2557 Quatrains Set 2600
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How do you feel about flirting. Can it be transfered in diamonds crates. No, And that's why I always build my storms. With Heimlich Maneuvers that were too late. _ Someone has a crash doll. Silent like that sorrow. Like you, like life. Where are you tomorrow? _ Also, I don't feel that way. Hey, how's it going? Leanne? What's your last name? It's whatever he is currently celebrating. _ Hungry hippo, are you going to charge it? I'm not showing that. Hey sweety, buying wood? I'm making. A reservation called holding forehead good. _ You know since then? Be careful you don't damage it. You are a second arrow. Yes, my steamroller does nothing flat. _ I'd like that now. But there's no point. To dipping my staff into the rent. Good morning Clarice. I mean oh yes, I would love a zero lease. _ And a thin coffee table gives him a chance. Where maybe he never lefts. He would need all the gadgets in a world. To find out, what was his gift. _ Who is the moose for? Distance. I'll draw a map. For example, here you can see the cars. The fog is clean, and that's a city. Yes, I would love all the cats in your pitty. _ If you need something that can freeze, try top-self. They are great strategists. Like Bologna, half cut. When they are off to the races, you'll need a Nintendo. But show them nothing. Well, maybe a Window. _ I see pictures I didn't. Somehow they come to mind. Two-bit stains about being grubby confined. It's depressing to try and Feed it, by Finding a tasty hill. Teeth rattling. Hands-shaking. I'll take Anxiety for the pill. _ Name-calling turns In humanities tangled pipes Where deadpan visions would never Hurt insights. (name calculator) _ Not all particles are living. Not all bridges have helping hands. I trusted you to take care of my lakes. Every pizza box understands. _ I am in love with the rests' of songs. Meaning just ok, but magnificent. I can't conduct zero, when it wants somes. Her semiquaver speaks clear of junctions. _ Thank you for wishing me goodnight. And no leaves left on the ground. At midnight when they switch off noses. Don't love them near dreams inbound. _ The dishes you have, are the dishes you get. To be ok on the inside is ok. Find your mind, chase your mind. Watching basketball is watching my shine. _ Excuse me. I'm not writing any speech or play. But does this battery last nine months? Because I've been broken. I threw my early-charm out with my tray. _ On a magnet almost far away, the seconds per seconds. Are measured, precisely the same. Is this how you pay me, Brad, short eight thousand? The 20% gravity in my lemon tea, self-repairs enough for me. _ Now I check my hat. Find that science. A brief kitchen before that ire. In the lighter portions, if you've seen them. In caves within cumulus clouds, I hire. _ Upon the edge, two grasses. Blackened, so put the hatch back up. Some of my old stuff, one dime per wish. Not canary to anyone. _ He should disqualify you. He could amplify the world He wants to be a teacher. He wants to be sunshine. _ Ok, let me ask you this. What's her name? When "there's rain on any car, she smiles." Making "all near-machines so silent." _ If you're scared. Doughnuts can be good-as that. He sits up straight whenever deer-like him. Scared of far much more than shoulder-rite. _ I told you that happens up on deck. Water is always near lost enthusiasm. There always is that other grass. The one about all the things she understands. _ Lights in every appointment. The softness of every sand, its length. How two, can glue a snow sculpture. With the warmth of almost scent. _ That's amazing. How comical breath can be. Its song was almost once like me. With ultimate biases, whatever wind believes. _ Unroll any paper. That kissed the rivers and brooks for me. I hear the words, the ocean seas. But I prefer to give them all my opportunities. _ Are you sure you were there? Where was I? I just sat there. Is this my stomach? Oh god, no. You were no more. Then the Yankees, were ever snow. _ I think I'm turning resident. Definitely not. Here, rub this rabbit ten times Love bubbles are small in a soldier's mind. _ No, I won't kick your mask off. Mankind! You two are "not" assisting him. But you are both the same size. Would you carry him at least a hundred yards? _ Milly said hospitals are great. "They find something. Then you take it." And Jimmy sent you an e-mail. Oh, that's nice. "Her next man is