2557 Quatrains Set 1000
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Let's offer this toast. To the peaceful minds. Those truly curious. Solving childish whines. _ Am I allowed to call you the speckler? Because fragile loves the simple song. Where at the center of every heckler. Somehow the art world grows our wrong. _ Like the quiet mind reaching out a hand. To catch a friend's falling book. We look upon the all of man. Glancing long at brief chance or soot. _ Isn't it weird that things go right. Who knew that atoms drive. Right here so deep in the meaning of life. Who knew that fathoms pride. _ Flying together tonight. She, impressed him chimes. Me and you, stop it, stop it. I can't do this a thousand times. _ For people who love this country. I'm going to start, with new copy now. From the point where she, gets kicked out. Apparently there was, an issue, wow. _ I have something to think about! Some cards, if that equals enough. I'll show you a sentence. I'm never hungry. What are you doing? Are you crazy? Hush! _ I understand what a man listens for. In this costume there is no, wait I'm nor. It's the number of people bacon juiced. Wa wa what is insurance don't look obtuse. _ There's too much, "don't, I love him". There's too much, "hairdo I've discovered". Madam, please. Let me talk to smother. And that's the forefront of another. _ Chomp, chomp, chomp. That's the thirty perfect seconds. When you've got nothing left. And man's leg, quietly reckons. _ That's not business as usual. It reminds me, of what is special. Of course, dining, like before. And the equation, you know is vessel. _ Poetry loves what it means. And what it means' loves keys instead. Have you ever turned a viewpoint sideways. And knew it pulled all said. _ I hear what I'd like to hear. Barbara, you be very careful. I'm doing that, for your Dad. Who can we count on for an earful? _ Down on his shin, pour leg, pour leg. Recall, recall, amnesia. Avoid the spring, end traveler. And we're off, well did that please ya? _ I'm going to tell you everything right now. That's the classic, big box alone inside. I started talking to them, some how. And now I throw myself out wide. _ It can't get any faster. Because of the way you move such things. Hurry up, try them on. They're going to surely miss those wings. _ You can all, see him daddy. He did, while you were just sitting there. While I'm trying to clean up this box. I'll have one forty, equal, fair. _ Fortune and unfair with just enough Moon. No one should want that much room. For whenever it comes to something like that. There's nothing behind me, I'm a robot perhaps. _ I could have minded my own business. Like she did that to you. Right there, why so much? I'm the Robin's egg, it's true. _ I would feel much safer. If the word god was replaced by the number zero. Then every equation would never hate. And never love the strong odd arrow. _ Can I sit in your chair? So tart this Jane of sanity. Does that make sense to you? To be as soft as Emily. _ Here it comes, blowing your mind. About how a story can place. I put it in, both there and drive. Which have swept along in this space. _ The earliest spin-top, you can play. Oh my odd! I can play it myself! I rinsed it out going to bed. It's no fun. But it keeps the children oust. _ Its silver coat, I've been told. Is the scariest I believe. I hope that this spiked frying pan. Doesn't call forth the wolverine. _ Please tea look for me. I could become your see. Where it takes thirty years to steer one decree. I'm in an instant gloat, from a distant far. Where inner heavens turn towards. Look where are. _ What should you strain for supper. In a state of plain. What should you name, the upper. Dandelions or pain. _ Forever told you the answer. Eliminate the steam. Look I'm holding everything. It's hot and old as dream. _ Stop, I shouldn't say that. Into each mission's covers. It's amazing what costumes assume. And out of turn, discovers. _ I'm living in a can of soup. Where music makes the man. Hidden until opened up. But until then I plan. _ Someone wrote to thus last week. I believe it's called understandings. With two hundred heard of courses. I can stand to learn, all brandings. _ I try to stay away from that. Ergo women tracks remain. There within inner field. So far ahead she fames. _ If you look, at perception. Ten dollars for a month. I wasn't saying that awake. Just dreamed a favor thunk. _ Drew rapture, drew on his face. If tennis was a ball. Nothing changes everything. Behold her corporate wall. _ Lines of change pre-composed. Are you done with that. Comes from heaven thanks forgiven. Very Deeply, lost a hat. _ Soak in oil for the winter. The, like not having some. Cross your legs and tea some bitter. And confirm the winnings won. _ Anti-aging blistery