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Two women large and small.
Staring at a man's new scanner.
If only eyes could see through walls.
And woman could see through manners.

A sheep straddling fence.
Running along near wall.
I'm sorry city I cannot dance.
I only go far as mall.

Famous man dropping famous woman.
On a beach by accident.
I'm sorry if I let you down.
The world is such an adamant.

Someone who dislikes you waking up.
From a sofa as you enter room.
Abrupt shall like no gentle song.
Discomfort has no tune.

Man seated on large front steps thinking.
With pope in rocking chair behind hymn.
There are two worlds that sing a man.
Where he's going and where he's been.

To learn new things for my own use.
And not learning for use by others.
With the straw of knowledge I choose to drink.
Because the straw to breath just smothers.

Wild horses in a fast gallop.
So envied by all slow carts.
Please forgive my latest fear.
High speed remarks.

Lonely woman hugging large door.
That has just broken free of plane.
Or homely woman descending slide.
Somewhere inside of plain.

But reciprocations are just as steep.
For two who sound like rhyme.
Have you ever tried to be so deep.
No thrill found you to climb.

Fire makes fire and cold makes cold.
Who avoids that war filled dance.
Warm makes warm but lasts a moment.
Yes heavens are found by glance.

Creativity and mental illness.
The magnifying glass to the ants.
Let's raise a toast as wide as wellness.
To the elbows then let's chance.

Could you please tell me what is a vote.
Is it cold by nails or warm by coat.
Where exactly can one go try.
The loneliest digit at the end of pi.

Everything with zero emotion.
That is odd to me.
When I say to zero motion.
Noone answers glee.

Where man looks there he goes.
Learned mosquitoes say.
And where he finds incline in dreams.
You'll find him there next day.

Then my five pixel camera.
Answered her question in kind.
Inside must be simple.
Because outside is all time.

Who famously defines a word.
Would be the first to say.
If benefit comes from unsung.
Then let the word have play.

The true magic is diamond thought.
And the hour to rearrange gleam.
Have you ever played join the dots.
With the rightness of a dream.

To change your mind must seem so hard.
To keep it safe from breeze.
And throw a hate away were thus.
The chain that needs no key.

The elephant being shocked.
By electricity from a theater.
Needs a bird supplying saliva.
To wet the years solved later.

When I get to know the nighbors.
Neighbors they will be.
In this new era of nighbors.
Neighbors must like tea.

A flower to lift your spirits up.
As bliss orbits the woes.
And in a universe all that stops.
Pushes all that knows.

I look to the poets at the helms.
Finesse is a gentle stern.
Never pointless they only speak.
When culture needs to turn.

The goal of all fast food.
Is really quite wonderful.
To train every person.
And have one customer.

She stands and holds the friendless.
And eyes horizon's loan.
Frayed with time for stillness.
She is the warmest home.

Where the lilies turn to morrows.
There the week fields lay.
And elevens only stand in morals.
Where the meek deals day.

Someday I'll tell you and you'll be glad.
Why I invented the phone.
It has to do with a song of silence.
When a man's alone.

Two women large and small.
Watching man locked inside a santa suit.
To only want to do what's right.
Women with keys to laughter mute.

Think about your next hiccup.
Focus on it inside your chest.
The next one just won't happen.
My gift for you to test.

To blame no animals and no human sins.
To look upon the gone and cry.
To hold your world as bland begins.
To accept its words and try.

People can orbit people just like stars.
Then I saw you at the mall.
To be around you until we lose count.
When to have no wall.

Where the wish obeys all motions.
Improvements are at the heart of sand.
Lonely cries into the deepest notions.
Where heaven divides man.

And the leaders became public dreamers.
Their dream diaries on public view.
And the people read the thoughts they loaned.
And steered their ship by true.

She would have to be homely.
And know where dust lies stilled.
With eyes as moist as only.
And tea just as fulfilled.

How far do vibrations go.
From wrongs so non or tall.
To stand beside a nebula.
Or was the mood that small.

