2557 Quatrains Set 600
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First a coffee shop. Then majestic wolves and horses. Third a frog in a protective cage. Then unknown snakes and forces. _ I wish there was a place where all creatures. Get together and learn from one another free. Especially all the vultures there. That place must be in me. _ I recently painted a blank hole in a painting. By removing a superman with boxing gloves. And then in the streets I saw men unfighting. Just like the way unbacking does. _ I stare at three 21 inch monitors. And bravely steer the nil. At an empty desk for thinking only. Near some hours on a window thrill. _ An overhead projector hiding a teacher's face. Second teacher at the back of the class. All the characters from star wars in a life boat. And a billion thoughts one ask. _ Like a man living inside a small cabin. Built inside an art gallery stopping to think. Might there be a surreal woman nearby. Sleeping on a bathroom sink. _ I'll seldom bleep of inner wings. And less seldom translate space. I will seldom peek at womens' wise. And less seldom speak of face. _ I would dear a woman carrying no purse. Who's cargo pants maybe are not stoppable. Near man's wrist bending upward indicating stop. In the most manly fashion possible. _ A crazy mixed up tree head character. Unable to tell stories about himself. And if he forgets not to glance at you. Please forgive his stealth. _ There's a man sleeping in the back of a pickup truck. But not visible behind a cnn logo. Because in his dream world water equals money. Where he sleeps like he was cargo. _ I painted a new painting for your hallway. Which would need to be placed near another. A warm and quiet home shaped like a girlfriend. Recolored with crayons by my grandmother. _ Where your caution still looks new. And twenty billion people grew. I'll think of coffee and pour a true. Was I among the ones you knew. _ If I owned a magic company. I would call it eye duct works. And there in lab ten twenty three. Atoms would hold thoughts to perks. _ A woman looking upward. And explaining the green leaf below her eye. It's for when a man loves inner nature. And never moves for wind or why. _ A woman who focuses inward. And hears not how babies cry. And shields herself from the hungry quoting. Near the wishing they could say that's why. _ Shinny shines without us. Just turn thirty, then compare. Then you'll have to, for a couple of months. Be crazy about her hair. _ Inside a driverless van with a small tree. Growing on its roof like an antenna. I was wondering from behind gray walls. If anyone can hear my heaven. _ If I stand on earth and move less gritty. I can almost fear no angers. But I don't believe that please ignore it. I was just admiring sanders. _ Our lives are not our details. Our eyes see not our diaries. I knew you well with zero tell. Because I only drew the ironies. _ A long time ago I climbed a mountain. Then I wrote this poem and sat. But please don't make me speak of more. You're lucky I wrote that. _ Have you ever looked at a dreary day. And suddenly it stayed that way. So I'm taking a survey can you answer please. Which is better a or d's? _ So they have my best art. At the end of me. So they have our best art. At the end of tree. _ Their microscope so cloudy. So filled with who to hate. People know a science. Accurate to one hesitate. _ People going to work pushing inside of bus shelter. In the middle of barren parking lot. Near man and naked woman being pulled. Onto moving bus by fishing line no stop. _ Commands can come from two sources. Only one of which won't seed. Where places measure to indigestions. Or where zero dimensions need. _ Behind a chimney covered front door. In the middle gaze of hollywood. She boils the kettle once again. While it's raining frogs and all is good. _ You only need to have one eye. Which I counted and worth living grew. And just when heaven filled my heart. I realized you have two. _ Spit ball from straw hitting yourself shot from. Yourself seated nearby at mall then smiling. And no female arctic ostriches. By a woman who paints like me dialing. _ Like breaking a twig in four places. Long art titles are no crime. Thinking alone are the five spaces. Joined by art broken fine. _ I'm kind of hoping you'll have tea with me. And tills hold choices in such high esteem. And I'm hoping coffee is a scoreless game. And no fans will jump or cheer our names. _ Have you ever searched the Internet. To find your other word. And pro wrestlers holding large writing pens. In headlocks almost heard. _ If men and women have used each other up. Then let's exchange our fish bone keys. I promise not to flurry much. And I'll stay like autumn