2557 Quatrains Set 2200
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I made fifteen bucks this month. Last week for you and-me "both". Like an ear, the drums were wet. What ever happened to "antidotes". _ Remember to "dive" in with your head. I'm just-staying five minutes for breakfast. Enjoying it as if cereal gains knew all. Small origins have ears noteworthy tall. _ Unfortunately it's a "guessing" game. We have no choice but to go back there. I heard if we "pretend" we were two maniacs. People would sell our fear. _ Yes that is me. He hears you too. He just wants coffee with "no" get out. It's just ilke "magic". If we turn "old radios" on. We melt. _ You-are a saint arin't you. Only Onassified you're broke. While neighbours hold their sentient hearings. Let breeze-announce your vote. _ Right now we must go this way. Yes, yes, yes you're right. Tongue ,tongue, a young "man connects". He'll be harmed if this isn't french-mission-night. _ Hey Gonzo, can you hear me. Stay here and trench these out. The rocks here are pretty-below your boots. And not fit to throw-away until "the all" is mot. _ Let's grab a cup of tea then. Let's listen "to those" soulful dries. Let's listen "to notes" that never should shout. They're playing our signatures. Pease "don't rub one out". _ I saw you were very talented. But I didn't teach you anything meek. And then I "threw" out my only phone. Called and raised. "seven thousand to your speak". _ But first I have to say my son is wasted. He's saying "four six - four six" half conscious. He must have some payments he forgot to tension. Take all that down and those gas-mask mentions. _ What-bought a new house? With shutup's wavering. Come on in. It has rooms for all of us wow. I don't really have to believe in it though. My desk is still my wife for now. _ Listing recently, I'm sad he owns the boundaries. Draw up his plans for my tea. Frozen pure exits now on screen. What could I "wear" still design free. _ Have you got a second. I'm nervous. Should I live under a shed or under a tree. Should I stay-away from all friends. Or paint the oceans in them I see. _ In the "gallery" with the cold counter. Beijing "makes fun of me". As "evening" I guess "that" dust must mumble. So glad their "brakes"can still reprieve. _ They sing of death, all helicopters. For man has touched his knows. Before such love like Grand-Parents. To play with "untill he mows". _ I'm casting again. For "lines" my heart bestows. The same way fashion baits exception. At "teardrop button" throws. _ Cleaning up after ourselves. Just wait I have to mop the "scores". Well yes I do have a puppet ear. Which reminds me to lock the doors. _ Are you "seeing" a hundred dollars. Breaker Breaker where are you at. I'm suing all the happiness. I didn't do it "and I think" that's that. _ One Karen and lots of bumble bees. And the knowing you're there for me. Do you see how I'm "being a minute". Hands in my pockets "facing trees". _ Chemtrails in a handful. No-way there's highways in an eye. Where in the world is that giant airport. Where I'm allowed to shy. _ Robbers "are the internet". X-rays "are just their gum". Sharing micro-berries by the soulful. Where seven seconds has become just one. _ Remember when your father said. There's lots of tide in-their-world. There's "neatness yes" but "no" prizes. And you can "speak to tide" but for no cures. _ That's John. He's throwing it. But why sir only two? Unless you mean the ropes sir? No! I'm only mean to glue. Think of "things" in memory. Time was not "like" that. It was "like" a watch for instances, that only asked for slack. _ Phony times when your dog was-three. Trying to run until-free. Paintings are comfort's only guarding-plea. And quatrains are comfort's only-bee. _ Famous man. Being interviewed uncomfortably on set. Video wall behind him. Showing frogs leaping west. _ Heroes and I. We are nine o'clock in dreams. Only on buses. Fully understanding seams. Seeing what thinking smooths. With a lot of aint. The internal landscape. We passengers create. _ I own this one. All barnacles before a foe. I said never. Very sadly so. With each "dash" banishing "words" from poems. Time to date. Chargers up. No loans. _ We must've. But i didn't inform them. Left leg? What is that? Is that anything like a state. Actually you are doing something. But I won't. We have less than seconds to gate. _ To-learn to speak, don't ask any questions. Like how Friday "has" a special message tone. Where castles have a place for rusted-bicycles. She stops feeling well by phone. _ I've never seen any guests I'm afraid. They would only make one thousand here. Like one bead on a tap, elegance can't work. There's one hundred thousand tons in tear. _ Scientists can't be held. Until the 7th. Records are records! (of careers to chapter three). I feel warm in this house. On scale just above RVs. I'll give you a hint. Elaine Benes keys are keys. _ She wears "out a garbage chute". And has the "loneliest long hair". And crosses "frames far enough". To gather my "dreams of there". _ Like a man with no arms