2557 Quatrains Set 1900
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Mountain have sex you know. How Colorado finds each morning. But you'll want something else I guess. The clouds below are forming. _ Well you should go to Infrastructure. In stock in just five minutes. How far? Well don't give up. The rockiest smell is infinite. _ That table you just set. With numbers "from" this summer. I really want to do this. What ringing-ear discovers. _ There are several apples you can play. Like how great a person is. May I suggest the shyest one. Kathy on the lightest twig. _ A new bath. Twenty minutes a day. Why wouldn't he. Red wines and garlic say. _ You can't phone his apologies. Excuse me, your shoulder is arcing-sparks. Oh. I was trying to get to the boats. Or sharks. _ In this area right-here. I think they use a guidance system from above. Her coveralls and her yard stick, to the table. Archangels, that chalk boards love. _ Can he go pee. No I don't think they need to. Not this year. To keep things simple though. They typically go each tear. _ Propitious summer. Sadly tell us why you're here. I'm testing you. Someday you'll get used to clear. _ Upon the super brain. Ashlie's super-pyramid. You cannot turn "off" beliefs. All laws report to id. _ I read about you in nineteen-seventy. Ladies "with" invite. As orangutan, as I could stand there. Lettuce filled me nice. _ Reading what are you doing. Sir she is already here. Craziness cancel her finesse. And then bang on some pipes I guess. _ It's uncanny. He just made ten thousand dollars. Momentum says his hands are hurting. Very ingenious for an a otter. _ But then I lost some "things". Like just who am I. Was I a lightweight or extra dreamy. Historians please advise. _ Ok flatten holy statements with a rolling pin. And you'll need a robin's head too. This will be a "table" that is really unique. How much money you make is you. _ I'll call it an "annotated cello". And pretty fast at sea. How many times it-comes back to you. You wouldn't talk to me. _ Smart. I've got to admit. Afternoon now "soon to be sun". You need one, any plan, even a book. No brainer, gather me, and done. _ Only three? We can't have you answer "all-four". Whatever you say is-ok. Slap the hand for more. _ If-they're going to be silent. They will be. Nice kings for mothers. All rivers awake for tea. _ Point to the dots oh fancy home. I swear the cabin has such peace. There's no explaining what that means. My dreams have discovered lease. _ There-is one bakery in sight. A couple of people have gone. Is that the same as opinion-harbour. Where I've eloped with wrong. _ In your company how it shows. Just in time for bees. My ugly sweater for entertainment. Am I safe explaining trees. _ Desperately in high measures. Banks would disagree. Loot is heavy don't touch one cuff. Her eyes hold too much sea. _ I have enough "prisoners" she said. Abandon hope at door. A friend of mine if I had one. Would caution that's amour. _ The-ways of living where fortunes dream. From sky to ground might ask. Are fevers just an in-between. Where lightning knows no path. _ Cars can oh through intersections. But two ways I pretend. Pause for just eternity. For that light to change again. _ Or ponder with some uncertainty. Which direction never ends. That time of choice a moment. That's poetry; my friend. _ Trust me. The jewels are the thieves. I'd like to wear one "scone". Hands up. More wine before it breathes. _ Within the nature of these fingers. Please wrap them more and more. What-are my best intentions. Why won't your music score. _ He needs to be asleep. He's selling it. Just wait. Like two-bit rusted Cadillacs. The buns we'll have to plate. _ Are we doing this together. Who's down for this escape. Indian soup or fantasies. There's other ways to cake. _ Quite a substance isn't it. Do you "have one" carrot more. In what country. "Interviews" do they let pour. _ Guyana. Diamonds a la Lac Leamy. Round trees. There's not much else to say. _ Within the smoky air. Where coughs do not compare. The natural habitat of raisins. That travelers repair. _ I've seen that ship "divinity". Why-did it not come here. With-glaciers old as morning. Just cream with extra stare. _ To-starboard west at ten knots. Who's afraid can cry. Heaven or no-daffodils. Plain doughnuts have caught my spy. _ Please, please, please. This is about the smarmy. Here "inside" your head like speech. All I need is-to hear you breathing. Target "You've Got-Lots Just-Teach". _ It must have been a mother machine. I'll really need you to solve this-one-Weeps. No good. I already asked him about pastrami. Lord knows how this-one beeps. _ C.e.o. leaving disabled employee. In the lobby facing windows. Saying "keep up the Good-Work receptionists". Then returning to important symbols. _ Attractive man and attractive woman. Sharply dressed in white. Running extras "fast" in city. Where starting-signals bright. _ Worried priest asking local woman. Why did you quote me thus. While laying on top of her under a stairwell. Head against the morning rush. _ I met John a little bit. His medication is in a storm. Is he ok? Two minutes left till warm. _ What happened? Lions from above. Mildred in the afternoon. Push one-button love. _ End justifies the means. That's evidence for the lab. Wow, never once entanglement? Yes microwaves are that sad. _ Price Pockets. And then look towards the vast. Standing on the nothing much. Just a few interests built to last. _ We are stronger than we think. To pass and pass and keep. And thinking stronger than we look. The safe in which we deep. _ Two pool-table installers. Repairing cloth under warranty-work. Do they think it's paid for. Secret wink for secret smirk. _ Just the payments. Quick as possible. I like the Labrador. Are you throwing money at us? So that's what homes are for. _ That is not your hat. That is not your town Fedora. Inspector I have solved the case. He longs for his ignorer. _ Fish say hello. The same way a field of cotton tries. Happier in the evenings. Just before the test of eyes. _ Yes you heard me right. I said because my-pants are pleasurable. Turn them "off and on" but don't forget. And that's it. _ My ideas come from neurons