2557 Quatrains Set 300
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Horizons where we look. A chin bowed down to knee. The shadows on a gentle brook. To be mistook for trees. _ And she upon the lane way. Would walk to sights unknown. So trees would cast their shadows. So as not to be alone. _ Now he sits home and clings to wrong gravity things. And occasionally out he will go. To see right gravity people in right gravity places. And to touch right gravity things. _ Test all watch a sunset. If none presenteth thee. Hearts but willed with unrest. Could point to one and see. _ There was a dimpled glass between us. Such as I had never seen. Colors shouted independence. Did animate with seams. _ What sentry stops no clock. What mill what road not made. Has the tracks of mud become. The sunrise tear brigade. _ Shore lines talk in whispers. And leaves speak soft as breeze. I will shout as loud as grasshoppers. To communicate less with thee. _ For in it's way a voice is not. Just as thought is yet so lonely. A word that rises to be heard. Was wise as once known only. _ Oh small and lonely little mouse. With the shark fin all do fear. Please not hide your yearning heart. In the shadows cast by tear. _ Hear the moment swell. A voice speaks oh to yell. If upon the floor by noon. The dust of thought has fell. _ Quiet with the days oh friends. Let us count the deeds. A dandelion to roar for you. A buttercup to pour for me. _ As the master chose a brush. And the paint did chose a time. Can we choose a person anywhere. Who did not help choose one line. _ What a world of circumstances. Could sparklize our fate. Here's a pi for our desert. I hope I'm not too late. _ Home oh how I love that word. I shall stray from it not one mile. Sunsets maybe wonderful anywhere. But at home they are not on trial. _ I behold a fragment of load stone. It too is molded of hardest why. That know that heeds no return to. Loneliness when parents die. _ I lean my head towards the dread. Far thrown as the care filled eye. Holding the posture of hours instead. There where the friend is nigh. _ And all the clocks that time forgot. And the hourglasses too. And start them all at once. To time my love for you. _ On the front yard lawns. I saw a horrible fight today. Infinity surrounded eons. Good thing I looked away. _ When a man sits down to think next movement. His eye turns inward and he plans improvement. And when the wind makes the sound of could. He gives the campfire and his heart more would. _ To harm as less a season. The best dressed days were why. The crime of rest for reason. Chance to equal I passed by. _ A world that moves so fast outside. Tires a seek inside so slow. The anyway my idea escapes. My inner eye must go. _ I saw a shadow try to hide you today. But you moved so the shadow retracted. Every force of life in its own weird way. Has tried to be that much attractive. _ The mind is made of fractals. Tips and dreams are fractured hope. For time to change direction. Rhyme must know it's broke. _ The ones who want less stimulation. They are so hard to find. They stow our years with no elation. Then carry it with time. _ She norms by golden counteract. The less of her would seem. With beaut force and diamond thought. The woman for me must dream. _ You know those riddles of worlds. That only pillows have heard. I chime like the wind where important begins. And hide where unspokens converge. _ Close to home I stayed and cleaned. By balanced or dangled broom sticks. A personality I kept so teamed. My buoyancy solemnness mix. _ She would have to be lonely. On her street that dead ends. To find me before morning. On her crosswalk of friends. _ Let me raise a toast to artists. Dreams and atoms are just lots of dots. With the only way to be or see things. They connect the dots with thoughts. _ Would you like a cup of coffee. I know this place that's on no maps. Where the rivers are so lonely. They hide in the water taps. _ I would break the strongest ropes. That could hold where never clings. But I have the weakest of all hopes. And my curtains have two strings. _ To be most proud of an empty quiver. And not wield a frozen whip. To stand in the way of an endless shiver. And not need a spoken quip. _ Of all the things they curse by trial. We will never fully understand the smile. Like the bubbles in our champagne. Let us raise our heads again. _ Rest oh wind that carries sin. And fear what the heart calls merrier. The 4 am pen must have no friend. Or the treason of