2557 Quatrains Set 2100
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A ship's laundry and Michael Jackson. Are always arriving just like thanks. An inaccurate forever sometimes you walk on. Blanking out some-memories of river banks. _ Roller coasters from here to everywhere. With springtimes attached. I do not argue counsel at every corner. That's how normal man keeps his hat. _ The time it takes to ride the bull. The time to hear the song. The time it takes to write a letter. Makes times around the sun seem long. _ What's your Lady process? I shutter up heaven in disguise. Leaving some arts to the barnacle sides. But grace itself, I wetsuit to the eyes. _ For derby hats turned to fad. For sidewalks best in show. For traffic trusting modified fish. All mystery shapes are gold. _ My knees in Ontario. Found land. Made of clay. Got-lucky. But-are what-oceans. Might want to shape their way. _ Discussion only goes so far. You've got no sunshine. And I'm Oak. "Someone" is still in there. So stay with me. Exteriors change. Wise won't. _ He didn't want to say "anything". No one talks "to a bus". What's "in it" for us. Experience "rhyming" passion rust. _ I wish I could have interfaced. Like dog to the western star. But on top of that was everybody. Showing that they're into par. _ It steals? You never told me. Just like that "u.f.o. movie" again. Here "over the mountain" rings. But we don't have any icing kings. _ If that was me. And time was like champagne. I'd pull the "one tun" rocks out thirsty. The way "windshield wipers" learn a "gain". _ Awesome imaginary-neighbor. Flash flooding eyebrow-nonsense. Somewhere-investing. Where my hopes might help up conscience. _ Three times and standing. Waiting for car very often missed. Wiser brothers and sisters. Hearing my spelling lisp. _ Couch trapped being fancy. Meant to be a tuba. Deciphered wrong like liken. Called to jury duty. _ They took out their phone "devices". And flew "all" answers towards "decide". If traffic is traffic is traffic, why wish? I watched "Indiana Jones" and cried. _ The Ice Cream Disaster Mayor. Connecting an old radio to plug. You Can Always Try And Be Taxi With Me. By Arting' the Bug. _ The "next" one is. But how are they going to be "prudent". Sometimes it's like having my own "driveway". And I'm not smart enough to "move it". _ They're talking about it. A single event. Everybody's got something. Oh forgiveness. Every year. Let's not pretend. Look straight at it. It wasn't a Train. For Instance. _ A beautiful woman at the gym. Hovering and spinning. No. Not really. But like a pipe in a storm. Now I feel like kissing everything. _ Which is very important? What's underneath the breath? Or how can I make you stay? With or without a kind of Broken say. _ Who was that just singing. Ten times and she was gone. Doctor I have a fever. One lifetime and "I am song". _ As blank as dating websites. Is my deep science of 4am refrigerator tries. Instead of listening to us "the sky". Cross-beams say this one is fridge-shy. _ Very "nice" to you. Me? I'm where the "hint land" ends. Oh-stop you're drunk, and dangerous. So I'll say goodnight dear friend. _ Champagne happening. To be in a Yin Yang state. With everything as much. As an afternoon too late. _ One pillow. You just stood there "thinking" in the start. I think it's trying to explain our-patience. The "fundamentals" brooms hide in the dark. _ There's a man. Shaking his fist at sparrows. How can he take? Care of planes near errors. _ There's an "against" of rice. How they "make" it calm. I wish I had a sore throat like some before us. In medical terms no song. _ Duck thinking next to cat. I don't have my horse and strong. But I could still meet her. If there's something wrong. _ I'm going to leave you standing up. But I can't remember my thumbs. So I'll try remembering my fingers. As the "I've got money again" alarm-hums. _ For the millionth time an obstruction. A tragedy "kind-less" like a mirth. Part of the game. Like a great-great title's worth. _ Every dream in virtual reality. Does what ever it melts. Which is "fine" in it's very own way. Wait a minute. Would that be himself. _ That's where the squares are on the sun. That want to pull me in. Don't do it. Say the outer orbits. Flap your-percentages and spin. _ I tried to scare you. But you're the beautiful one here. Mirror mirror? How do people do it? Protesting radiance. And trying to park sincere. _ A police officer. Pointing to a flower styles away. His heart strengthened. By his portrait so softly made. _ And then I hear it. Do it right. Busy-Outside, The Sergeant of the Stage. The Life you Spend, you Spend. Milly