2557 Quatrains Set 400
(in order of creation, newest first)
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Where the cleverness never goes. That's where reason never grows. Where men of warmth must go to class. Breath steams up the window glass. _ No doctor said here's the problem. There's too much attention in your wrist. That stuff grows like tension mention. Or wars like mouse hand dissed. _ If you don't mind I'll have it black. Since coffee comes from havin. Lifting a sugar cube takes a trillion years. If you count the seasons of atoms. _ Living like the bird unfound. How unsword is the small profound. Forgive a universe that meanly hides. All the needs of a world in prides. _ Old man with walker seated in street. Talking to woman as children play. I want to drag race with those elite. The most unfast someday. _ Female Arctic ostriches. By a woman who paints like me. In that ice there is only nice. Our world of motionless tea. _ I always flip through channels up. Fearing the down like nights. Only problem now I fear. Is the karma at such heights. _ Wonderful flying feet. Unfortunately body hangs. Knowledge is an empty street. That owes its seethe to gangs. _ Looking at life through a gyroscope. Balanced on your finger. Divinity in a pause for hope. The same way glances linger. _ If I gave you moon dust. Would you throw it in the trash. Or forgive a man for soon must. If he was quiet enough to ask. _ I want to live the slowest song. The one where notes last years. And when the harshness too is gone. Oh how soft are nears. _ Thank god mountains all have peaks. So climbers can end their dangers. I fear the climb that never meeks. So thanks for the end of angers. _ Of all the ways to tangle night. And bend the evenings by what is right. The nameless of all clever wins. Is to find that every way goes in. _ And when she looks at the raining frogs. And wonders why life is sad. Through endless darkened hallway windows. She sees my reflection glad. _ I see women two floors down. And stairs are scary things. To rise so high no insect flies. But oh how memory stings. _ Please break up with me on a rainy day. And meet me under a tree. So when it hurts and I can not breath. You'll hear the rain not me. _ To steer a hurricane aim your thoughts. Then aim your eyes right there. Change direction of your slowest knots. Then bravely resume floor stare. _ You see that empty chair right there. That's the man I was. Please don't laugh too loud or soft. The man I was might love. _ To dislike all animation. To stare at a logic prize. To wonder with eyes so stationed. What makes a vase advise. _ Over there by that rain runoff. I live about a hindrance mile. Sun rays warming the last known frost. Make me wonder by smile. _ I know about swamp law. But I'd rather live without it. And find a speck of dust so innocent. Then dishonestly claim to doubt it. _ Even though once or twice a year. A drawer may fall away. When opened just a bit too far. A friendship also may. _ Someday I'll understand frequency. And which is better slow or fast. But I suspect they are both the same. With extremes that touch at last. _ I overheard a wrong today. I was just lying in bed and thinking. My pillow whispered no room for more. Then I saw the silence winking. _ Forgive me for my slowness. But we are a private song. I'm proudest of the highest notes. And the sadness we prolonged. _ Within a chain reaction. Clouds and smoke despair. Like corridors need funny. Karma and finances where. _ Female students at an all girls school. Stepping over unconscious boys in the hallways. I'll speak for all unwanted men and say. We shall love you always. _ I know a poem that has just one universe. It's called eventually you'll stand and go. When table flowers wilt just as gently. That's what it is to know. _ A contest winning drawing by a child. Titled hallway to a nightclub for the bored. I look for you there in the lonely hours. Until drawn where the reason is stored. _ End of boat dock protrusion with fixed bear. Over protrusion with fixed fish. And I shall make a living there. Where the rule is not to wish. _ A Rhinoceros with horn cut off. Admiring a future bed of flowers. That's the way I look at you. When I see you sleep for hours. _ You know all these times we talk. And we get those phone cord tangles. When we figure out how they get there. My words will be free of angles. _ The most evil I have ever seen. Does not need my tongue. And the most beauty I have ever seen. Does not need my lung. _ With a compass informed by a sturdy map. What's a Canadian the captain asked. Someone who says the truth three times. One of the sailors laughed. _ How is it possible. You make me feel this way. You've thrown no rivers. You have lift no day. _ Are we different. Or are we the same. Our minds are golden. But our thoughts are jade. _ A toast then to the history of mystery. Where to listen instead would be prudent. When toasting champagnes or campaigns. A joust is always won by the student. _ But I was old. And by glimmers named. We only say good morning. On thought rivers tamed. _ I don't understand. Can't a moment be bland. Why must entertainment. Always ruin refrainment. _ If there is only just things. What happens with importance. Would you like a cup of coffee. A universe loves orbits. _ Man against his pen. Locked in combat till the end. If you ever read these words. Know I won by sunrise birds. _ I feed my pupils lies these days. They've learned not to look at dances. To survive with eyes that do not roam. We hide from your pollen glances. _ You cannot see it. But there's a flickering flame. There's no monopoly on centers. In the shadows game. _ Do you hear that sound in the distance. I fear it every night. Where I'm most alone three feet from you. That distance must be right. _ Let us admire raindrops. And not dance while sunsets score. Then let us know within our sin. And forgive the saboteur. _ I do not like to see men gamble. They play by an unspoken rule. Until the most dangerous person wins. Always beats a fool. _ As never as level as even. Word balance scales weigh mights. So heavy each morning to evening. My mind carries another two slights. _ To speak I need to mold a vision. Let us raise a toast and laugh. But know a thought divides a wisdom. Let us mourn its other half. _ I wish they were all called peace keepers. All police and military force. As I bend grandfather's pipe cleaners. And learn his world of course. _ To be so still we never get that illness. Will a core shaped wrong un-please. There is no pill to cure the thrill-less. Of the teach someone a lesson disease. _ A man's thoughts are like a mountain. While on it he can just paint