It's not art if its not deadpan.
The torment heart resoils.
Wherever men understand.
The number pi recoils.

A single playing card in a void.
Illustrating favorite things.
A mind missing fifty one cards.
And the wisdom that game brings.

On the finest paper like can see.
Can I send a letter to a tree.
My life defined on just one card.
To you I send the whiteness marred.

The weakest force is the line of aught.
If three be known two will join by thought.
So that is how I read the news.
Seeing what love a constellation glues.

Does my inner candle.
Cast shadows on my cell.
Or does wind and castle.
Cast shadows on my shell.

That of shall be the hardest might.
To lift the burden of hate.
A rock so hard to heave it so.
To find it oh so light.

A red rose and a genie lamp.
Dropped from a bridge into a river.
Its magic required one more love.
Than my heart could deliver.

Gray silhouettes of man and woman free falling.
In fetal positions seven feet apart.
Excuse me miss are you falling alone.
May I please share this art.

I fear them like the stings of heaven.
Voices are thoughts' syringe.
What is unsaid provides the power.
So read my poems and cringe.

Then when no one sees you.
Shine night through seven days.
Where there's pensive trace a lark.
And you've made poetrays.

Please do entertain that world.
Oh little unknown heart.
Feed the tyrant stimulation.
And then fear not its art.

If I could have a magic wish.
I'd see in five dimensions.
The fifth would show true distances.
From chance hope and ascensions.

My heros dream of helping.
In the constant rain of scorn.
My heros hold public offices.
In the hurtful words of storm.

When I do not smile.
Where is my favorite dice.
Locked in dreams.
Or locked in ice.

The finest reward of art and poetry.
Is not a prize of tilt.
Be rare in a whirl of rigid leaners.
Become the easy to live with stilt.

Buoyancy and solemnness.
Hold them as two weary funs.
One thing can only fold them though.
Raindrops and solariums.

Man is being arrested for concealing.
A doll strapped to his back.
But oh to talk in zeros.
To the ever endless lack.

With a hard bench beside my single bed.
And a dragon quilt keeping both warm.
Hoping no woman would risk it.
Sleeping on the should be lovelorn.

To know by ink and pixels.
To stare at only paint.
Two types of stimulation.
And doors not for the faint.

Riding two exercise bicycles.
On a king size bed.
A man, a woman, no destinations.
No smiles to count or dread.

A fork in the road.
Or a fork in the river.
There is no escape.
From the results giver.

A teddy bear being bull dosed.
Among garbage on a perfect beach.
Let's raise a toast and mourn in silence.
For the pressures caused by speech.

I'm a man who knows what he is.
I've seen it in dream halls.
Have you ever had no voice to tell.
And knew the ears have walls.

With a focus so sharp it knows no needing.
The river of my time here.
Have you ever lifted your heart from reading.
And watched a raindrop tear.

Am I the only one who thinks.
All atoms are solar systems.
Or am I the only one who drives.
In the mind with polar pistons.

Suppose you had a problem.
Now suppose you understood.
Suppose you had five pixels.
And five symbols were that good.

I was standing where men must stand.
Among sunsets for those who stood.
While there I held one grain of sand.
And heard that you've done good.

A professional is a person.
That dreams for others well.
While sleeping think so slowly.
For solutions they can sell.

Symbols are my favorite ease.
The newspaper is filled with them.
Read the news instant free.
And you don't cause the world to end.

Fourteen seamstresses.
Making a perfect girlfriend's dress.
And not knowing which to love.
Her world or emptiness.

Steering a life must be done so slow.
But brains are fast not doll.
So with eyes low and to the left.
May I watch a beetle crawl.

Near the blame as close as kindness.
There are two types of stations.
To stand and wait so long it's timeless.
Tightly holding reciprocations.

If you want you can follow me.
I know the way this time.
Because I'm following the you in thee.
I'm never lost for rhyme.

