you currently fast or slow? Meek or angry, thoughtful or active. Let's kiss and I will know. _ If every person was maximum careful. What a perfect world I'd see. But nothing is allowed to slow down or notion. Except the odd in me. _ To face the less and see the best. To respect their minds of more. To turn around and see the bound. And shudder at the seeming bore. _ After all leaf regrets have healed. How far should a tree sway health? I know how a man fools his enemies. But how does he fool himself? _ How often should the confrontations be watered. And how often should I collect the failed? What exactly is a manner for. And where loft are the oft betrayaled? _ I was wondering if while you were quiet. And while you were being meek like me. I was wondering if in between your shyness. If your seduction of me might tea. _ Trunks of underwater elephants entwining. Over picnic blanket at rocky coast line water. Something, earth, friend, and fire. Oh and just a touch of bother. _ A bull in water between Archie comics. And a seriousness between the ears. Laughs for two on a balcony grew. When lightning disturbed the years. _ That speck of a man skiing uphill. On the side of a mountain of white. Never down-hills on the wreck of a plan. Nor on his will throws spite. _ I learned along time ago. The physical world is not for me. So I do not operate heavy machinery. Wherever three equals three. _ A university of higher learning. Showing you a slice of pizza. And then without a worried word. You understand the teacher. _ If I owned a famous newspaper. I would name it, people doing what they want. And at the bottom of every page I'd print. A white rectangle for your tears to haunt. _
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