2557 Quatrains Set 1200
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Sometimes I curl under my blanket. And pretend I'm a one celled life. Imagining what frictions are possible. And then discover I'm only a nice. _ Are there any new tricks in the house? Well there's one man. And wow boy, is he dumb! Oh listen to you!! I don't want to know! If three? really-equals forty one. _ Who, has the prettiest brandy? And Egypt as the Sun? Forgive him, for his ear my dear. But let no dancers run. _ And for-no hope of transfers. I heard that-bee has stung. William is willing, over there. The other side, of tree unsung. _ For Capricorn then, despise this! With measuring eyes I think he's going! In languages spelled, with a marsh-bog. Please arrest my cat for knowing! _ One third are windmills. That tempt the fate of rare. Where I've not lingered, so it shows. Envelopes-too would send-some care. _ With a wind that howls ever slowly. And could take a man away. That leaves the apples ever lowly. I'll measure them-wrong and stay. _ Eight more quatrains then? And before it snows today. And walls I've measured, living-once. I'm tempted to say they sway. _ But a wave, is not a centre? Remove the black stuff, code! With harmony where Kelly loved you. I often stub my toad. _ I'm indebted to you dearly. She going to say "No!" right-now. Oh Yes, Oh Yes, I've heard You! And the take tonight was Wow! _ Brothers and sisters! For-the, pin-hole fight that wins. Forgetting photography's focal point. My wisdoms belong to kin. _ Dan Aspirin!! How you doing? Shake his hand and grin. The brain is heavy and-now law. And that's the thing you win. _ Crab-apples are the best because. They are-enough for now. And curry for the astronaut meal. Dining only in the bow. _ Please, make "that lake" recursive. And let me swim for more. And rise in hunger from a cot. Or less, if halls have doors. _ Like parchment is a test of sand. That "is" my desk of late. With Hubble-Scopes "within some" wine. What lovers-observe though hate. _ So what is new? A few next year? Pink sparks, I'll watch till still. That linger on a better balance. "within" no reach of skill. _ That could mean. A dust, like angry sky. I wonder where the yellow went? I told you Byron lied. _ That's the one! Hidden peace. Wake the November sure. The mighty SL! in my heart. Come into, in-my-store. _ Twice daily rascals! Phone for backup sweeps. One unbutton! Two unbutton! Three, alert the meeks! _ It's so upsetting! Do come in. I'm trying to rearrange the door. And stack the angles, in a heap. The good of any-more. _ What did I say? The lion gate's the same! BRAIN, don't say it! So near a velvet tame. _ I love that! The same way, velvet felt, was rhyme. And doctors yet so numb I'm sure. Could repair a verse of mine. _ With practicing license. And a desert known as place. Emily, for the heaven. And Byron for the waste. _ It's dark in here! And no time has ever known. Pass the buttercup, and some mind! Cameras are dead in Rome. _ Dandelion are still alive! And forgetful as repose. Making up, such a heaven. I know! I know! I know! _ Count them, six more givings! The songs that living chose. No one ever, invents a light bulb. That doesn't know what shows. _ The spiders dance in Neptune's horror. Where passwords forget their pain. Excuse me do you accept Visa here? Earth is-my home again. _ For love of time or money. A river should be, so bold. Ticker tape, or funny. And suggestion, just as old. _ Tangles be my corner shop. Her hair, the yellow rose. To stare forever into the mop. And never banter prose. _ With wrong for heavy, and light for rain. Who knows where dancing goes? Perhaps. The very first hiding spot? Beneath the yellow rose! _ But I'm a statue! Hear me not. Demure has no disclose. Except to say, just one thought. Five broom sweeps, and one pose. _ A children's charity drive thankyou ad. Cryptically written, where words need pride. Using several advanced symbols. To make educated donators teary eyed. _ Woman politician moonlighting as kid's party magician. Changing costumes mid stride with help from her fastest aid. Whoopi Goldberg wearing marching band uniform shouting wait for me. After falling on behind, with her laughter of spinning played. _ To push or to shove. And then, news one way to watch. And then forgive my atomic number. That bullied up one notch. _ Ways to embellishments. Of artificial Intelligence. Pretend to blow spit ball. Then remember you're in dance hall. _ Close your eyes and sit right