2557 Quatrains Set 700
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Every player knows. No laws are broken by rouse. And no one has ever gone to jail. For popping a zit by seduce. _ Oh and could you please become warm to touch? Not as cold as a morning clutch. Not as hot as a favorite scream. Thanks alot dear movie screen. _ When playing poker against a display rack. Of information pamphlets lose. Five pixels beats a thousand tacks. And appropriate response beats news. _ They can hear all dogs starting off in two directions. From the starting lines of make toast. A man and woman standing on opposite sides. Of a large wooden fence post. _ Could you please tell me what time it is? I had the hands of my watch removed. I wanted to live my life more astrally. But unfortunately my class has moved. _ I've lived my life in one city. Which is too many to count with glees. And like the way I've known all cities. I've known you by all trees. _ A man successfully patting his head. To drain the sand out of his brain. A large deep and interesting excavation site. In front of a man's domain. _ You should know I fear fast words like static. So we should probably speak like storms. The same way mammals discussing their feeling. Honk their moan two horns. _ Of all the wrongs a world can blame. I hate my voice the most. You see a man hole cover crime. But I see a coast. _ In this age of everything wireless. I guess it's up to us to twine. It always amazes me how wires get tangled. As if they are trying to mind. _ Precious rare apple in museum display. Dark at night about to be eaten by woman. Seen through painting shaped like weight lifter. Bearing all of the years she can summon. _ I'll answer your questions. Like the edges of clouds. Smile when I'm maybe. And paint how autumn bows. _ When you see a second hand. I hope you see the years. And when you see a second man. I hope you see his tears. _ Box of frozen fish hidden below floor. Bottle of cooking oil retrieved from the trash. Cup of coffee knocked over on counter. And a compass so I look out right glass. _ Have you ever walked by an open office. And wondered if it's alright to be sad? There's this large building shaped like a woman. In my dreams that is always wearing grey plaid. _ A woman mountain climber sleeping. While hanging from her newest strong ropes. Admiring magazines on display at a book store. That's as brave as I'll hang from your hopes. _ We only need to speak two languages. The second one is for nobility. In today's society it helps alot. If you can understand negativity. _ A man's thirty foot ham radio bench. With countless homemade devices. Not knowing how to put batteries in. So he piles them on there for niceness. _ Elephant doing hand stand on roof of his mansion. Hoping to impress his neighbors. Then walking carefully inside undancing. On floors which are ice he savours. _ A silent man with food hanging from his mouth. With sort of two women fine dining. A smart confident woman holding a drawing. Of her sweet soft self tree climbing. _ Amateur taxi with name and logo. Drawn on its door with permanent marker. All women looking at my unworn treads. And an evening getting darker. _ A motionless snail holding his cat as a mask. With a computer next to its head. Dressed in a traditional palace guard uniform. In a world of things unsaid. _ Miranda's little-try shy-guy. Like an egg in a skateboarding glass park. Try this we read the story say. So of course we know last part. _ Here is my gift of misdirection. First I wrongly go down from care. Then I surprise you with elevation. Chin up from the prides we share. _ I am just a camera. So please don't merry me. Hold me very still like drama. To see a world I see. _ I'll try not to speak among unchoices. In the grave yard of the jeers. Where I'll stand and fill with spokens. Flowers no one wants to hear. _ Twenty attractive young people dancing. Their party inside a cellophane bubble. Empty cellophane street cube at night. My inbox of zero trouble. _ A window is the prettiest picture. Of winter that I know. There I'll hear the inner lecture. Where all good snowflakes go. _ But then as if they could not tea. I see them trying tangently. And as they walk down thumbtack road. I see the day they never hold. _ Thinking at ten thoughts per minute. Is the only race track I play. Counter clockwise is the surest bet. But clockwise wins by days. _ For the women asleep on small platforms. Halfway up walls dreaming heros. As we fade to black let the credits rain. So many names for zeros. _ For women collecting fries at burger shops. From all deep fry tubs quickly. And the emotionless snails with computers inside. Their accomplishments were just as tickly. _ Not even the ten best door locks on the market. Or a duplicate set one foot lower. Could stop the glees of the dear selfworths. Or the presence of the thoughtful knowers. _ It's