isn't here that way. _ My mind keeps ringing. My inner ears. Expecting pressures. As if weather shares. The claws of nature. Are a little bit dark in here. Rhyming helps. Shouts a louder fear. _ Even the duck lives allot. Is Time just starting with the same result? Hopefully she will start painting again. I'm going to thank her blue-consult. _ What I saw, in bamboo. The funniness in a star. That an evening inside out. Is what the visions are. _ I don't think I'd like some extra burden. We're not talking babies here. Just-watch-this. Where couples together hang their cupboards. A journey is just enough of-wish. _ But today has-told me allot today. Eagles fly like ducks. My stove range worships the best schematic. And bets "aboves" on me for luck. _ Where into the night. What some understood, others understood. I saw myself standing. With famous feelings from meanderings. _ In Georgia as good a place as any. Faculty A vs faculty B. I learned about taking care of it. Doughnut-and-a-Tea. _ What about this problem. It's me who rests my head. As they often say, I count my sceneries. I'm zeroed with love instead. _ Boat massage. Why can't you forget your flows and ebb's. And let things fall. Stacked like things un-said. _ Listen to this idea? That weapons laugh. They crawl all the way up you. And eat you half. In Florida research is fine. Try asking a practice~target, "can you spare a dime". _ That music is by Taneyev. Where I only hear note~b. Asking a mother. Would one-branch-make her a tree. _ She gets so small she wishes she wasn't there. So she moves off to the shy. "Some men are always so hungry, but check him out". "He's how I feel inside". _ The saddest song I never heard. The entire earth must play. That of artworks failing their hooks. No man should fear that way. _ I don't think so. Again my eyes were closed. If nature breaks down, I'll enjoy the cloves. I'll have a world to choose from. Yum Yum Yum. But eventually I should wish-her, (for equilibrium). _ When we set sail; "at the Land we laughed". Trust me I just want to thank you Mast. You hate me "and that hurts me"; friend. When over-rover slows you down I hen. _ A man so worried. His "square bailing can" might offend. So he writes poetry. Until he's round again. _ This one had a dream. Some made it to the top. Twenty percent-chance of Incredibly bad news. Plasticine please stop. _ When Shelly grabs a joke. There's not much left to tell. Talk about any thing "but" ears. "I've been-awake" might sell. _ I don't remember the year. The surface or elevating. It's a bit like snoring. And runs through a body dating. _ Garbage is insanity. Though it does have graceful lines. If I ever learn to speak good day sir. Great-Grand-Dad will drink his wine. _ He's so delighted; this one is. With rocket more like train. Liquid flowing within given directions. Words causing all his "plain". _ I've given you a question! Why are you bringing it here. Because the mountain fell for it. As solid as step-up-gear. _ Good suggestion. Yes that does feel better. Repeat these words if you feel the need. Within-slippery-sidewalks there is so much good. Spelled with letters seldom-understood. _ Fractal Island. Is that your best alone. It barely froze my tent. Nicer more it-was to cows. Wondering where Margret went. _ Take me home away from here. Be with me fractal stones. My kindness is always sleeping. Her omni cat bemoans. _ "Bursting" get out of here! I can see her "Henry" legs. It helps reduce the thefts she says. Her names for chosen eggs. _ I like sleep but Tory's banging. Next time at four o'clock. With sadness like it's raining scientists. Whom bemoans one drop. _ It takes a gentle-hand "to guess her real appearance". On the roof on rainy days. Charlotte from down in three eighteen. Words-start bending "hey". _ But hands and knees are fair enough. Lock in place the magnetic poles of Earth. Chestnuts and Willows please, try to make me stay. And sugar make a challenge please, that Willy can sleep away. _ Cold hands, if you've watched the 70's. You have to dig it out from stealth. Why can't she say "this to me". That she is angry at nostalgia health. _ The answer is a wish for Mom. May she have a clock like muck. With Lego-love for Lego-Hands. And Lego-Shoes that stick too much. _ At fifty knots per hour, where do you park around here? He's attracted to women. But when they start unpacking this guy. They find he's got all these names stuck in-em. _ Hey what are you doing to me. Aren't these a higher mixer. I can't hear you please spook louder. Dark Ghost of financial investor. _ Where is your coffee. The better song you're in. How about this guy. We'll have to