leaves. But when he dreams he stands far from it. And can paint what someone sees. _ The sun hits my pillow to end cold and announce. But your name is too long for its shine to pronounce. It will see you sitting just the right way everyday. But names become longer with each thing that we say. _ A person ponders well that's odd. And sets the dials to zeros. A person yells that's the level. And sets the dials to heros. _ I want to grow up and be unimportant. Unimportant like the sea. And lift no danger higher than quotient. Divide by lift my tea. _ Everything we do with life. Is our message from the grave. Standing upright from eternity. That's a pen that's brave. _ Over there next to the reasons. Are only you and I. The way the vine loves seasons. Improvements are my why. _ That lean you call your best coffee stance. Your poems are a third of that romance. Like standing near my open windows. I don't advertise those kind of symbols. _ My favorite moments of my success. The only times I really know. When I clean my computer screens. That's when I'm a pro. _ We shall never see a man. Have self knowledge without a fan. For any men who lived in barrels. No approval was the worst of perils. _ Nil to near our exit gate. I rush to a further climb. Turning toward thought itself. No seashore sand that fine. _ Even animals can play that game. It only takes a team. Did you ever wear a summer night. And call a friend by dream. _ A darkness we won't test by leaving. A tome where no distance is breached. We live in a thing called a brain cell. Knowing there are things to be teached. _ I saw an amazing thing today. A choice was right or wrong. Inner judgment was weak as may. So atoms were quite strong. _ Do you ever feel a breeze at night. And think you were kissed by plan. That moment needs magnetic north. I guess that's where I am. _ I think of you when a bulb burns out. And the darkness is was free. And when it's quiet in a power failure. Feel loss and think of me. _ And with an unsilver wing span. Do you see me not flying too. Echoing not far as a fun can. Do you hear me not calling you. _ The things we do in time's climb. They are the crystals we form. So yes I'll have a coffee please. With just enough heaven's warm. _ There's a result smaller than clout. As small as even just one word. Why doesn't doubt give it a shout. Finesse is the reason I've heard. _ Jaded flustered and cynical. Hot tempered and fustrated. I would hell my pinnacle. To not be that disabled. _ My love of you is a painful truth. And these are it's worst occasions. For I could only give you everything. But I can never give you persuasions. _ There is a distance few have known. Rivers and streams don't find. Have you ever kept your eyes unshown. That thirty degrees of pine. _ When the crime is loneliness. Do you hear in cubic lots. The innocent mind has none. Just half completed thoughts. _ Have you ever had to think so hard. Your brow forever wrinkles. If I ever meet my woman of mind. We'll know without words we're equals. _ Well I'm sort of aiming at evening. If the breeze lets me stay. I keep trying to look outside but miss. Then see inside my way. _ Flying our helicopters upside down. Dysfunctional like binary zeros. Flying our helicopters right side up. Dull with a mist of heros. _ An old mining tunnel is like life. Unresistible with the urge to enter. Danger as the season's offer. Same as the mean we lent her. _ This is my favorite night club. It's called The Waste of Space. It's built on top of stilts you know. Do you think it has too much grace. _ The Internet is a very long snake. Inside I lie down and dance. When the mind dips down one notch. I move one inch then chance. _ Why do what the eyeball caught. To impede the not that hinders. Much by men so tired fought. So grows the thought that lingers. _ And if there was only nothingness. A oneness where whom is still. If there had to be a somethingness. My dime would make a hill. _ The cars go by from left to right. But on our retina the other way. And in our eyes are days untold. Where we both undrink cafe. _ To choose is this a heaven. To lose is this a hate. Wish like grow is everywhere. Pressure finds escape. _ Expectations steer my morning. Alliances hear my shout. Sitting on the front edge of bed. Two worlds joined by doubt. _ Do you know why simple lied. About why complex was rude. It is the only betrayal of fine. To fail to hide the crude. _ The heldest tight of perfect vision. Is the sight of people shy. So many words to describe unwisdom. The often hurt will buy. _ There will always be two paths in woods. With Kingdom and Boredom signs. Boredom being that meanest enemy. That path that causes rhymes. _ To rise above ground level. Be given a voice and breeze. To stand just once and revel. That's all I ask of needs. _ Two newspaper stories side by side. The combination makes them three. The way a personality comes from. The bumps that make a key. _ Tell me in rhyme so I know it is truth. Which unstoppable force can move hell. If it shines in your eye or causes first cry. Heed way it's the need for approval. _ There on the lake of world end. I dreamed we were in a boat. And you became my girlfriend. It only took one vote. _ Does the mind know better. The clearest water it taints. Fill a mind with friends forever. There is no shortage of saints. _ Window open and the wind knows how. Could you teach me what should men do. Lonely like the autumn leaf. Is your friendly home like you. _ To see the apple fall for thee. By your will or was it breeze. I saw you here and sorrow fell. Like the rarest seed succeeds. _ Hers was a quietness more than rain. That a party of noises could not name. You know that darkness where simple should. I seen her once where the willow stood. _ The greatest secret weapon you'll never see. The non issue how often it has saved we. Owned and operated by the gentle few. The non issue something I speak to you. _ It's like the way you see the rust. And know the meaning is there. Inspiration is the hush of dust. No matter what's there it cares. _ The art of an artist is their real bio. If it's simple then so was their strife. They would pick discovers sure as pick their colors. And mix choices sure as they would mix life. _ Like I would kiss you to wake you up. I love how your listening counts. Waiting for years to dine with your nears. So quatrains I can recite unannounced. _ How can a fan carry such rope. The sight of it even tons fear. Extremity and judicial. Two ends that meet in tear. _ Then to find a wishful world. And the heavens make you seek. Turning the channel fifty times. Whenever you search for meek. _
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