2557 Quatrains Set 1400
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Go sadly. So-that the "forth-night" might hear. I created the table for you. Little plastic mines, suspect clear. _ Toss a boat. Any one can here. Scribble is a function. Capsize the pen cap beer. _ And bubbles make no potion. I ran the light! Fire steer! Have you ever heard of Mange. I row to eradicate, only a guy out there. _ Watching the progress bar. Why are you so nice to me. Tummy erased erasion! Of me they cannot see. _ Contemplating the impossible question. By sitting center of the frozen pond. When wanting to feel closer, to the truth. That's the only "guest" of gone. _ True inspiration is like bottled ice. The Klondike, will forever grow. Arrange a team and throw some dice. And be prepared to know. _ Starvation as a "sinister's" dream. Ideas won't like sand. Give them snow and ice for heaven. And listen, hard as grand. _ As faintly as all shadows tilt. And "only" horizons "steam". So turning into consumes "still". Only a tundra keens. _ Then Adirondact the morning. Crack open five thousand-miles. Soul "being only" electricity. Who's toast pops up for styles. _ Prepare to go to work as thus. Keep hidden from the wind. Knowing the Klondike "of the mind". So Barely moves the brush within. _ Remember you woke-up, in the dark. And felt the tent-floor bare. I guess you really wanted nothing. And found, no-electronics there. _ But there is a "staple" on the horizon. Far behind our eyes so rare. Who knew you had-to be so lonely. To short the currents there. _ Entertainment having no other gear. Paintings were my only way. With no engine in between. I get infinity per "no-morality-play". _ To me painting and drawing skills look like humanity's. Shiny new impressive 5 pixel camera invention. Which is pretty boring if you don't point it at the 5 metaphors. That are in front of us but eyes don't mention. _ Now I understand painting. It works fluidly like self finds self. Like dreams "form" up against other dreams. Adding details, "moist" eyes will help. _ Here is a spinoff. Here's what I said this morning. Curse the nerve of sunspots! And pillow talk all warnings. _ Don't put too many men out there. Along the edge of harbour. I know that trains are boiling. And sitting in the parlour. _ Your "hobby" is so defensive! But I chew it up inside. Let me pale the monkey. What a mission I'll have to try. _ Take soup, from his roughage. Learn to see the scene. And also learn to live-allot. No mater what that means. _ Go on. Sit down all around here. The lady has the hose. Where it's written, "Tie no knots". That is my "indispose". _ Lastly, they don't have any children. And granny has no "heir". That's the privilege of "I need you back". You're taller with "team" white hair. _ Would you like to maybe wrestle. I kept those evening clothes. Amen to storm she's got a whistle! Excuse my windowed-toes. _ You never-taught me anything. (wagging his thumb so wise). Administer gum on rivet-seven. I hear the sky's outside. _ But I've been handed number eight. I always knew it-came from bees! From the land of milk and honey. Where several Archie's lead. _ Now try to look at your best. He's been sitting there for days. I mean-there near all clear water. Where the ring-song stays. _ But that's as loud as it gets in here. (her honey suckle vine). He did that? The way you wanted? Surely that was mine. _ Oh I began on nonsense. (on double overtime). I stick to fleas but not to laughter. Nor harbour actual climb. _ Left "mnemonics" being leopard stairs. I can't because of clock-less rhyme. I run a perfect engine here. And brake alone, with double wine. _ Who is the "boot" burner? Is she really hunting claim? I've had-not a single drop. The kind that "bastion" saved. _ Interesting but I'm not going there! Salmonella! I think I'm late! Antenna-rehabilitate the air. Please make the hello-wait. _ To the run-yard and over stamp that card. It's quite amazing how life is fair. Just a little off the top. And down below the chair. _ Two milks in "it" at once? I'm here! I'm over here! Please put down your phaser. Hur-raw, diamonds are the pair! _ Because I want to stay informed. I read newspapers of our world at play. But in my mind I see their real mastheads. The Plague of Thin Skins Today. _ If I look at that star with all my