stretching back. Well seated at his station. With five displays and two computers. And creations. _ A massive ship leave as half you can. Open your crackers and hope. Don't look down at the length of her legs. Mars will only have one quote. _ You're trying to untie a not? Listen "carefully" in this house. You're not attractive, that's ok. Mirrors point-north not south. _ I need a belief bubble right now. It's all re-pus owning fail. Go ahead. Hold up a deck. You are my favorite nail. _ Where his dark San Andreas fault passes. Through dark-palace floor of shale. Every ugly masked jester. Starts to look like a Nail. _ Losing individually is natures way. You are still "holding five records" young. But how is this going to stretch a ship? Try searching for "shoe stores", until you've "found one". _ It's too high to make a fallout shelter. Look at that last sentence know. It's not like the outside world either. History "leaves" tracks in the snow. _ The pretty Doris option. Somewhere in her home. Her eyes with safety measures. Breaking pyramids down alone. _ Import myself. Does that mean it has to be won. Over there is that-harbor named victory none. Carry me right. Answer the bumps in the road. Take me away from here. To privacy-coved. _ Direct deposit. See what the moon is teaching. Then "see-here" is my hook. He wishes to know in seconds bestow. Is it a gold-thing to establish "is this a woman or brook"? _ We are "breathing" mountains here. Like a "place" strapped to a stove. Cheyenne is "such" rehearsal. In tenderly you "wouldn't" have me code. _ Whilst a river on the run. There's body paint and sea. No Robot! You be nice. So also-south. You're me. _ I don't "know" if we know enough to know. More on trees than trees. The first time you want to do it. Spider gives to thee "what's" thee. _ I'm going to ask you a few questions. You had a basket when you came? I bet with what-ever it is you were doing? Where-ever it is you're from. Name-science and code-Weavers correct? Umbrage and your name son. _ You're not giving away your food. You've looked at it. Now keep three-inches away. Nothing I've found gives me bad breath. There's not-enough things that stay. _ Benny did-you eat the stairs. Where is that beetle in thee. It's called a waR-Mat. It's "terrible" tingles in me. _ He is Saga. He'll be right back but how. There's one thing missing beside his dog. Give me that lifetime chance right now. He's above me. His tusks, and silence vow. _ Like I suggested, it makes you comfortable. By the time you're finished, "I'll" rig more most. Then I'll listen to the very "first" vinyl-record. And turn-on the sane, to make my toast. _ Could a ring put a house in your house. I know. I'm sorry. I'm a silly nut. It depends on what traffic your Tesla is on. I go swimming to "Tic" brain-health up. _ I am the Voltage of Leaf Miller. So off course just-like sand. With even a map to Lady Worth. Somehow comedy closed my hand. _ You have to spell her name with an "x". She'll soon be speaking with that company's bear. Pay no attention to the sound of that contractor. You'll hear no currencies there. _ Gravitational forces do not leave my garden. A carpet over here does-not say. Yes upside-down barrels upon white sticks. Dad warns me by listening that way. _ Long time no see. We're not "you" in heaven. Hey! Sounds work just as good! Oh my god "You-are ears". You're not putting "that" on, are you? Forget-your upbringing. Time to sit on "chairs of chairs". _ I want to be Here. Oh my god it's "Roadside Research". So what does that mean? "They're asking stuff". Am I going home with "No-Tree-Fell" tee shirts? _ Baseball stories tell us what you-retired. If-you speak of the physical then you're fired. Just recruit a "director" not like himself. We crave information not a render-server's stealth. _ If something breaks and there's a question. Get the artist and we'll-have a look at his toe. As he shuts-his trap and the Ford swings. Should we look? I "don't think" so. _ Bacon south you're trying to bug me. I need your north pole too. Forge all non hinges in no fire. For reasons you don't have a clue. _ Weird what good. You'll have ten minutes-here. Let me talk to him. There are reminders every-where. _ You'd like a man "using" complete sentences? Well I guess that's why-you work for pay. Frame me! Frame me! I love you! Gift wrap it then? Yes words are so-hard to say. _ With three houses to clean. And not-be totally insensitive: terrific pills. In this first house: there are no flies. And cat-food upsets: double toes not eyes. _ And how eccentric. As sane as that rabbit runs. At peace I see where she went wrong "playing toaster". Bet on black this time dear fun. _ In that-sense government is merciless. Across the boards with waves that high. Glue me to a second dance. And surf me to that dry. _ Is that disrespectful. I can't play any melody on her-ankle. Respectfully dear Miss Thompson. I must decline but I am thankful. _ From the heart it explodes. Whistle and all tone. Try not to make an inner scene. Measure honesty ride back home. _ Look at you