brew nicely. Remind-me it's you he sings. _ In the middle of nowhere a small green plant said. On a one inch white stem here's what I read. I think I thought of thought while thinking. And magically then I thought of thinking. _ Hiding in bushes at poetry reading. Until someone arrives portage. Running to be first one seated. That's not dangerous that's corsage. _ You bought Tree-Angels for that. Knowing they're not acting. Then you returned their favours. With equal "inner" not reacting. _ I can only suggest you use real visions. On shores where the oars are sought. Stored in each trickle, an ocean roars brittle. That joy at one's "first sight of thought". _ A Jackrabbit with one big-thumb front leg. On a map rare speed. It's thumb hurting from such deep surgeries. Called what a woman seas. _ Do you know, that I spoke to Dan today? He woke a scientist. "How can there be the abled"? I bested him. How can cobble taste the stable? _ The last tent. And now it lets the rain through. I baked her some bread filled with what she can't do. Everyone wants to know what sounds so great. If she never paints her words I'll wait. _ A female standing in a massive tent. With massive gears for her sans intent. A male visitor to her massive Telescope. Her hands offering him a Cantaloupe. _ Ok come on guys. Especially if you use charm. The great thing about her mother? You say your magic. Old test. Right yarn. _ Like when they build "skateboard-tunnels". Where skaters and "bicycle-commuters" could power sway. Television please have "mercy oscillations". For kites and wedding bands out of day. _ Any Nun drive a pick up? I have to move a stare. My think fast was never what I'm saying. It's permanently in repair. _ Are the Himalayas well versed. To anyone who climbs. Summits cannot stop bubble gum. Peaks "cannot" grocer time. _ Believe in your studies up here. Miss Peaks is always right. All dressed up in I don't know. Because of me a fight. _ If these are good. Why are they saddled. The Arts are an average. Of a medium's frazzle. _ Arrivals by an engine's evermore. The Frost-Goals, within two meek's. His paintings-divide each cup of tea. Her paintings-divide strong weeks. _ It was a very nice lunch thank you. Under every tree a signal. A stand up comedy you cannot breed. Because society defends its Tinkle. _ You'll actually then have one-thought. For every one of her users. You'll actually need to buy a flower. Named "chance today of movers". _ I have taken care of you to Mexico. We can eat our hot-crossed-buns. I'm sorry (very sorry). I'm blind too. In fact my stir fry just spelled it loves you-true. _ Please just let me finish my song. Then I'll Rembrandt-where I left my hat. Early next year I saw aeroplanes fly. I just found a mistake for that. _ His name is achy. Let's give him "vitamins and see". The whole beauty-of-oxygen is. He vultures you off key. _ Let's pretend that you have a leg. A nice "bit of lonely" and a day. Two or three particles to rub together. And close to you some way. _ Let's pretend you have a cigarette. You moved it. And "so it stayed". In order to "pillow" it needs Beethoven. Relieving loss with pay. _ You're lucky that they have no data. Just all seasons within each dawn. Do you think they'll notice us? The first time, school teaches something wrong. _ New exotic dancer wearing a make shift cardboard. Box of gifts from her admirers (hung from her shoulder's lore). She's giving a thick envelope to her Coat Check boyfriend. "Ad-Infinitum" four. _ A bird sanctuary veterinarian talking to a foul. A shy disturbance making one duck flee. Scolding his wife who made the tiny noise. "Ad-Infinitum" three. _ Secret agent, "undercover as a woman's boyfriend". Explaining his mission, "details to her like crew". As she listens while sitting up in bed. "Ad-Infinitum" two. _ A new mother overwhelmed. Smashing smart baby crib gadget still un-spun. After too many belittling instruction from a man. "Ad-Infinitum" one. _ A man with a spatula, "shocked to see cast-iron-chunk". Break free from his frying pan, "paid for by euros won". Scolding with all "the best tricks he has learned". "Ad-Infinitum" none. _ We find them posted. But with ears "not home" eye paste. Driving into. Two months must be great. _ We'll work over, to what they're working for. Art cards being moved for a maximum-stun. Did I mention that planes fly allot? Turn it on then. Till experts say it's oxygen. _ And then I wondered, somewhere near my wander. If everything, chooses between a or b. And if one-life, is just ten trillion buy ins. To find results which are better for thee. _
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