a window's barrier. _ Clever all who speak outstanding. By expressions so many bring. Never once understanding. We're all saying the same thing. _ Resonation by word or song. Far between tuning forks brave. Only frequency makes the jump. No matter which hand is wave. _ Thy so ripe passed middle age. Why shy eyes might disclose. And I by hopes tie my wither cage. Escape nigh hat tip knows. _ Turn the lights off when you leave. The night time makes me sure. Fearing all atoms are solar systems. And electricity was war. _ I don't think we can stop a man's. Wanting a sarcophagus formed by plans. With extra large compartments just for hands. No I believe all men crams. _ Comfort what a narrow zone. Only three degrees or lost. A world where only good is grown. You the sun and frost. _ I'm only drawing colors from pictures. Like the interesting much of yellow. So can I please love you, like a stammer. And live forever within more hello. _ In the glimmer I behold the truth. That the shimmer beholds the see. In the forever in the unsold boat. That's where your hope holds me. _ Like the lightning bolt the river bends. Were we cursed the turn arrives. A million mistakes a million corrections. The no sugar mistake disguise. _ Join me for coffee in the best frontier. Where no place has greater depths. Testing our souls to points of tear. Siting on our front steps. _ Poetry as the frog that cannot jump. Art as the frog that tried. There is a distance no words can trump. That anchor of the heard inside. _ As restless as the thermostat. That learns to fear the glance. My soul forever chasing balance. Keep pride or someday dance. _ Her eyes don't need to see me. So I must have blocked her view. As if the sun had asked for tea please. And behind me poured a true. _ I'm thinking life started from a lightning strike. And humanity is a very slow burn. Forgive me I'm seeing how lovely you look. I'm sure it's just a million year yearn. _ If I ever run in heaven. I will walk and ask one know. How come slow is actually fast. And fast is actually slow. _ Age beseechingly sunshine stole. When trees in hoods wore gold. Then only seeing woods again. With mind shine now I'm old. _ When we're awake we think at our tips. Where our lightning bolt chooses explore. But when we're asleep we think at our root. To direction our lightning bolt's core. _ Tune them oft as piano strings. Or wings as oft as pruning. Thoughts precious as sun lit dust. A sight so meant for moon beams. _ Dream evil caused by temperature. And niceness caused by cool. And all night long dream thermostats. Were endless wars of rule. _ What makes a clock an hour know. Moments forgotten or chime. Concert remembered by one blend. Friend that was once mine. _ Where to shine the stance next week. Do not look or see. Style goes where newness leaks. The same for cost was we. _ Without pressure only desire. Is there such an iron forged. Refined by never known admire. Steel bars my mind calls yours. _ Five feet in any direction. Your mysteries await. To hold a riddle in your hand. The bottomless kind you hate. _ A force so wishless were it found. Even kindness could knock it down. Weakest is the know within. Of all I do not comprehend. _ Please forgive me when I reach for change. I know I should move faster than stop or pause. But the distance needs faith and the years need arrange. When you're moving at speeds of operas. _ To see who through a dimpled glass. And know pi sums of lean. My life fills up a painting masked. Five symbols shy tons unseen. _ I think of you when shadows slant. Because that's where beauty cries. Difference wanting to touch but can't. But at least the angle tries. _ Heart with proper direction finder. To find a way up every minute. Finding that positive so small. To steer by such goodness in it. _ Words that build are told for height. Rare among none we say. As easy as living a few stacked right. To measure a man's decay. _ See what's there an awesome guest. Intend my forehead furls. As if shy fills my try with dots. And shine with join drew worlds. _ No deal nor should has yet impede. What is swirled by the power of wants. As rhymely small as the heard indeed. Is the unstoppable returned response. _ Least I not hate nor love too much. If their meanings find me lost. When as an evening showed me how. A sunset told me soft. _ To always love simplicity. And believe it must exist. To finally make a painting thus. And arm its small with bliss. _ Let us talk all day of arts. And as so tea