at "live poetry". And a guess that "sand is sand". To be a very-hungry supper head. Frozen to that land. _ There's no digging glacier though. The latter never needs your watering. French theory has cursed the mold of me. That's mature pottering. _ He came over-here instead. Across smooth oceans like no bird. Just a puddle to a Jedi. To Alison with one word. _ His eyes with "brights" on forgotten. His hands trained in the art of texting. Graceful at "stepping" on "how about you". Thrown "from" the days of nesting. _ That's an "inner-net" called "Annette". With apple trees like their own shadow's core. Seems in here I never complain. Price "leaving" pronouns poor. _ Just sit quietly for flights to-the right. Where strangers and their grace are young. To be what we write of our saddest slights. A Hotel Chelsea England won. _ Where I was trained to catch all laughs of fireflies. And sword what they shouldn't tell me. It's definite they are "Las Vegas fast". One summertime is worth "how much he'll ask". _ Each one has her-name "printed on it". I'm hoping safely both odd and "evening". Walking through her-beaded curtain. Betting it all "on Forstall" for leaving. _ A man only needs a few good years. Dorothy and her Renoir mind. How else would we predict a world. Inspiration please be my girl. _ I'm currently out of "dark fireflies" Ma'am. Renoir bought them all last year. But do come in and we'll talk. That's Anxiety. He has tears. _ Some spare thoughts like "when we dream". Do chest hairs fall "anymore" than autumn's cost? Do hopes for bargaining use "elastic" speeds? Can a bet on anybody "land" on spring-back needs? _ With even some science. She was made in that sense. Vapor trails just ninety cents. Hi yourself. Repair your past-tense. _ Two tenants discussing door to 5th floor's railless baloney. Resulting in fearful one hanging by string. Sleep long hours and rest before peace. Our war against auto-correct begins. _ That's not the chair, but he "was" working. The real "proudest" event. I don't know if I can track that line. Just go. Someone is here with the auto-correct's intent. _ Can any one yell? Who can remind me what a turn was for. I stayed home and forgot. Too weak I guess. Manager please hold the door. _ Do you need these or sex? Two examples you're not experiencing. To bring crop circles to life. Mistakes are made: you're a nurse dear wife. _ That's nice he wants to paint an elephant. Or anything in a storm. What breaks a guitar, has found him. Without thinking an atom warned. _ Like a shirt in a can. Or Emily in a fold. More-comfortable in the wind. Heavenly New Year's in a toad. _ Tongue in cheek dragons know. To answer yes or no. Buttons can Squrve the rights of lines. To display when old. _ I started it. Secret beetle agent beside my bed. She could've had-it for "math". Or even a "kiss". Within building codes. Always looking for-ideas. I've got lightning-chance of silver fish. _ Here in that Northern-Northern. What are they doing to me, so fast. I can see all their carbon-dioxide. My boss is human: rain puddles last. _ I realized I will never fathom you. I'm the exposed one in this room. Like two lanterns in the nineteen seventies. A no-difference rhyme consumes. _ Open the jaw? Sure. Resting in a new way. Nature doesn't cold, any whole years. Plot is working. Please sign for it ears. _ Like two months or any of them. The trees are like the sea. And that is how I'm kind to them. Flag that never thinks of me. _ Anybody have a favourite cloud storage? The way magnets disappear. Let's not upset the sun. Or throw the teacher. I was asking-since. I contain the "70's tear". _ Waking up every morning. To an hourglass-loud's silent price. That's all anybody can do. Is record the dice. _ In some ways not competing. Mankind's outer emperor slithers. Rachel breaks-ups under so many thumbs. Hourglass "sand" instructions. Going towards what sums. _ I'm glad you came for tea and spreading. Yes gossiping improves my health. Oh probably we should start with that. With of course the first-time being the trap. _ I was going to go outside. I just need an artist to paint it all. I'm pretty unlucky right now can someone? Stand up "unless" their "rights" are small. _ And all throughout thoughts I guessed so. Tired is-that sound most likely. That there must be enough traffic somewhere. That knows your character slightly. _ Absolutely it will be like heaven. We've got this! What was that? Don't worry It was just an ocean mist. Like oil platforms. They are massive. But you knew that right? Let me peek at how Hibernia is doing. Invest in me tonight. _ Sorry if I'm in your way Miss. Please save me from the Thorned Bouquets of hubris. I have nothing to say but I see it. The Convinced Parlours of word convenience. _ He sure is handsome, your Moose. That's it's Job, screams the chair. Tobacco, hand me that thing. Bite your head off Oatmeal Air. _ Oh chocolate will fix that. You just have to imagine it. But turn it down a bit. I did and it reversed my "colleagues list". _
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