morn. Shoes not matching norm. England does not march on Sunday. Rally fortune's poem. _ Design a sink, make it gold. Newspapers can you, flow of this. Fill with wealth, and had behold. And in a diner, make her wish. _ Well, I'll introduce myself. A wife would need to know. No travel, I can give you that. You choose a reason though. _ A fine actor, harvesting no wind. All, that, you, were, going to say. His father mean while hosting. Just enough sin to sway. _ It's two o'clock in the morning. I'm having, a nervous breakdown. I think maybe no, one, can see me. So I can write this round. _ Oh, not that again. That's not the way it's done. I don't know what this is. The wish to know someone. _ Your chimney, is corrupted. I know because I stare. If harbors have erupted. Please forgive my shadowed air. _ You're not going to open up. Take it one step further. We don't want you on the carpet. The taper today, said heard her. _ Because you were asleep. Rockets, oh my god away. An introduction without the happiness. Place your bets and day. _ Do you ever think about the leaves. And wonder why the water comes. Haste partitions as a resource. Self autumn as the quiet sums. _ Let me ask you around a storm. While everyone is wide awake. Who is writing, down near the ask. If pimples make the same mistake. _ It wasn't could, giving it away. That makes the getting up in morning. You understand who seldom care. If sirens hear a coffee scoring. _ Want no trouble, plastic bubble. Is that to like as fist as see. What a great man, stands I am. That revolts the quest of me. _ And know each day in a never way. What groceries take away. To awake and store, a lust so sure. What makes it to a corner core. _ To the tune of stars vast as captains clover. And rise at the end of day. Mute the bus and call friendships over. I have no words to say. _ Know what at unheaven savors. And hums the slightest air. Just once upon a clock of haven. And the thirst becomes so there. _ The atom which mattered said to the atom unsung. I love you but please don't watch the fun. Have you ever been lonely within a breather. That's kind-less, where pearls send all levers. _ Oh come on, you're not going to offend. The excuse is in being challenged to heal terribly. Hmm. I think I look like that. Are they going to pick me up and bury me. _ A human being isn't that a thing. Built to fall apart if you watch it sing. If it had its moment, what would you say. If it was pertaining, to its justice that day. _ Am I not going to take this anymore? You know that shoes can do that right? So yes I'm knocking him, is that so wrong? The fifth question being, who listens to mom? _ Ok my world is to be uncut. You can't fight em, even if you put gas in there. Like lot's of different things. You tend to learn. About these stings Louise dear. _ When I was five, I heard a preacher Dowse. Don't make plans, they'll be squashed like a mouse. It took forty years, to close that mouth. And learn the new way, to truly own a house. _ Shut up and say it. I told him he was right. It strengthens the body. I definitely know this blight. _ That's the thing you never do. Become all love tying a shoe. For how much could we win I jest. If grown men, could pass that test. _ Occasion liter pour your wine. Shots heard only, in ears of mine. Divided days that rapture lays. A paved song, sing what stays. _ You're all hot compare I was. The penalty of, Despair. McGrewgan light night delight. Upset dearest so, rare. _ Noise where vegetables knock for game. Hunger team ease your train. Drop not, stock of thought. Rewind be kind oh rain. _ You get killed in today's odd paper. Hurry write this down. You get crazy of course it is. Don't think, you did, no sound. _ So many crooks produce on a stage. It's absolutely why I come here these days. A McKegney on craig's list and donuts well made. Holes gone in seconds, and an audience paid. _ He doesn't know what this is. Definitely him snow dry skin. Capacitance especially, nothing lives. Tricky that he tried instinct stalking grim. _ Yes Jane's flat and she knows. It won't be very long. That he can take each test or logic. And suggest the success, button song. _ Please lie and be a one kink woman. Or two kinks if crazy steams. Or three thinks upon a vast forgiven. Says my one heaven blink that leans. _ The unknown effectors in a galaxy are. Hidden so closely yet we swim in their far. For instance like knowing you so dependent on greet. Is also affected by aglennicant heat. _ Slow life person I've just noticed your sale. I'm a slow life person too. Could I please buy your one ticket for life. To see fast people become sherry till chew. _ And so it was there was stipulation. And not a train was lost. And above each tie in an endless sky. Blew a mist of possible frost. _ You want