station. All mistakes great-men made are "hue". Like that way all men turned into granite. Celebrate with no world's undo. _ Indiscernible fluctuations or massive fluctuations. Just how should I adjust world scope. If I aim my dreams towards wind devils. Should I report that I preferred to cope. _ As mysterious as always knowing. My lonely paintings are zero wise. As simple as constellations. And complex as counting to five. _ So that's what we're going to do. The agreed upon price, is on its way. After, "straight" inventory. Ok-pyjamas-away. _ Make it official and so dark. I'm set for Santa Claus please. I'm so glad I "invented" you. I mean "invited". (coffee cream) _ But I don't want to do this. Such discouragement, and-handle-packed. Your blinkers are so distracting. One "Saab" and I'm in-fact. _ Why don't we stop here then. And kiss me on the nose. Eight-percent is plenty. How much "does" my "placard" show. _ I was the hottest one. My name was your Darlene. Right above my "turpentine". Gold watch to my obscene. _ Blow her some tobacco. Delight in all her fame. Round numbers like two Cadillacs. Odd numbers like her drain. _ "Hey! You have ghosts." "Father Frances" and "Liechtenstein". I checked them for discretion. They're speechless, half the time. _ And all these little rants. "Indicative" I think's the word. They're verbose and everywhere! Nine tells your window heard. _ Please be sheets or diamonds. A chance to flip or flop. Morose or just good-morning. I have to heat two clocks. _ "Plain" for over there. Lift her head up "sane". Hey is that your mother. That's "why" I'm tired "again". _ There's some "engine" over left? Enough to bill for flop. Does-time see so indifferently. Depending on which sock. _ Happy Avenue-"versity" dear. I believe this is your tie. Once-supported, always Naples. For melting down goodbye. _ Bicycles have no dangers. That never go outside. Handles are for "drawer thieves". I'm "sadly" not that guy. _ The world is exactly as exciting. As stimulation-levels too low recede. Like a poet saying you have a symbolism. As normal as wind blown deeds. _ A reed releases its seed to the wind. As the best effort it can possibly do. To ensure that the water level does not recede. Excuse me may I shy to you. _ On the night I saw a faint Morse code. From far beyond a spider's thread. I discerned that signals carry power. Because power only carries dread. _ Sleepwalking woman in white tee-shirt. Rushing to unlock her "car adorer". Seven friends suddenly. Sorry out of order. _ Small "woman" watching large dinner plate? At centre of "exponential" spread of dark dots. Man background, woman foreground, holding viewer's shoulder. Asking "do you know"? "It's all just circular thoughts". _ From where I aim my efforts, with so much care. I boldly be sure only my blights are there. Knowing "uneven" blossoms having faster moistness. Might claim the light I dear. _ It's been two thousand years, since the end of news. And people are becoming outraged. Today I think I may, have even seen. A keyboard reaching help-age. _ There is an un-disrespected String. Because the Kite knows Fame. But within the weather's Deal or no Deal. Inner height Types just the same. _ Meekly showing someone a painting of their "Hug" brand. Cigarette-rolling-papers on a table "without-speaking". Two upside down "teardrop-shaped" UFO's. In a sunset to "sow" un-weeping. _ I think I became small today. So it's traditional to wear my uniform. Sun dust sparkles, within a darkness. Are "saluting" to my lesser, hello-storm. _ My soldier and my warrior. Are friends in their old age. Though oddly, cafe table choosing. Remains the warrior's forte. _ Today is the biggest "less" investment, anyone can pound. Let us hope you right out of kitchen. Some of these are both Fish and Fiction. So put the metal down. _ When he looks at the oblong stars. You see that they are broken right? Do you also see their lost-serene. It's going to be a bad day for night. _ Because the music, stares at tambourine. Then dips-in the banjo mixer. The flow goes through, the inner lean. Towards the extra-note, for thickener. _ Whatever it is it ain't my tent. I am more like just-resisting. Trying to get up before toilet wealth. Mothers aren't mean just something else. _ All the world a host of hours. Needs every second thought we'll