2557 Quatrains Set 2000
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I would have gone in "Dutch myself". But the raccoon-always "starts at dusk". So in our minds lets say we dreamt of dining. Without his garbage rubbing "Against" us. _ I didn't think I was driving-along. We're all sick Ben but it's a ride. I'll make you a promise. Duct-Tape the hate "and you'll have an eagle". With talent you cannot empty. I've tried. _ Piping me from my canteen. I'm not sure why he's doing this. I'm better at sailing and I'm funny. Double rabbit holes? He-wish! _ And he's not even "stem cell sleeping". But I have seen why he's fearing chance. Sorry to bother your, "in despair". It kind of does look like structured un-romance. _ But you're not testing the wrong guy. How there's a "bedbug" that bites. What's that red mark on your back? It can see all around him. I'll have to go with that. _ Tomorrow's lesson when you were a child. Why do you think you have a child's pace. When "the air moves in" I sense the miles. And remember we were Honda-Raced. _ I cannot "right hand" white house gestures. But I can "yard-gnome" for several weeks. To understand such a snowstorm. I can watch an acre's heat. _ Like the cure I'm not upset. "Everything" here is possible. So it takes a thousand dollars to build a bridge. And that's all of us. Beating the Meetings into a hospital. _ Change her room number please. It's "Two in Bed Everyday". I was trying to deliver her the latest news. "What's in the Heads of the Truly Rich". Not my thoughts in their way. _ I like him. He's got a two such mind. Moxy though. All his "freedoms". I'm a bad girl. I Listen to him all the time. _ Everything has strength but why? Even things not yet established. So garlic. Have you got the message? Yes he's really average. _ Now let's switch him out. I know what you're going to say. Go down to headquarters. The approach was bad. His "need water" ran-away. _ My voice "is my spade" and I "think this is what". You called passions from a grave "re-lating". I also-think this is just plan B. That something might be "calcu-lateing". _ There it is, with magic shape. This must be called their final. I have a feeling one can always-awake. With hands molding math's denial. _ A rash wouldn't change "anything" though. Especially songs not understood. Beyond that I wash my face on rising. And magically they're not that good. _ Of course "you can't have dinner with yourself". I haven't seen what a heaven said. Can I have "The brief access exactly aware'd". And adjustments with all the "lonely numbers paired". _ Fire the Mason Jars. Tickle fancy's. Tenth grade cinema screens engage. English jam tarts. Morning card sharks. By the angles Men! "Out behave"! _ Cut off your rifles men. We only need the butt's. Private Ryan "but what about evening tea"? I think I almost "understand" soldier. But how could "sunset" evening me? _ Still in diapers, sees a trend. Its-about transportation all within. Woman forced to transcribe her own "Psychiatric-visits". Says to reporters "it was like Hell's un-end". _ Realizing moments "stand like sandbox sand". And no one is immune from having labeled hands. And then it only takes "the most melting song". To be slow-enough to mean "all atoms get along". _ Yes our father's heart is wealth. And although we travel slow. We travel no further than poems can go. Our Jimmy-the-Face would know. _ Have you ever had a cake Reggie. They put sugar on your side. Is that the basis for being one. News film to Vulcan pride. _ And he'll have a seventh. I guess there's no science-fiction hot. Did you ask for the hero's dear. No I just thanked "the you know what". _ I'm just stirring in some bills to pay. And auditions, "for You'll get Apple-Scoop". You have chosen wisely dear. Casting Call Distance "To the Caribbean-Soup". _ That they have to "sleep with cars". And ride tracks down to their ends. Lindsay "I saw your vision". Sleep holds your yada friends. _ But I see no "bounds in a car". Mac? Mr. Mackie. "number Ten". Your prince in a bottle sir. Try not to "dent her" again. _ In "Holly-Brook" did I mention. Soap tends to leave oil soft. We should probably collect the keys or something. Both lights and darks will wash. _ There's an argument. We must be pretty close to Tear. In order to tease them with one season. Let's throw "the art in gear". _ Magnetic earth. Be kind to me. Magnetic heavens. Leave time to be. _ Schweitzer. Would if she were sand. Enough. Lightning in her man. _ Ballerina. Would you take his hand. Locust. Can I have "you