like a million loose square flat rocks. Piled up into hills at a junk yard. It helps no one and the pay is small. But you get to end rhymes with leopard. _ Have you ever stood upon a sadness so long. Believing unhorizons could do no wrong. Have you ever watched a field meet a hidden glen. That's how slowly we'll flip a switch called friend. _ Only jog in new shopping mall parking lots. And only behind cars that have good brakes. Only look behind you wherever you go. And avoid the magic being talked to makes. _ Excuse me miss have you seen them. I fear I've lost all pets. Those situations that trick a man. To act out played regrets. _ A rat wearing a gas mask rooting through garbage. Next to a sleeping bag loud. Hi tech low tech apple cow worm cow. At the bend in life we proud. _ Many swamp amphibians. On route together across dry land. A metal eagle sculpture with coarse meshed wings. Poised to take flight or stand. _ All the characters from starwars in a lifeboat. On dry land in their second life. The dollar has force. And the friends have nice. _ A middle aged prince in a clearing. Looking up at nothing near. A middle aged princess in an atrium. Holding something dear. _ In my second life I can pace for hours. On no hillside called lichen's rift. Where men who like her can think for powers. And improve the song of if. _ Near the subatomic scale they grow. The who is following who. And way above the planetary scale. They harvest the me nearing you. _ Man never falls on his own icy driveway. The way spiders don't stick to their web. While we stand upon the words of history. Please forgive the slopes I've said. _ Like the seashell wears the ocean. Beholding the sand has ears. Knowing that fame needs no talents. Only volunteers. _ Well it's like two totem poles leaning into. The entrance of a television studio door. Somehow the raven lets us lore. Hinting somehow the slant knows more. _ You know that industry that sells tobacco? I guess man is in search of such luck. Like a giant cigarette butt at high velocity. Leaving a factory and entering a truck. _ There is no chance of men unteething. But the wind stops still to pro. There among the endless teasing. Is there someone reading slow? _ A man with an unblockable view of the moon. By duplicating himself like a robot. Odd floppy airplane that will never fly. At bottom of lake facing hill top. _ The world provides no performence today. So my time here gave birth this wit. I give now its tourch to all hearts of flame. Please protect it from those who can spell it. _ Fire is paper or Dali. Heavens have no words for pollution. Aspire will never question an ally. Or another man's strategy of evolution. _ To agree and to disagree. Without splitting their tactics. To comprehend without knowing. Without combining their drastics. _ Where I glanced among their legends. How slowly my wish unfurled. While scared there within their engines. I vowed not to hurt their world. _ A man with no musical talent returning. An instrument packed in meat to a music class. His cartoon character front saying meekly. Known reality hears his beeps but laughs. _ I see women on step ladders cooking in kitchens. At their ten foot high countertops. And embedded into their ambitious soccer fields. I see their giant shopping carts. _ I'm in love with Normalcy. I seen her twice near Perfect Lake. She had no reason to make a choice. But there's no such way to hesidate. _ Viewed upside down house plants left too close. To the unrailed edges of their garden decks. A nice white house with a large photo of its owners. In a pearl such is grown are her she objects. _ Only a music lover will rescue you here. Sing at your own risk of shun. Musical instruments are mixed with rescue gear. But saddly not all men hum. _ A poster calendar of extinct animals. Once upon a man's work desk. Holding a squid in the palm of his hand. Worrying about the perplex. _ A hillbilly holding his false two front teeth. Getting ready to go to the mall. If only roses turn his head. Then why would he need them all. _ And the stimulation will never fall. And no more than needed ever tall. To make an evening a warm must end. And normal must stall to make a friend. _ The true teacher just passes the butter. And all the learns of earned finesse. Like a cat and an owl in beanbag chairs. Need I mention permanence. _ I love you like Canada. With a weathered resolve. And apologize for lightning. But not its main halls. _ Indoor thumbing will save the world. Letting stimulation needed be purged. Peaceful entertainment at the press of a lever. Letting man on the Internet be heard. _ One step towards an irresistible woman. Pause long enough to meet. Five steps away from her down an embankment. Until there's an elbow repeat. _ He wrote it to make us smile laughed humor. Cried drama said no I'm why. Then reason that is the depth of man. Finished reading and