Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Ninety Nine

I know this is a personal question.
But how do you connect the dots?
In the mist of thinking screaming equals.
Should beauty join the dewdrop thoughts?

#650Voice Over Old Milk Carton Saying no More than the Usual Dosage (asking dream to solve world baldness)

#651A Man Waiting a Long Time for a Bus which Arrives but just Parks on a Lawn Beside Him

#652A Man in the Dark in his Apartment Pretending that he is a Floor Lamp

#653Captain of Large Ship and Passengers Standing Against Foot High Railing Waving Goodbye to Overboard Woman

#654Many Crowding Friends Visiting Crazy Inventor as he is Busy Inventing Time Machine for Making Friends in the Past

#655A Door with a Sign Indicating a Future Meeting Place for Neutral People

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