understand". _ Yes I have a moat "others call a ditch". Drainage some would call a brook. On a quiet night "I named upheaval". Others would name it look. _ Only one face "please this time". Stop "that" is not your safe. Your's is the wind "that the window screens". Horizons can never take. _ Answer anyway. Miss Best is barefoot in your cloves. Needless to say "needless wins". Rhymes!!! "hide yourselves from prose". _ Age twenty bought eyes. Enough to "asterisk name". Age fifty bought shy's. Enough to rust "window panes". _ Please tell me "what's in your head?" Marching towards the falls. I only know there's a "billion bright". Unchosen "poetic halls". _ Capable of smiling with stubble gone. Touched all stars but was it worth it. Arm strong but nothing to say. Come see for yourself the storms fit. _ Where is it sandy in the ocean. In right hand to behold. Hey Guy's! Don't be so tough. Stay inside gets inside I'm told. _ Who knows where the good ones are. With accolades dressed in thorns. Explain the reason for re-use of boxing. No passion when someone's born. _ That is just my way Howard. I can finish the toys from lore. It really is something big I can't let you study. Two honey mints might war. _ I'm sorry we need more city timing. Think months and months of that. Happy go strange what is she wearing. Listen and mention hat. _ With shadows from the pages between us. I'm sorry about your ear. I'll page myself often from the dance. And just think about you there. _ I will almost "the almost start". And trolley the almost wind. My station is, whatever you've bought. Much hope for when you grin. _ I used to love this stuff. I mean "when oxygen is friendle-ing". To hear it make the sound of thistles. Babies in our jostle-ing. _ In the comfort zone this afternoon. It always returns myself. And sac's my freedom. Sending it to someone else. _ Because there is a scholar. As mission'd as the Queen's. A prisoner. To whom I "writhe" the seams. _ Plastic chips in goldman sacs. Only hearts can hell. Petty standings have heard the wishing. Down with inner tells. _ Extra extra read "All about it Fears". Sound will not yield a matching star. Lint can vary news by up to 3 years. A man is trying to grow moonbeams in a jar. _ The Satisfaction of Replacing. A Bedroom doorknob perfectly. A painting for Plato who hated. Painters and poets worthlessly. _ Make it about "a train in mid air". With a feedback loop. Its merely self worth swooping backwards. Making solid self worth mute. _ This man is genius. About things I want to know. Like Cemetery fishing. Big destinies. Dark Mittens. My corner. My kitchen. flies within my bowl. _ Or some times a dog carrier. Like so many things attached to horses. So many arguments. And so much talking. I want to thank all kitchen forces. _ And a vast machine, that the penny hogs. Sleeping while I'm awake. Is it a dance machine? Or a passion machine? No one will see me wait. _ Waiting, listening and freezing. For Gotcha Gotcha. Mouse. Tonight the air is telling stories. It's paradigm devout. _ Dogs have it home so long. Tired in the gym as if that's the function of meat. But I'm too old for exercise. How I miss remembered heat. _ Take a day like Tuesday for instance. Strange how the clouds roll in. Beach Restrictions bumping my nose. Till Friday knights' her friend. _ Yes "beyond" the "clock" is the giant door. That I came back to see. Elliptographs "in all directions". Where do "they" sell such greed. _ Gentlemen awaken. We "absolute" of name. As-sane as hardly any left. Salute "dog bowls" hold all same. _ Dilute belief there are scientists here. I think Recklessness is here again. Nine or One, also make good pets. Just the rain old-fun. _ There are "signs" that "all" are equal sir. Rover, Rover, Run. I have the coordinates memorized sir. Do we dare "define" what's fun. _ Large man leaving movie theatre. Pulling up his pleats. Saying "there's that poor guy from that channel". As he sees you choosing a seat. _ It was just a test. But was never removed. I'm glad it was just the two of us. Let's stay away from that stuff called guess what. As you can see it burns by wind gust. _ As "pro man" feeds on his last dime. And turns the key over to the next astute. As "unemployable man" then looks around. His new diet finds another. Endless truth. _ Oh gosh what's "a voice to say". "In his heart", is Mem Orray. Stunned as if Montana was. Her egg shell white each day. _ In his phonebook. A doctor-generic loose letter saves. Keep em coming hears allot. Impossible is just harm's way. _ Shut