leaves. _ I guess good needs a frigid shine. So any mean might show. I walked into a room so bright. So clean no greed could pro. _ To worry is the warmest weapon. If only all men had fear. In corners they could lay and reckon. And at worst defend by leer. _ You know how some people respond to rain. Wanting to control it's sum. By tearing their fingers off in complaint. If two does not equal one. _ Flowers and landscapes are the letters. Surrealism banged are the keys. Now let's type a real message. Art from lucid dreams. _ A pretty woman in a hospital bed. Holding her new born baby. Now she carries the bus to work. And looks towards the maybe. _ When our eyes see a rare moment and forfeit. Just how are such windows shy. Dear NASA please put a teddy bear in orbit. And give it a good view of why. _ As the teeth of an angry person. Goes together and then moves apart. Three eye blinks owned by oceans. Also knew light and dark. _ Here with the irony of giving you flowers. Like the knowing that activists sleep. Are the results of all the known April showers. And the please laugh I'm trying to be deep. _ Her eyes would hold no believe things. And nothings would storm her hands. And the sun would join our sleepings. Among the unrests of man. _ My cat sees continents in the corners. And constellations in the jars. And though I never say good morning. I see near things in the fars. _ I will never go to parties again. Because they have two million rules. Number one is don't eat the peanut. That one always surprises fools. _ Do you know about those handcuffs. Called misinterpretation binds. They are this year's invisible fashion. Are you misunderstanding mine. _ Where elephant stacking reaches the usual limit. The good of any copy looms. Near the fear of what it might be like. If man understood cartoons. _ People holding paintings stolen from people beside them. Showing what they would like to be. On that grid where all good art lives. You can phone the less of me. _ Somewhere out there I know she rests. With eyes as soft as home. A new tube shaped sloth creature. Walking across a developing land alone. _ Let's raise a toast to hope the word. That keeps every wrote afloat. Let's hear hear it's tandem swear. And hope inner dark can vote. _ Sarcasm died today. And reporters knew it most. Don't worry said one boy. You'll get your ghost. _ Are moms made of pictures. Or are pictures made of mom. And when she takes a photo. Where has likeness gone. _ So it's a date then. We'll meet for tea that noon. When science has blocked all consequences. And I can leave my room. _ And a very bright flashlight with four legs. Shining at the moon at night. Answer is less than a midnight glimmer. But nothing can beam that slight. _ We could go to the museum. And see fine arts today! I went alone to endless roam. But found no preach to say. _ She lived behind an engine grill. And I lived behind a hubcap. I asked her out for coffee once. But the world was just too unmapped. _ I'm sorry I don't have a battery. But would no stillness do? Let me wet a finger of universes. And determine which way's new. _ They're sort of like promotions. The price of things or height of air. The funny thing about emotions. We can't get to them from here. _ There's a reason known by no one special. Who I'm sorry but I can't dance for. If you have to ask a mighty question. You're not empty enough for and sore. _ I almost thought about you last night. Could you tell me more about you please? The subconscious sees life with only five pixels. And stands alone near no breeze. _ Now look closer but not too near. Do you see the thoughts in thirds. Do not judge the drivers harshly. But can you see the speed of words. _ The secret to safe anti gravity. Is in the strength of military thread. When aged for twenty five years. You can't hold down such dread. _ I'm sorry I forgot to phone you. I painted myself into a corner. I call it lower half of woman crouching. Holding photo of tiger before her. _ Feel free to speak freely. But know that we love to wait. And those who yell all their lives. We can't figure out what they hate. _ Please don't speak to me in words. Please point at the average with wrong. And there among so many rights. Only the reason might song. _ I found this love note written in the evening sky. By the stem of a daisy on the back of my eye. Those lonely visions and my love of you. I keep them in a place called a minute or two. _ Head only of man in a computer chair. With a ten foot high backing oath. There where a man can never steer. I'm expecting substantial growth. _ I'm kind of saving that for less. My oldest toast for some the fearless. That a slight might slow the laughter. Enough to learn by tearless. _ A universe with so much to learn. But oh I'm crushed by gloom. For all I know are simple things. And you just left the room. _ Well let's see if you count the sun. Then divide by a mist of stars. And put all atoms in a clockwise circle. I'm forty three cookie jars. _ All day I hear planes and buses. And proud cars with no collisions. So once a month I paint for your walls. Some forever mourned decisions. _ A woman's beauty is timeless. It's all about what she wears. My favorite sight when I see her coming. Is the accomplishments behind her ears. _ I would give a kiss to learn. Why their interruptions burn. Is such hurt the reason why. Warm fronts speak cold fronts shy. _ I love you more than flowers. Your softness oh so lean. When I compare you to a heaven. Oh thought you are so clean. _ Let's travel to a distant land. And maybe see a rock. I'll see you there inside my mind. Goodbye old friend called walk. _ Did you know hubcaps are just as round as wheels. It's a mystery that eludes my eye. Oh and would you please be my girlfriend. There's a reason but I don't know why. _ Of all the ways to record a football game. Or keep a diary to stitch what seems. I present to you in these walls. Art from lucid dreams. _ Inspiration is like a syringe. It's important to never talk. In fact I shouldn't be talking now. Oops you saw my thought. _ I dreamed that you took my picture. With a one pixel camera gleam. I became the average of all I've done. I wonder what that means. _ I went down an escalator backwards. Once when I was thirty five. Halfway down I passed a teenager. Who was rising backwards why? _ I know what mistakes are for now. They help art distort the lines. I dreamt I tripped and kissed her. I tripped a thousand times. _ Deep is not a song my friend. Just walk in any rain. Unfold your hand letting letters send. Then give each drop a name. _ Please don't try to make me laugh. They knock you down for that. That reminds me to mow the lawn. And wear my lowest hat. _ Don't you think it would be a comical trend. If all Internet submit buttons said flush. And everyday people cleared their minds. Smiled at the neighbors and threw hush. _ Of all the ways to cause no reactions. Deadpan is my favorite stance. It lets you read what people say. And never hurt their dance. _ Correct time is handed down by favor. And I must choose a source by flavor. My mind is only good as ask why. And who I choose to set my laughs by. _ The best feeling in the world. Is to know that you're caught up. To just place your coffee down. And ask yourself now what. _ That concur is a revelation. And resist but a way of time. To know that we exist. And philosophy hurts mind. _ May I please keep this memory. The one where trees never joke. When I slept outside your one foot cabin. And the chances of tea were remote. _ The nature of earth and a universe. Always knows why men react. It continually unsharpens their metaphors. But I have no allergy to that. _ How many raw outsider artists. Does it take to change a lightbulb. Some to hold the never still. And some to be the height lulled. _ A man and woman with zero expressions. And no place to go. Relationships glued by regression. Stimulation needed throws. _ I never like it when a woman prefers. To have no online info and no way for nerds. If she thinks I'm going to get to know her by talking. Then she's insane because I ain't squawking. _ I steer a pride its width unknown. I hope you can see around me. Oh please get caught inside its spin. And then I won't be lonely. _ I learned a new word today. Well actually I made it up. It's all that fuss between one and zero. When all men know nilsenough. _ And then lots of horses moving slowly. Eye blinks two days long. My thoughts of you are in perfect light. Forty eons still no wrong. _ Today in school we learned about lift. So first we learned about lifting by pulley. Did you know when balanced broomsticks drift. One man's majority becomes another man's bully. _ If we spoke by colors only. Oh what things we'd say. But our world is hurt by thrown glee. So my favorite color is gray. _ Four female brains one painted larger by me. During my visit to an all girl art class. With no home in a forest of glass. If you ever get that lonely ask. _ Would you like to go for coffee. I know where they serve it weak. And cooperations barely know. Where defeats need meat. _ If you see my eyes looking out at you. From the mask shaped hubcap of a car. Give them a small amount of attention. But not enough to scar. _ Who supports who has concerned me late. But I've never seen an atom lie. That's the kind of thing you learn in school. The lesser heard the greater cry. _
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