I know something I'm positive.
What we think upward is causative.
As if mountains see a traveler's size.
The way each grain of sand needs prides.

Harmless entertainment has saved all worlds.
Peace for just a dime and the forehead furls.
And for those without it that have no new.
Harmful entertainment will have to do.

Let no insult fly by day.
First dreams have not yet test foray.
Lens fields of wheat that touch by leans.
Fear no zeros only means.

We live on a perfect plain.
It's one inch behind a lens.
Where no one ever needs to shout.
To hear what silence sends.

I know of dust that loves good people.
And settles where it can.
Ten trillion thoughts are sharp as equals.
On wind that forgives plan.

When you get home please phone me.
So I know you made it safe.
And remember to the lonely.
The whole world looks like haste.

To fear the invisible barriers.
Like road lines allowing fast.
Safe between pain and merriers.
I'm lost if the howling asks.

I think up to look at stars.
And think down to look at seeds.
Would you mind if I think of you.
Horizons are the weakest needs.

Near the edges pierced unnamed.
With the strangest tacks of meeks.
Favorite art we hang unframed.
On a plane that does not preach.

Two and three story houses.
Built in a slanted fashion.
Where perfect angles live.
Every nail is passion.

When I listen to a song.
I hear it through to end.
That is why I promise you.
I will always be your friend.

I would ask you to go for coffee.
But freedom holds me back.
Somewhere in the perfect heavens.
Have you seen a cure for that.

Would you like to see my art.
I own a five pixel camera.
Five symbols is all it takes.
And lonely folds the drama.

All these paintings face the walls.
May you live in happy sees.
Like is the hardest easy swing.
You flip them with believes.

All knowing brains cannot unexist.
They just want to teach someone a lesson.
Every blame helps hoard no zeros.
And wisdom is a lean in session.

As never say good morning man.
I fight for all terms unsung.
Ideas so small they have no voice.
Yet every man points at one.

My art needs no actual space.
As if hearts need no December.
That day I learned how cold is haste.
The true gallery is called remember.

Into each art or song composed.
There is a depth the bravest goes.
When your shovel hits unknown.
You have found its room alone.

Ask a world by endless chose.
What it arts and what it throws.
And on its hunch it carries those.
Secret votes the ladder knows.

At the center of everyone's hurricane.
Is a story so slow we would weep.
But no one has ever been there.
For fear of the storms we greet.

Notice how all songs are long.
And notice how friends are free.
Notice how all men are flawed.
But please don't notice me.

In my favorite dream of endless rooms.
No thirds are heard for miles.
Where the subconscious is in control.
We use no words or styles.

Where the difference pays a man.
His balance scale of goal.
A cruel trick that newest price.
Each piece is worth the whole.

So you're a small tiger walking.
Into a high traffic tiger intersection.
With only perseverance and clearance.
Timing is your best protection.

And as a derivative of homely life.
Though such little pains.
Through the roof of simple nice.
Oh such little rains.

But there's a reason for things in twos.
And thinking is its song.
Have you ever told yourself a lie.
But rhythm stopped its wrong.

And I shall have a crystal mind.
But liquid until then.
So when you ask me for the time.
I shall not defend when.

The wardens boot next to your invention.
Of a 40 magnets flipping board game.
A universe within these walls.
Please sir don't disturb the ward same.

There are beautiful faces in the trees.
But only at the edge of the forest.
Of all the ways to hear the leaves.
The hush of the shy is the surest.

The power to change the tv channel.
Is far more powerful than that.
How like cold metal among magnets.
To dream ah but choose the act.

Like a bird in love with a cell phone.
My eyes must show false glee.
At the stare where men must be unknown.
I leave quatrains for thee.

A row of country cottages.
But with front walls only.
I stand at the window.
And try to look homely.

To rescue morning like a day.
Measure the attitudes of the sun.
With buoyancy and solemnness.
Behold an evening done.

  home = www.epicdewfall.ca  

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