2557 Quatrains Set 1500
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Let's move this down soon as possible. There's some gum, now pick it up. An Orangutan could do it. No, I mean the mop. _ But not from my advice. Each must love or screw it. I'm trying to do some work here. Out with it! She's really-mad. I knew it! _ Planes affect arrivals, so metal chairs. And the clock is wrong encumbered. Are you actually, a somebody. Her two week pay, may well-be slumbered. _ She's worth billions. But lies upon the dock. A rush he felt was so much more. But it's time for towel stock. _ We're going to have to live longer. Because life is worth point-two. Cope but don't sit back. There's still the laundry-clue. _ And a metaphor is not worth time. I told him stop. And they were right. Two glasses in oscillation. Can pound a beer nut's fright. _ With extra tuck him in. Him, we'll throw out first. But not until 2:00 pm. When heat-lamps-make the thirst. _ I agree, I am! stymied. But not for-tea for two. "Summers" are too short. So orange-plates will do. _ A farce for mixed up people. Na, I wasn't really there. Wild "beers" and calm events. That's one-produce I fear. _ So that what's down there. I guess five million socks. Not-to-be the first-to know. Commas have no blocks. _ If we move this down there. Near pier "ten" four two. It's not the same as igloo hair. Where they store the food. _ Let's pour a drink tonight. The devil is the perfect bonnet. And hesitates that one-strain. To-levitate the sonnet. _ Where-unheard orders are forgiven. By the key that locks the tome. Pass it around, to the living. Miss Newlit, may I walk you home. _ Thanks to electronic "names". I'm seeing it's label face. The worst "art" of unfiltered-news. The dark shadows that we taste. _ How do you know where the rivers go. In the conscience of a dancer. How do you know where the electrons go. In the search for the never answer. _ Crop Circles talk in circles. The same as everything we know. Please clockwork universe speak to us. We pushed far the-not new snow. _ It takes any-kind of steps. Accounting-his "kind" of ring. Deformed, you're not-to struggle. All sad-days concern the Spring. _ Because-I'm a baby. Because I write on-and-on. Because I taste for mountain soup. The urge to copy-far is gone. _ Richard Simmons so much more. Weird-boots the Craven man. Or smell or something I don't know. When July-docks I'll understand. _ We sing on cats and stranger toes. A little to the right. With all organic means to do so. Toe's-friend is sand at-night. _ You're too silly on a dock. Tip-generously tippy-toe. Anger-nests near being-sure. There are Women. Report their glow. _ Anyone can copy. A daughter and a show. High uplifting Samsonite. Please visit away the "stow". _ Authorized in units. Do not laugh-again. Towards the breaking-point. Cars are-mowing men. _ Harassment waking someone up. Whatever storm you do. Alive at live-work pardon. All the ground and you. _ Thirst in bed the ramp be wavering. On the business of a post. Surgeon-excited-will-be. Information toast. _ Inside a giant harness. A metaphor of name. I was thinking-ladies. Is two dollars fame? _ A sunbeam at five o'clock. Denote the labor board. Utterly-what-it-means. Fine tune the dust ignored. _ Thrown nicely, across an elf. Shudder at the loss. I-am-telling-you-strait. Mountain mouse. I toss. _ Toro Toro fashion spoon. Clock upon the wall. Extra smooth chewy center. That never turns at all. _ A whole box of lonely nights. We paid for this adverse. A stomach wavering chain reaction. I have people. Tell a nurse. _ Miter-box. Ruptured hose. Prepare the "scent" of rose. And add some detour-Myosin. For what the hell who knows. _ So softly. A masterpiece of rain. I've forgotten in-out or-so. I will wish again. _ You can't make this chin-up. For what's a sad to do. Open a book to any page. Where I "hid" the friend was you. _ Kindly able the winter mock. Isn't that where good pins aim. A little less snowfall frock. One summer must not wane. _ I-have-only-one. Ha! It's freaky lame. I heard the-duck wore trousers. Imagine the percent he saves. _ Austin report. Climb a tree. Is there a "scone" for tea. Can you clone her recipe. For the rest of me. _ There is no damage-as. Far as I can see. Perhaps you saw a morning-of. You-here-right-Text-to-me. _ Fighting only in fables I'll know all-of life. An average of math last night I "meaned". While asleep I found that famous ten minute egg. I wonder what that "dreams". _ Of raven and of albatross. Height becomes a man of soup. Beleaguered to ingest the prose. Of a library's truth. _ Potatoes on that arm. Riddled with puppet. And fashioned to the linen door. Oh please oh thorn not yet. _ As I can be an actor. A stage can be my wet. As normalized as distant cloves. Oh how-thus gleams this set. _ Act one has arisen. Where three will not suit plain. To the tune of Captain's Clover. Or was that just my written aim. _ Because the random does not skate. I'll never speak to tree. And because the shadow does not leap. My lust shall never ski. _ The walls make up a rabid room. Nothing to offer twice. Solemn being the distant howl. No negatives ever nice. _ Impressively learned upon a hassle. That was the thirty shame. The row across the dirty moat. No trust must ever wane. _ Kindly sir return the duck. Let go the course of stone. Algebra is the only heaven. That forgot my use of throne. _ My bills are skinny. My pills are few. Would that be just enough? To warble in the reeds of giving. No, that's not near pre-nup. _ Learn to the highest stacks and bow. A ladder was my curse. To the end of section Be. My fingers almost thirst. _ Time the mission by the cue. An albatross in sight. And turn the pages Beverly. Ahoy that dearest light. _ Like the shoes I wore at one. That listed to and fro. And in a glance to starboard once. What I became has show. _ Question question question three. I'll gently stop to name. Yes I think we have that book. Of someone else's pain. _ After grabbing the nearest vest or cloak. On the way to the test of steam. On behalf of all the best use for hopes. Can you tell me what each career cleans. _ The stings that make a world keep working. I suspect are the things half overheard. For oh how boring would be perfect tuning. If communications had harmless spurs. _ I spend ten hours asleep every-night learning. Another ten thousand of my theories are true. Can we think any nice of a real world so dice. Every life that ever lived thought new. _ It will seep into cracks so darkly furious. And reveries no calendars knew. Please love that rule to be continuous. In the majestics we choose to do. _ A man looking into stove oven tossing food behind him. Saying "and now it's time for the real heat". A universe liking improvements. Including nude descending a wrong way street. _ A mattress, better off than it's family; Looking for who else has a ticket-dream. If there's any-viewing all those monitors. That's the last of it; (too much yarn to scream). _ Word trappings. "Anaconda" is in the clear. If she gets too tired; "Boundaries". Then go around her Fear. _ Paris on a cozy. Point to the nearest far. Lantern mine for prosy. Rhymes "steeping" how deep that jar. _ Lecture nuts and Pumpkin why. Elephant trunks entwine. Beneath above between aware. I was thinking about that Lime. _ One hundred steps? Karen where are you? If you do the math I'm nine. The strongest wind blowing out of those candles. The accidental rose for your sublime. _ People who don't paint scare me. Non-poets scare me too. Seven billion performance artists. Are arguably more than I can cue. _ Negativity requires a different age. And a "host" of implant burgers. Raglan-One. Admit no sun. I hear that herders-murder. _ Wallop a noun into the eye. Actually there's "just four sizes". I'm finished my homework mum. Then-the-billy-goat canceled prizes. _ Everyone crowd around some more. Listen for-the-smile from pensions. Yes my mother talks to me. So I-have-really-good attention. _ It's actually a very big event. People who use "discoveries". Mighty cold or mighty hot. I assume you'll have-warm-butteries. _ I was going to ask, does he paint houses? And are these "doughnuts" nearly-day-old? The Tardis alone might fetch some-goods. But that's no excuse, for manners. _ Around one o'clock now. Feeling stable. Like surface tensions around the dock. Four months now. So-unable. Almost near the speed of-mock. _ Look at that. There are monkeys here. They "work" from nine to fabled! Anything's better-than almost supper! Onions are so un-labeled. _ There's a hole in this city! We were-so traumatized by-it". Almost five "fire-truck-sponges". Sponges were ordered, because sponges fit. _ That's a tube of vacant spine. Vector nine, vector niner! A mouse did that to you? Which-word hit your shiner? _ Very-very slow now. Take it from the "mop". Hideous? We-will-ask your navel. Hey! Who billed for "one deep thought"? _ Because all of us are "woven". Because the "crisp is air". Because of "absent-mindedness". I don't have a joint-account to wear. _ All this darkness "must-implode". Get out, "get out of here". Do we need-this-orange? Hello? We're loft impaired! _ One "giant-yellow". To shock the "shiny shoe". Slow down, slow down, slow down! The major-piss is due. _ Wow! All that coffee talked allot! Who knew that's-what-years could-do. Polynesian-Sunrise eh! Yea we have those-too. _ Aside from all the plates-Nadine. What's the best disguise? For 51 dollars and 20 cents. The soft quatrains have eyes. _ I stare at five 21-inch displays. And bravely steer the nil. At an empty desk for thinking only. Near some hours on a window thrill. _ When searching for new artists and poets. Unfortunately, it only takes one moment to name. The sea if they are on the same budding branch. Of the tree, you are working so hard to change. _ It's a starting point, that is exactly half. Whatever her lover doesn't whisper. Plus one thing. People should be fully attractive. Do you know how to measure one? Times wing. _ Imagine each gear so incredibly small. Time to look at your clockwork-universe. Now imagine each "thorn" moving immeasurable ratio. Time to turn on your cement-truck "turn a verse". _ Hand star, check your beetle. Know the lisp is true. News at seven. Was something said? Which reminds me of the glue. _ Storm at eleven! My assistant! Cute as much as you can rope. Teardrop two into the bucket. You're right. My left is moat. _ Carry these books to another grave. "Mountain" our course on Like-us. I don't know what to do about it. Keep vibrating the drumstick-dust. _ A hospital room is like zero traffic. I'll drop by so often, because I love to shine. Are you having triplets? Enlarge the cylinder-wine. _ We must pretend, planed-outback. A height that we were stewing. Photograph it! Oh so much dust. I can't see what we were doing. _ And that now ends "dictation". Storm rages, but still on-time. Roll over. Oh such people. My turkey wants to climb. _ But dancing is Way off! Watch it mister! What do you think that means. Tractor? You're the tractor? Nothing. That's what he's done for me. _ Contact the supervisor. Look-at-her like-fishing changed-her. I've been "renamed", but something's missing. Dock my pay for one reactor. _ Sorry I didn't notice! Do rocks really fly that high? To the banks of Anger-River. You're best shorthand, Miss Number Pi. _ And, that is life. Let it aim right-here at shy. I'm not the type to sew a pocket; Perhaps "eager" is the best "word" why. _ Do you know how-they handle that? Sometimes a hundred days go by. "Mama's don't let your babies be cowboys". Major! I wonder why spiders cry. _ Want to be inspiration has no flow. To knock but remove no fear. Real inspiration is like nose picking. Hello! Is there anybody here? _ Man in Hospital reaching to Scratch. His Charred and disfigured Feet Remains... Squid atop flashing VCR and Men entering Room. Saying You see it's still Wrong and also shames. _ Meditating on Nearby Rock. Nudity Tree being Picked out of a Lineup. Rusting Bicycle in Swamp Marsh. Watched by Owner after thirty year breakup. _ Large Purple Onion in Garden growing. Into a Once in a Lifetime-Shape. A Male Mosquito on a bedroom wall making plans. To afford Columbo doctoring, waits. _ Watching cat Smell Coins. And Swallow them without Human Interference. A Deadpan Man Surprisingly Standing Still. After Flipping through air's disturbance. _ Being given very Dusty Vintage Wool Sweater. And Politely being Thankful. A Bus making a Difficult Turn in Life. Refusing the Offer of the spoiled Tranquil. _ A Valuable Antique Document Explaining. How to Fire someone for Hard Workings. A cat Looking into House from Burrow in Snow. Beneath its own Droppings. _ Man on Date Confessing to Woman. He Made his Arm Look Wounded to win her Passion. Finding Plates of unfinished Food Under Sinks. In Cupboards, on Shelves, and in Fashion. _
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