there. And in that chair beside you, see empty stats. Imagine there sits, your ideal boyfriend. Now open eyes.. and grinning there I sat. _ Shovelling dust from bins of character flaws. Into a kiln adding stealth today. Or a one thousand hot air balloon festival. Where one is falling,, amongst all play. _ A trained attack dog and it's owner. Following a paranoid person,, for lint. Angry at man, for not filling out, form. That he read, not-to in-the finest print. _ Office desk with a small model. Of an elevated lounge chair, facing sky. And a hydro electric dam for water. With visitors on it's lower deck why? _ Respecting stylish folds, in my brother's pants. As he explains something complex to my "sisters". A rich-person's car hitting one poor child. In front of a luxury hotel, (no blisters). _ Trying to hang a spatula, onto a small weak flange. Two-bends away from breaking. Woman making, funny-face,, changing to sad. Miming,, "crushed-heart and aching". _ Snapping two fingers with great struggle. Only to find,, it's a new-way of dreaming. Pouring two coffee mugs into a sink. And a shade tree,, to celebrate meaning. _ Relative asking, for money, and laughing. Thanks chummy! Slap money! Dance leaving! And an ashtray with ledge, and a purified edge. For non-smokers to empty with pleasing. _ Famous, bounty-hunter family, teaching their toddler. How to pick locks while they're out on runs. A flower cupping it's petals, and leaning towards you. To hear all of mankind's puns. _ A pretty model on a catwalk stage. Walking passed a toilet on the stage with a logo. Of a happy car,, on a happy bridge. Almost passing a fashion hobo. _ Owner of the Apple computer company showing up! Out of the blue to keep a woman's car drove'n. You're going to need a new Pyrex dish. I think it maybe broken from stove'n! _ Woman finishing a complex phone call. Just in time to stop a man touching her back. A man successfully asking, woman for date. Phoning friend but never mentioning that. _ Two binge-drinking women in love,, with binge-drinking man. They just "noticed fallen on sidewalk mortar". And a washing machine, with a digital readout. Saying, "Seven friends? Sorry out of order". _ Man with 3 shirts on backwards. Peaking out door before leaving coded. Voltage transformer labeled fearful inside. Electronic devices ok duly noted. _ A pretty woman made from folded paper. By an Origami master with too much time. A pretty veterinarian, checking a man's blood pressure. Healthy dog between them,,, and grand design. _ We have a massive destination. But how could we ever go? Cooking inside like a poker. Which is up to us to throw. _ There's only rhyme, so there's only time. Time to think about rejoices. Judging ways and sometimes days. Look away, they're only voices. _ There is a body! clean it up. It's siting in a "factory of sorts". Well it's a pretty big city. So we'll prop it up of course! _ Yes it's a very big city! And also just a big amour. So it's called the stereo section at Sears. And mostly for purchasing cars I fear. _ Because it inspires ways of solving problems. I read the newspaper everyday. Where I'll trust behaviours someone knows does work. Then I stand out of their way. _ But what has value? Often, it's quite a car. Boom! Wow! Now that's, tight knit! And Banks of course, if you pay for it. _ I'm a safe very-could! Destination Hollywood. Perceiving what it's meant to be! Second-exception! Please November me!! _ Oh and I am also very-fun! Rough draft! I wasn't expecting that! You're forever showing no opinions there. So writing, please put stunning here. _ Meander! Often writes like me. And then brings back. Responsibility! _ It's a different theme, at a party! And very scary heights, oh my! With embodiments, and a coffee stain. Please-never tell my kitchen drain. _ One person laughing. One person rain. But I didn't get, to hear their name. Nor a cell phone stored within my mouth. Or a peoples' self reclaim! _ Angie's taking off now? So I'll have to do the paper work. And there it is! The pooh and glee. Please don't critique my river fork. _ Creepy isn't it what man is doing? Echoing vibrations in all his wooing. With all of me, I shake frequency. But tea just want's some brewing. _ It's mostly just looking into my eyes. Hiding lots of summer in winter disguise. Lost-socks are there! And so is Dos. Advising "only whenever she-is-still-soft". _ It's mostly just explanation now. Because I forget what makes me cry. My neighbours. Oh yea, that's one thing. Hey