have. To steer the spoils away from sours. Could you-aim your shy-sweet sad. _ People should only wear white in winter. That would be a sight to see. A union that a devil could only hate. And only my melt could ease. _ When I'm old, I'll see you with one pixel. And I'll know you by your, one pixel Fame. Right about now, I think I have five-pixels. And way before that, I think no quatrains. _ Of all the styles among inactions. I sadly-choose quatrains so wilfully. Because our world does not need poetry. Only quotability. _ Like reaching down into a vowel. To feel for a single we. I can never predict, that when I miss you. Eyes will perceive not see. _ Like dust before, and dust after. The dustpan shows no find. My mind holds, your only rafter. Somewhere high, as kind. _ Near human perseverance. As lovely as a tea. I hope its mist approves you. Your twist of lemon me. _ Today I won't be going to a market. Because a vagrant, will trip on pearls. Where no such thing as doing-nothing. Will show me oh-how-strong-are-worlds. _ Each death is a million roses. Like Cucumbers, at every grave. Lasting me, tearless until Sunday. Where onions make me shave. _ And, as I rotten, through my book. The pinstripe, is my stove. And bathing answers every nook. That Neptune far out chose. _ And traffic, such a tiny chore. That Lilacs on the way. Standing up, un-danceing more. To lend you less a day. _ Over-scopes as my mansion. Buttons as a sky. Men pretending, the uneven glen. Could descend to such a why. _ As stomach is, so unheard of. Where salt-mixes with the rain. And magic by all circumferences. Is still insinuating, name. _ The beard was only mirror. Its hand was only play. And disgust, was just a little shadow. Wandering through, ok. _ Gleaming teaches soak the sun. Gliding teaches run. Upon the hindered, shelves we delve. Where mildew teaches none. _ Hydration being the only sinew. That Lakes can share through roads. And because all-charcoal filters eyes. Count men among the toads. _ Ha! It was a laugh at seven. That meanness, mountains crane. Constructing nodes of valuation. That, altitudes disdain. _ It happens in the oldest sections. That glue might never give. Pine being of the strongest river. Kind of, like to live. _ Looking out a window. And seeing a communications-tower. Now fifty percent closer. Than it-has-been for hours. _ Wave, at the goodbye chair. Election night's tonight. Sound-down like a clown. Mini boats are glancing right. _ Arresting a government, man's-binary. On or Off like hoovering blend. As ghastly, as, interstellar space. Vacuuming my place again. _ I don't care what drugs they're on. They all-need hungry soup. Some people say nothing sad. Mad, mad, mad. _ The fire logs, now are-plenty. No tip-toes over clothes. Burning alot, but never hearing. Five pennies in the loads. _ I am interested, by myself. In the Fran on channel wait. But the electric-eye is so sweet. I hold you so, too late. _ And now the rainbow listens. Migration being born-or-pride. Leaving behind an arching mission. Along, somewhere there, I tried. _ A hand with adhesive coloured buttons. Falling off when it thinks delusion. A celebrity hosting his own birthday bash. Sitting-alone avoiding-confusion. _ You want to hear a story don't you. Well I'll tell you one for tea. Just what is a land for? And has no liberty? _ Changes & pages! Where priests are on the run. Scary, with overcoats. And does not drink the rum. _ Eerie! The white horn!! As chosen as the fun. Almost like a lithograph. No pilots steer by sun. _ The gift of mirror!! Roscoe anyone!! That is the day that Neptune plays. As binding as the scum. _ Barney is the hero! I'll tell you what he won. Standing near the Euro. With coconuts and thumbs. _ Believe it or not, I like to read them. Men's puppet and women's gun. And smiles, I have seen them. Holding up the Tun. _ Past right here. Nine times out of none. One day per year. Forgetting-equi-librium. _ Homeowners are the heroes!! Witches signalling then- That arrivals are-equations. That skies can never pen. _ I respect the costume though. Atoms allowing bend. Holding that bay of teardrops. That halloween defends. _ But October leaves, at midnight!! Hold-the ocean-boats to wind! It will pry the-riddle once-again. From the hands of men. _
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