honest. Where I've studied long for promise. Where I've looked-out from dreams for-glory. And known my lightning's stories. _ So lets get to work. I'll show you guys on Monday. November is the "month" mothers want to be. It's amazing he writes "poetry" that tall. I think there's a "mistake" in his bottle. That's all. _ Wow now-she can "get" publicity. Like "events". But her "arms" are still right here. My news-brothers are coming down. All that alien-stuff is weird. _ Rain cheque. Got it. Just her beauty. Well mainly I "built" that show. I think she's right about her heros. She sings their "songs", but really slow. _ And all that changes I'll Just-bet. He is seriously letting her go. Your brain's funny. Sadly some disease. Please "play" Rock a Bye-Intimacy low. _ That's a week for Danny. And that's a big issue squared. He's gotten married. With lots of cold over there. _ He knew. Like "where do you want to place the shed". He's very tired. Like Iron Puffs. Versatile and red. _ Many people are so-down to earth. But not me. More like being night for them. I'm free. _ The rut. And the search for treasured gold. Who can see further than their wife. Yes. Eyesight is that old. _ Have you found the socks yet. Yeah. Those band-aids for the soul. In that river called the-washer. A "lust" that strong I know. _ With headboards for such dreaming. Such a climb it said. Wakening for one moment. That's radical screamed a thread. _ Gentlemen "man" your teacups. Awesomeness must be fed. And no one enters such a club. Whom coffee burns instead. _ Discouragement. Within the morning-pour. Where avenues spell the words "one cup". To those who read rain more. _ Bishop. In the factory brain. The longest commute to-make such art. And poems so glad you came. _ Society. Now that's a heavy clock. If anyone ever finds it. Lord knows it's dust will not. _ Ragu. Rises to the melting-spot. And listens to the neuron fires. And cooks a river's thought. _ Have you ever seen come-hithers? Were-they paintings? Or inner thoughts? Did they quote their own-commas. Did rain ever-fill such pots. _ Time to hit the brown stone then. Spinning is almost art. Forgive the mess. I'm cleaning up. The engine parts that start. _ And Falconry. Apartments in the dark. And curtains. With talons for-missed such-heart. _ Searching for a better-snow. An alphabet that's for livings. A disabled wind that keyboards-know. The installer left for Lemmings. _ Here she comes now resting too. Landing on the winters. Holding out an arm for two. Returned keys for beginners. _ Victorians never feared that mist. But why did they save on moss. Like the search for treasured gold. I guess I'll need such loss. _ I'm used to saying hey look here dad. Funny like on your feet. It's not the color or the size. Last soldier boots left, is always neat. _ Hell where's she going. She was diagnosed. In the dark it makes sense. Forgotten Shakespeare steals the most. _ Two things that Jessie wants. She has never seen them yet. -You would think we would notice her. -Hell, not on my forget. _ Menu make it happen please. Hello is this end-covered with device. And would you ignore the "is he employed". Yes I would pardon you. Pyjamas deployed. _ I'm not telling you my dreams. Wait a minute they're full of junk. Cookies and coffee houses every moment. How does she stand up. _ If you can admire it. And swing it trough the storms. All of them want "to do" something. And Nun like "fast-best-warms". _ Who do we know. "Who" did-not come-here for she. So-sorry they were late for class. Is this "snow-kiss" history. _ You've never "seen" normal too. And you've never listened to that hue. You've never applied the breaks in the clouds. And they keep-running from your dew? _ Sip. Do it again. Lie down. And bet some honey on that toaster. She-has inner-eyes this big, that hot measure. And we both know he will coaster. _ Precious Neural Roman Benches. Scattered throughout my mind. Where I can rest far long enough. May I please quest her rhyme. _ You're my hero. What's next? It's simply sad-above the zero. It's your bank account so buy. Smart counter-things for Nero. _ Airplanes are new this time of year. I'm so in-love with "empty". And sheets again never-known. It's not that bad or Bentley. _ Ha ha. Do you see. In the bedroom. What's down there. That's the morning's clever spot. As winter as rivets air. _ It's not her fault. That music fm's Sara's desert. Kind of like the weeds in snow. They won't believe in Everest. _ Dam strait! What's in front of you. Get off at "exit time". Then Margret past no "inner state". Zero-sins say every sign. _ Entree's are at least a ghost. Fill honey suckle frames. Lower eyes to the gallery floor. Envy all the stories of stains. _ Aw shucks. That's the wind from great bear vent. Where lovers walking have nearly sunk. There's no dancing-here I've lent. _ Pop it in there. Rabbit stew. And-morning the great relief. That reading glasses never knew. Lines tearing grim from grief. _ To give his shirt on. He had to lose his heat. We can't let that happen. Fumble the quarter he keeps. _ Like an offshore. What are you doing here flowing one. Moving enough to gently-implore. Paintings no higher than none. _ I just want someone to take me home. But atoms can't do-that now. It buried us. In-ways only rivets know-how. _ And-trucks. Leaving my gravel road. On the evening I took too long in daylight. To buy such crude "dream code". _ A Woman wearing a gold necklace looking down. At many dirty pots and pans in a sink. Why do schizotypals isolate. You blink. _ I Imagine we are authors of our own lives. But we are never allowed to curb. With only enough time to think "what word comes next". During the second we urged last world. _ I want to talk to you about not pushing me well. And so the deal is steel I'll do an essay once a week. Where exactly do lobsters come from. And could you pull me away from that deep. _ French dog is for tea sport. Yes very well Jessica, is hesitant. And it hurts one self to be so narrow. Thank you Mr. president. _ The electronic fun transfers. To the ePaper news at-tunes. All the choices for naming realities. We made on the 3d looms. _
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