isn't that my sky. _ As long as you keep that warm stuff inside. Who comments on their server dreams? Fake heart! The grass painted itself. Actually I'm happy to hear the long guy teamed. _ Like that weird feeling, in an emptied home. Balconies provide shivered irk! Eery! the way, people are walking proof. Their theory of how life should be, can work! _ I'll throw on one more piece of wood. If she ever stakes her claim. Wow! Are you wearing something new? I love your loin cloth shame. _ I think I might know what's down there. We're going to need a very long marriage. But we know we won't get anywhere there. So seventy five percent sounds fair. _ First prize commander! Never in command sir! That, unwitting advantage. I'll buy it with a grain of manage. _ I may get some of it. From my internal voice at noon. Augusta in a conscious effort. As pretty as a spoon. _ I'm going, to shadows now. Excuse me, I have to write. Being second, has a very clear voice. Gotta go. I'm late for nice. _ Now I'm stuffed with cranberries. Perhaps from washed ashore. With extra heavy dialog. Parents, please stop war. _ He is brave!! Right over there. The sun, the moon, and stars. Running on unclear fiction. I present to you, all cars. _ I would love to stay and chat. But ear-plugs are my art. And across, the dust of deserts. One photon has my heart. _ Standing up. I wasn't, waiting fame. With midnight always set to noon. And undecided sun for whom. _ At the coordinates of true fine arts. On the island of never preach. The drop of water, that is true man. Finds crevices not fit for speak. _ Started to lock in! Well excuse me! Well he can! New relation-ship huh? Are you buying, a towel plan? _ There it goes, pure guidance! Avalanche talking snow. Heavenly made, pure science. Rocketing all we know. _ Hold on! There's Justin Timberlake. As actual as a nose. He writes bread! And I'm dead! Oh god let's pray for toes. _ Then it starts, and the room starts changing. Heaven in repose. Forget what dust has told you. Talking fuels prose. _ Forget the lust. The river chose. Daddies are made by vroom! And sparkles! are showing on the counter! Neptune is my moon. _ Have you ever seen a dark as fumes? I believe that might be home. That silver lining must be loons. Guidance take me known. _ Well we're not there yet. But it's an interesting thing to do. He self-gets! So he's right to feel, guilty too. _ I think I might need a few more tears. At night, so I'll have to go home. But something always comes along. And as always a question's known. _ I'm back in town. So I'm back on ice. So maybe I'll brunch once or twice. How much does that hurt, being nice? Oh I don't know. Well perhaps a slice. _ I always do, go out well. And I bring home, whole store freezers. You see, everything, is not so wrong. Well, just cereals! The height of teasers. _ That same way mirrors look like silver. But also, exactly, recreate the game. Any lies or truths, you might hear from me. Deflect my homely effort to wane. _ In the language, of digital cameras. A pixel is a metaphor. Which means within, poetic brains. We wash our screens with never more. _ Today I mourned, that conversation. True friends keep deep inside. Because they know, our hibernation. Would never match their stride. _ Let's do this next year. And get a small bed. Good luck to all of us. This is going to cost said. _ I would scatter the whole house for you. Scampering and shuffling about. And the rosy bit the next day. Becomes the ticket out. _ Yes they do it odd for you. On my train at the very next trust. Yes the roses were brought, from me. He works for me conducting hush. _ But a pirate disc can't do that. Not even, with just the right spit. Yes they wanted me just, to see you. But it wasn't me! It was just a bit. _ And as a college-woman. What happens, to, your, next, salad? Ah, it gets stabbed. And doesn't work, nor ballad. _ Is this really supposed to work? The time clock of mankind's sparrow. I find that very interesting. The cage that protects the vowels. _ Awesome! The nerve. That makes one smile. And takes the rain. To Blossom Style. _ Where are you going? I'm going to buy a coffee mug. People only care, about being vicious. Ooga. Ooga. This one's dishes. _ There's an empty theatre in my Dreamscape. Where Ottawa wins all my rhymes. Where to this way we sat alone. And her British accent shines. _ That looks important to you. So honey dew. I dream of you. The whole night through. _
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