on the phone. _ Faster than a seagull out of its shell. Nurse? Blue-ravens if you please! Such pain. What are those buttons? Is that the equation of net? _ It feels terrible like nine-volts? Take it back. Yes, good eye! I've been 15 all this time. I guess it's been rising. But so have Cars. Remember use only the cars that can start. _ Missasaga is a magnifcent voucher? Could you try singing it, please? If you want, to be a tourist attraction, -make a garden. With thoughts of all such noises. _ Do you feel clever? Do you see a basket? No, I don't. What is happening? It seems you may not know what they really are. Dull? Wrong! Rake the money down the stairs. _ So its wisdom wasn't worth a pale tie? Don't you know about a functioning human? "Sunrises" have lots to say. And Linda sewed them "Earth is made of dirt the very same way," she said. _ Consider the bachelor hiding down there. The Irish told him, "Before it hits the ground, you've lost it." So I'll danger into it then?. I'll bite the solar systems under my fingernails: then ask her. _ We have evacuated. Updates are trying harder. No longer single frames, she knew a bright lesson. Beta would be attractive. I have a "drops-a-lot." I'm in your tripod. Angling down and being silent. _ Can anyone explain it to me? The rain always apologizes on the 12th of the month. You know it's expected. Hold me for an hour. Everybody has snowflakes. But pictures have no answers. _ The cleanest blouse wipes the mountain on you. I don't mind the visitors that the women have brought. It all depends on the mood. I say famous, maybe. Shouldn't all the members know? Once on, stop. _ Alright then, it's two hundred and fifty million. At the end is a screen that TVs are afraid of. And hero five. Well, that brings up a question. Do good dreams live in buildings? _ I get hundreds of, what's going on -we'll get some sleep. Then we can entertain, styles rolling in Agusta. Suitable when we're sleeping -Oh my gosh! And that's the danger. I nearly ran over that one. _ A dolphin or friend. No, that's not love. When we were young, it was ninety cents. I understand it makes all northern apples The same way -it sweeps the floors. _ If I had a life every time, I said that. Almost right each time. My hands are silly. I guess, -so worries can never hurt them. I suppose they were meant to be toes. _ I can see it now -too many socks. Too radical in the folds. Their job is to get the timing right. To say goodnight, -more profoundly than they listen. _ A man running errands, -straightening his best Rebecca As he understands it, -moments grow on trees. This place, -it looks like a vacant dream. How do I wonder it? Does each lose-thread hide a clown? _ No one is stopping you. Let 'Er rip. But I want this photo to be the in-between. I'm pretty excited. But never ready. How do I get the brightness back down? _ Tell me if there is something wrong. How does "ONE" work? By caging or recover? Birds say it, then walk around like a promise. But with no promise to each other. _ Finally, here it comes around. Oddly only in elderly years. Ripe with gravity to leave me queasy. Cruel gravity will never land on easy. _ Emily, why are your eyes so antistatic? Can you explain why you need a doubter? You have hands, and I don't want to die. Is that an apple-Forest? That's a router. _ I heard you were cleaning thing up. This is too good. This highway is hot. Where are you at? Let me read your pistons. Government laws have no restrictions. _ I would be grateful if we cut that out. But as people we knew we had to test. To see if we could keep smiling. With household appliances on our chests. _ Frozen commands. Don't know the things we crave. So how can we start. Naturally loving days. _ I already tried, root audience. And overriding the picture with food for thought. Then one hundred, and twenty volts. Is all you should need to move the aught. _ My mother's doll. Underneath some rubble. With its story shadows within. Still flickering like nested soap bubbles. _ The five damages inside yourself. Stain you where you makeup your mind. Where cold fronts merge with yes-fronts. Only inner art, can measure weather's Space Time. _ What's the difference between a meaner friend? The electrodes were a no-brainer. There was a famous study. Pigs got phones; farmers blocked them. _ Young man carrying. An expensive surfboard. Walking wobbly into. A dangerous alley at dusk. _
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