force? You can't handle the force! Because absolutely nothing can be left uneven. So how about a cup of coffee instead? My treat. And we can talk all evening. _ Do they ever set their clocks by jeers. When our stop watch ears are timed by trees. And if all our stems were found by years. Could we ever become full grown tease. _ It's always dankest before the wrong. Where haven in the mind repeats. And hurries shine upon the shone. Where the worries can grow obliques. _ The correct way to use correctional lurid. Is to apply some galaxay. And upon man's history of improvement. You must dare not stop his way. _ Of ambrosia what a storm has shroud. Lifting and lowering a thought filled cloud. As were water made of only stories. Would you mind if my mind flurries. _ Excuse me are there more stars or atoms. Which way should one pay one's toll? Should we sit quietly until all are bored. And is this training going to Be One's Role? _ It's not by stature or envelope. That knowledge is held by teams. Dear song time ago and your single spark. Can I watch you and fill my dreams. _ Free of lime and free of rust. Free of alkaline and no steer uncrushed. May I please well man's unfiltered sounds. And may I please speak clear water nouns. _ Stack toilet paper rolls according to hidden messages. And they'll become an elaborate mess. That's cool knowing too much about a world. But each stung becomes the dawns of chess. _ I could love for some conversation. If one could grow at the speed of tree. And just as slowly changed direction. At the pause before each me. _ I play a game I call the unknown sure. Where I'll find some detail on a public floor. And wonder how no one has ever seen it before. Then imagine I know how its warmth I wore. _ When the Amargosa star and fear. And my sister wish upon nadir. All it takes for the pearl to break. Is just to hear detection wait. _ I put six fresh keys in the battery compartment. But there still seems to be no light. And they just rehired more flower waterers. Could you re-explain true right. _ That's the lost in cost oscillations. When a mood can swing light years or shawls. Lightness when it wants more springs. Heaviness when it wants more falls. _ Dance and forget the placement of light. Every pixel knows. With more giving than per second can trite. Oh please forgive my prose. _ With nothing as solemn as window grime. I'll ask as if wind were mine. Within the harbor between two endless scopes. I'll ask the din to dine. _ Around the face of the undisturbed. A mouth had news for its ear. And what was only known in dreams. All worlds knew not to cheer. _ Oh cheese unfocus the evil eye. Until it becomes the most broad in scope. And impossible to guess where it might be looking. Within the vast before or the vast future hope. _ Now adjust the focus then measure the light. You'll see how the shadow contagions might. Zoom out and you'll see too much illusion of edge. Zoom in and you'll see too much blurry pledge. _ It's an experiment with rain and a sideways sky. With every psychic saying they don't know why. Please answer cloud glancer with a morning vertical nod. I was wondering if you've also been feeling single flawed. _ The greatest gift from her heart. A woman can give a man. He will never own his own election. He's given one by plan. _ Never ask a time traveler what time zone is this. He'll become scared that you've found him out. And equally important when a journey begins. Never leave or believe a river of trout. _ Like wind chimes under a dining room table. Sung by situations instead of breeze. For kinships we could never hear from granite. Could you task the flimsy please. _ Oh let me tell you stories cold. That no one can compare. There is a place so lovely. Called the tv static stare. _ And all throughout the heavens. The suns show off their glare. But only woman shines so bright such light. That hearts would want to share. _ When eyes of potatoes look inward each night. They always contemplate their true meaning of life. That expiry dates are printed illegibly on purpose. To pass laws near a world's un-nice. _ When the mind weakens and the body deteriorates. And takes away everything how much stays? And outside the clarity of years pixel averaging. Is that fog or is that haze? _ All I want is the loneliness. From the ideas as lips as eyes. And conversations wearing the inspirations. And the sweetness black coffee hides. _ And when she crushed his heart making. Every unknown science agree. The lowest decibel was nearly recorded. When an un-moist quark lost she. _ Well I want to abolish change of lake sure patterns. Would you like to mind, my repetition. So I can paint the same cling in the same grand way. Until at least they can never cure condition. _
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