up and bring the Sargent in. To shut me up until she's mellow. It's some kind of damp sugar. Outside, you become that fellow. _ This will be, like last time right. No one needs to carry this around. Imagine knowing how to hush. The extremes below a cloud. _ In town there is a stranger life. Barbie's diamond-wealth. It's like a tank. Here's shampoo. Where water came from drank. _ That's a "hair" dresser's missiles. They blinded two-thousand sterns. Collecting noone has two dollars. When they hear she never perms. _ You won't get away at the end. Money has those talons. And you've got this job to do. When you seek, a sense of balance. _ Do you want to go home. Runway "Past" has springs for capture. Now with ginger "be nice to me". A "migraine" region asked her. _ It's time to stop asking same. Nurse? Is this a mall. It has never come up before. Dividends are so small. _ You've got hair at the end of your lease. At nine thirty I'll tell you why. Everybody experiences prisoners. You're about to get lighter nigh. _ You're into body building? Christen the State! She's gone. It's a highway. It's a party. Now where is that demon wrong. _ Wheeling someone. Someone more soul than seeds. I'm filming not directing. Can George anyone Gus her "please". _ And try to get the power struggling. Yes years "after" being alone. I've "nuanced" the "paint" to help. There's no question art is sewn. _ An ounce of wine went somewhere "main door". I seen it at Lack-on-Sure. Do not disturb my cabinet though. A Bluetooth padlock schedules more. _ Entry now on a stage. You know the most of all. But never let the autumn win. Reach anywhere near your Fall. _ Her "second" on stage code. I don't understand. Always break a heart's direction. Like "dunes" would try for sand. _ Zero decibels please. And the poet's inner voice is paid. Noise canceling headphones on. Now it can hear the days. _ And "in the air". Positions every one. You "shouldn't" be standing please. It's going to talk to your mother's hum. _ Who has got this bad boy. And trying to figure me out. If you could ask an afternoon. Does milk or coffee doubt. _ This is wonderful. What is his name? We want to be like that. There are hotels we've misunderstood. Own it maturity's hat. _ First river boats and heaven moats. Then escalate "onion pain". But remember you cannot game "no game". The "maturity score" can't be gamed. _ Where does "the nowhere" hide the vast. Hair growing back slow not fast. Where does a calendar's eons hide. Angers the bed linens would never try. _ If ufo's had only one human. To ask, "what was humanity". Because electricity never decided. I would "say" we were justice-tree. _ There is a man. Calling himself "no traffic controller". He is counting your name. With a black and-orange shoulder. _ Why don't you repair that. How would you want to make it dream. No it doesn't work like that. Are we talking about resin machines. _ Isn't it against your money though? Who will we watch today and why. Are we actually in a graveyard? Let's lean on something sky. _ And if they've covered up her picture. Then let's download every hill. Let's then pledge allegiance once. Shouting "Anything for a Daffodil". _ We're just trying to do our stuff. We agreed with that so painfully. Who do we work for everyday? I thought we agreed "occasionally". _ Yes her husband served her for a lifetime. Then his release came-up. Twelve "Turkeys" at all once! Just what are we talking about. _ I've waited for many inner-ears. Do you "think well" of that sound. Should I let the bees hear-this. That anyone can clown. _ Look out. He's on you. Yeah my dad was such a warrior. "Like how wolves" begin at north. So much "riding on each courier". _ Like Vancouver within a mitten. East-Morse code with a spine. And February upon a book. I put-down named Heart of Mine. _ It's love is "actual". Did you understand "Today". Yes numbers cost a pretty penny. Should-she choose an un-bent page. _ But there's only rest, and lazy swarmed me. And because Autumn looks divine. I think I'll go into "her-word for slumber". And ask her for a sign. _ Minds are already quantum computers. Not good news for parliaments. Who knew every two math equal equations. Would defend random generation of arguments. _ There you go. Take a few steps back. Why waste such-a toxic lore. Of course young man. We have seen all-men unsure. _ There's something in it's bathroom. First-words from out it's mouth. Yes we sponsored him. And offered mountains to his Health. _
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