2557 Quatrains Set 100
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Can I call you yard to yet. And believe you too can fly. The sadness of a humming bird's bet. Is that you both know why. _ When two bodies meet in space. They pass or they collide. But I suspect the darkness smiles. When say reveal where an orbit hides. _ Water in a faucet. Like poetry on the mind. Hope is there when you turn a tap. But the source has been refined. _ The most beautiful colors of a painting. A universe or pun. Where sometimes we find are two. There was only room for one. _ Know how just like piano keys. I love to hear your news. So saddest part of your worthy notes. One time and just one choose. _ When silence comment's on a situation. It provokes no reaction. The hardest heart in the deepest despair. Surely needs that traction. _ Of all my highly scary things. Culture scares the most to me. Never been known to heed red lights. Is the subtlety that stampeeds. _ No point in naming clouds. Why didn't you tell me sooner. They pass by fast like eyes of strangers. Named not once we fewned her. _ A research grant for curly phone cords. That's what this world needs. Find out where oh tangles come from. To go where art that leads. _ I always know when I'm in love. Like trees a desert lends. I thought I saw you twice today. Of course it always ends. _ A snail appears so slow. But oh how fast it is. To take from life at such a rate. And just as fast it gives. _ Humble before the one you cove. And especially the some you can't. Try to be the one they love. And the hate they wish they shan't. _ I admire your stillness. How like an unknown lake. But would a ripple be so bad. Those words of friendship sake. _ A million decisions all day from. Each between come nor gone. But as a person better becomes. The difference hums not that long. _ To aim not hurtful words at thee. As archers' trounce go wry. If I could be the air they move. When angry arrows fly. _ Fine arts I sell you truly. Where no one has been. If pun moves so carefully. Yell that's where worlds begin. _ Artists and poets are found by witch hunt. And humanity is searching it's true. Just keep pointing an admiring finger at others. And hope they don't point one at you. _ She visits the coffee shop frequently. Frequency is how to tell. Heros hide in higher specdums. You have to fine tune well. _ Hierarchy is a magic word. We say it all the time. In fact there's no way not to say it. How else would you fill a mind. _ A royal flush is a care thing. Dare so is the own. Elation is not so a rare sing. It's the only thing you keep in your home. _ The sides of a ladder are made with cuddles. A lifetime's length in size. And the rungs of a ladder are made with troubles. In every heart one hides. _ I'll make true art when it says nothing. And nothing has not spoken clear. The heart is a mighty master. But so is what we can't hear. _ Nigh not last so mighty shush. It does to end or stay. Pretend instead though lighty hush. Woe walk away that day. _ Until we find the real reason. The truth will have to do. We can only know so much. So there's always something new. _ That which is not paradox. Can be so much at times. Had until you find it. As that makes it so fine. _ Bolts of lightning are like careers. They take the easiest paths. And retirement is like the thunder. Which echoes of the past. _ Considering the much of us. And the emptiness of space. Sure there's alot more nothingness. But nothing goes to waste. _ Within a perfect stillness. Is there a place for me. I could only till the hush. To respond to thus as seed. _ You don't have to be a poet. You don't have to carve in wood. Just by telling who's your favorite. Shows just how you could. _ The peaceful in constant battle. Against the bored who would do anything. Hand one a peace of paper. And the other the fight that it brings. _ One votes no and four vote yes. And so a story begins. And always when they wish they didn't. Wisdom is their friend. _ I wish there was a movie called Fine Tuning. About how people grow. How they change their inner thoughts. Until themselves they know. _ There's only one advice. That's worth more than another. A life time of choices sends you somewhere. So treasure the voice of your mother. _ Where you'll find our spirit. That place that's made of thirds. No light, no sound, no merits. Destination between the words. _ Vibrations are the seasons. Vibrations are the tides. Vibrations are a world at work. And that's why people cry. _ If we all think about it hard enough. We could change the speed of light. So yes I'll have a cup of coffee. And keep you in my sight. _ That is where we'll meet. Divide the number pi in two. Where lonely philosophies touch once. A single night's truce wooed. _ Though diamond may be the hardest stone. It's not quite the hardest thing known. When broken heart lungs ask why. So hardest is the breathless cry. _ I shall never know such beauty. Like a person so hard at work. That as she oh near sips a coffee. Which no cost can compute such worth. _ If I believed in you hard enough. I was sure that you'd appear. Just like, how a snow flake. Can wish to join a tear. _ Peace shall cause war. And war shall cause peace. Dare but to choose friend. Or both when's shall cease. _ When I look at constellations. I can see what your dreams are. You'll have one million thoughts a month. But you only get five stars. _ When men on the moon first saw the earth. Well the first time I saw you was like that. Oh surely I was in such awe of your beauty. But then I remembered where I was at. _ A valentine I give to thine. And pretend we were divided and then. Like Plasticine in a child's dreams. We forever recombine again. _ Symbol metaphor I do see. Gentleman lady and voice of thee. A thought filled word moves so eased. In hath through others a brevity. _ You know that shape of humans. Well humans are nothing like that. But kept secret hidden inside somewhere. Is where their circle is at. _ Art and poetry teach like mountains. What the hiking boot needs to know. Nothing to shoelaces could be more louder. Than the silence of something so old. _ Appreciation oh what are you. If only one can care. Go boldly oh the heart that plunders. What others have held dear. _ That is the strongest shield. When anger sounds like don't. Nothing can hurt the warmth of self. When a kitten's hidden in your coat. _ Did you ever climb a tree. Because that's where might be. And find one upon the thinnest branch. Because