squatted a fly. _ Somewhere there beside the action. Two leers behind the acquiesce. Loft in the garden of main distraction. I'm hoping they build their finesse. _ To show gravity or centrifugal force. Which is better the skate or scam. To be the endless towel dispenser. Or the empty picture frame with hidden plan. _ I always never sometimes deny. I prefer to be the fool. The quieter naivety reveals itself. The more it neats the cruel. _ It has no harp and it has no strings. And no heaven has heard it ask. And yet it stings those awful things. Dance and it shall instantly pass. _ I shield my wise from the smallest skies. That shadow of the magic don't. Where those that would. Meet those that won't. _ Then one day through ultimate science. We heard the sun speak loud. Your garbage, was all it said. Then all its actors bowed. _ Hostile to all trends. Willing to only one. I stand among all hell dressed mens. To salute her setting fun. _ I put my faith in Corporations. Individuals I fear. That's the opposite of misguided rust. Yet the sleep well of unsteer. _ There were many roads to find the new. Each turn they took with dread. They endlessly wandered a or b. So I lived inside my head. _ To stand on that dam between rich and poor. Where money is water in the dreams of doors. With its cold as old as self permissions. The world only sells them thought partitions. _ A man driving a car. By looking down at his knees. Steering the way a mountain does. No fun no game no keys. _ A one inch chicken wire satellite dish. Left on an office water fountain. That's as large as because should be. Because the heart unfound is count'n. _ If a teacher is mad at a student. And a large red bird flies in through totality. If it lands on that student's finger. Is that the nature of reality? _ The opinion crossed the line of care. While the ear drum was undefended. But the chill of winter chilled the where. So the tongue was unoffended. _ Where the tailgaters fear the future. And those tailgated fear the past. Where a time line is a point in space. And the mind's eye goes to ask. _ A thinker's thoughts made of smallest thoughts. Made of land made of land where the angle shops. There among memories made of memories lots. I make favorite longings made of hiding spots. _ I heard about a loneliness. That is as walk as mars. With two porch chairs soft as romance is. In a house above the stars. _ Mouse eye view of a long stretch of highway. Seen from below a passenger car door. Stimulation by zero or stimulation by infinity. To chose the one with more. _ I fear the transition from night to dawn. Because that's how quickly my voice is wrong. And late at night when I only own a door. I wish I knew what a manor is for. _ I am not impressed by talking. That worst abuse of words. If you don't mind I'll stand nearby gawking. To understand by thirds. _ Man watching small mechanical hockey game. With one tall player standing inactive. You can find me there if you learn how to stare. Hidden among the reactive. _ Many white boats docked working hard. At achieving perfect singled positioning. Long before the history of sand. The more of man was listening. _ Tall woman standing on helmet of a construction worker. As they watch the sunset seem. The world was once a simple place. Where man knew where was gleam. _ A contract laborer working hard. At painting the sky blue for Michael Jackson. Knowing the balance and focal point. Showing the art of inaction. _ A gentleman cat doubled resting sideways. Watching white bunnies flying undisturbed. If you don't mind I'll stay home alone. And paint gently if that's a word. _ Two robots at table pouring tea. One with no legs one with no arms. Where there's only one thing I can do for you. Turn my head and wish for charms. _ Well how about a lover. And a note so good. No man has ever held before. So long or should. _ I wonder why we dream. They must mean something. The lightning bolt asked. When it's core bent hunting. _ And I also wish for growth of man. Or less semblance of unique. And a blanket warm as a failed strand. Storing the technique. _ In the bottom drawer with the unfixable amount. Of tangled twine seen hardly. If you need some sing look in there. Where I threw the fun from parties. _ There are five reasons near any center. I suspect most teacups know. Here's a toast to infinite finite. That internal five pixels glow. _ If I started jogging and then maybe swimming. And perhaps maybe bicycling too. And then stepped over the international date line. Could I have a date with you? _ Should I love you with lines or curves. My paintbrush needs to know. Wherever decide becomes decision. That's where eye will go. _ In that ear they passed two mighty laws. Worlds should tilt just enough to please. And twenty percent rebellion. Became officially the most attractive tease. _
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