must steam. While lesser known the finer starts. Our hearts we fill like cream. _ The world nears all her cusps untold. And steers by her rudder rot. Rhyming nothing quite so old. As the tiny private thought. _ The meadow dreams of shadows. And a young bird dreams of air. Where I am warmed by dreams of you. Spring snow holds my stare. _ This with bravery and secrecy wrote. And delivered in urgent times. Dear friend please read then burn this note. My memory has outlawed rhymes. _ The murmur in the darkest sum. That is the way of finding thee. The mirror of the blocked by none. That is the curse of rarity. _ Only tiniest joys and tiniest sorrows. Can fit unto the warm of hearth. And wandering neither far nor wrong. Finds fuel if the mind is warmth. _ When you walk near a puddle at night. And you see it contains the stars. Then you pretend you comprehend. That is what atoms are. _ If and when a song is cost. A recital hears a note wean. Know it was a gentle loss. If when and soft a tone gleams. _ It fills like living every place you know. That place so tall it hides. Where chance can't move the things of mission. Yet everything motionless tries. _ Oh the way my voice sights cloud. The obvious is a mist of wealth. How hidden be joy from saying out loud. Ideas only new to myself. _ Confusion generators run on mixture. With opposition and support mixed well. Power your world with one choice of shifter. Then kick start with one bliss and tell. _ Weigh the heavens more than thrice. And define your world by errors. But bend the wisdom only twice. Then comfort pain by layers. _ There the wind has never seasons. And the sun is gold from proud. Tears grow from guarded reasons. Where feel torns are allowed. _ People are the boldest landscapes. And where I fear to run. If I wake from ocean sand shapes. I must have met someone. _ Can a simple thing be who. As simple as the at. As tiny as an inconclusion. Yet two worlds fit through that. _ I would give a kiss to know. Why our centers turns so slow. I would live a wish to throw. Why the gentler am we stow. _ I saw a meadow where the samed were wheat. Where each stem wept the claim for tall. Neared were the minds that never conceit. And compare was the real force of all. _ Here is a token of that greatest gift. It's worth a million homes. Familiarity the most precious sift. And where we keep our knowns. _ As ordered as the chestnut tree. Stored at bay by squirrel in sockets. A world kept just the way it should. As coins within my pockets. _ There is a friend you'll never see. That works long into the night. There's an angle you need endlessly. And there's two ends to a kite. _ The rounds of home shall always bring. Wishper's not knowing was that a ring. Like an evening's tinge divides. Not knowing of hinged teen alibis. _ Iteration is a magic word. It makes us happy or sad. Dividing us once again each morning. Making us good or bad. _ Impedance was a test I see. That stood between success and me. Things I finally found in shun. Turning them less than anyone. _ And hide the humor best as can. That it never did shine well. Bet all mindings on the dimming hand. The never of the candle's yell. _ The eddies of the stream are slight. The bravest leaves have known. Choice at the master's keel of life. The smallest turns they've owned. _ If all atoms were just solar systems. Where would I choose to live. I would travel farther than clever knows. To be in her tear of give. _ The explanation that dies by words. Like the shimmer that dies by sun. As gentle as the river tells you. Please forgive my words of none. _ Here is a photograph of us last year. Well actually it's a poem. But we're frozen just as hard I guess. In that stuff we won't call known. _ As only as that spot of floor. You see after remembering yourself. After they've gone to bed for sure. And the world once again hoards wealth. _ You know how you can't keep your arm out straight. That's what an honor is. You know how wind learns that our tree limbs date. That's what the song bird says. _ Hear oh world my highest screamed. Bear it loud like mind. Yet no longer than echoes seemed. So wishes known are timed. _ Though big pictures fight alone like wind chimes. Storm never has seen one lose. Their strife so simple like boarding inclines. Warm tethers but it must choose. _ Thinking is the best fed curse. Speak makes the separate wean. To never know the less said worst. What was part of us till seen. _
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