that's where no shy men dare chance. _ Hang his paintings in the bathroom hall. If a need has such a lovely wall. But I should think needs are deeper still. His art we'll hang upon the old free will. _ Inspiration is the loneliest torment. But oh what a place to be. No one can join such a tiniest moment. But lo may I hold hands with thee. _ To send them adrift upon oceans of time. Kept but afloat in the vessels of minds. Hallways may never love metaphors. But rhymes to hum shall swim corridors. _ Please excuse my thoughts and words. For although I feel they're new. They're all but oh so obvious. Most worlds already knew. _ Oh what is this thing so cruel. If when pushed stops like a mule. And flutters like a cobweb's code. The ironies of life I rode. _ Culture has to choose direction. And to learn or not was his. When two artist meet. Something has to give. _ When hate tries to climb a ladder. Please try not to stare. Its plight is a private matter. Remember you were once there. _ Every culture grows. To a point where it disappears. If a billion dice were rolled down a hill. I hope that ours are near. _ Life is like a pair of socks. You can hold it in your hands for years. But no sooner than you forget to think. Oh god it disappears. _ You too can be a heaven. And know what a universe said. Behold your transistor radio. Until its battery is dead. _ The spear thus flows to shield. In the hand that also throws. Yet no breeze be uglied thrice. By the art of the rose thorn's pose. _ Poems are just coordinates. Locations on a map. Revel not in the words themselves. But where the mind is at. _ As refrigerator paintings disappear. It is voices that glue the seams. To bind a world with conversations. An artist can only dream. _ Time unyields its additions. Ideas are my bars. To speak of thus a butterfly. I must have forgotten the stars. _ Lumber Jacks and tire swings. What could fill such needs. Can an artist love such beauty. If woman is a tree. _ An artist moves everything that is not a brush. The brush just gets in the way. I looked at a Dali this morning. This evening I returned a tray. _ Build your mountain with every thought. Inspect each and every seed. Then stand back 40 miles. And see the shape your dream. _ The battle fields behold. And kingdoms tear their reigns. While all the while the pebble streams. Hold the fiercest fights for names. _ To behold we look for kinship. No distance can stop our stare. As we would search our lifetime cursed. Why did we not see the air. _ 68.2 soldiers good. 31.8 soldiers bad. Beauty is but 1 soldier. Such divisions make him sad. _ A world of hope in all friend's eyes. No hearts would beat that cannot cry. In rest of names all wolves would hide. Behind their masks of butterflies. _ Oceans of oceans and dusts of dusts. Or between the wills of men who must. A shore line renders but beauty best. I'll make my whom on the thought of this. _ What is a poem without a wake. Or a toilet without a dime? The fires of life must vent or break. So I hope you'll look at mine. _ If one bites the bully. The bully will bite thee. As frost upon the window glass. Records the dance for tea. _ I would be your gentle lover. You would hardly know I'm there. Just like your home drip coffee maker. When you make one cup and stare. _ Like raindrops from an ocean. With every word I've spoken. Every billionth letter put together. I've just learned spells your name. _ The flower that grows so small. Is the saddest wilt of all. For there is no red or hue so lived. As the color of the uncorsage. _ Apply the breaks when needed. Life but needs control. I will not tell you my opinions. Until the light turns stroll. _ Thoughts are like a waterbed. Did you get any sleep at all? For any belief that rises. Another one must fall. _ Of all directions life can bend. A million terribles or a million friends. I'll not wish for direction two. And accept the one that's led to you. _ Put your palms together. Then push down quick with force. Then put your ear to the Morse code key. And listen for a pulse. _ Sweet attention to focus thee. Upon the world in front of me. To watch their shadow's loanlydance. Untill you see their eloquence. _ Ideas are like coke cans. They're everywhere for those who look. And turn their collections in for rewards. Each poem worth a cent. _ Show me an ant or ten forest streams. And I'll show you a mountain or a single seed. Details and distance are forever entwined. One needs the other for understanding of mind. _ There's no such thing as fiction. Let the truth be told. I'll draw our world with tooth pics. The heart said to the soul. _ Here's to the mountains who subtlety grow. From all stimulations craved and known. A toast to just need a painting. And a toast to just need a poem. _ To talk all day and never say. That which we all think. Then somebody writes it down. Oh man what a wretched fink. _ Someday I'll be a real poet. When I have nothing to say. Then the poems I want to tell you. Shall already know the day. _ Would all eyes touch morning. If sunrise could be sold. The world would need a sun oh bright. Or a princess to behold. _ To see a strife from orbit. That's what dreams are for. Let no moment hide it's beauty. So minds shall always soar. _ That most silent target. In the noise with no end. Oh curse the search. For the quiet friend. _ The job was open. So the young man applied. And the old man waved. You're a poet now hide. _ Action is a place. Where sighs don't need to be. Were every happy pulse to race. Somewhere rustle leaves. _ Soft spoken hearts. So golden their means. Opinions like soap bubbles. Should float to their gleams. _ Oh what irony an eye becomes. When a tear can hold despise or love. And the hardest heart with hate filled stare. Will have mementos too somewheres. _ Tell me only autumn leaf. How do you like your brook. Should the water be so calm. Or move just oh so lill. _ Of all the sciences to study things. Poetry works the hardest. To look through mirrors and microscopes. The moist eye sees the farthest. _ Snails clung to amusement park rides. Drinking morning dew. Move as carefully in new directions. As breakfast washers do. _ It's not my job, turning forty. Ask any bells of man. Turn a profit, then give to arrows. The great loss, of who I am. _ The back of a city bus may be owned by the devil. But the bus couldn't move without it. A balance that keeps a world so level. Never changing and never shouted. _
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