Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Ninety Five

Sturdy strands the monument.
Within trust like abandoned glee.
Forged by anger while their irony's not.
Damming how they all should be.

#626A Woman's Strong Mean Boyfriend Blowing a Bubble Gum Bubble Against your Face

#627Reaching Down and Lifting a Woman's Foot off of One of your Computer Cables

#628A Lost Grandmother Wandering Streets and Store Fronts at Four in the Morning Viewed from Behind

#629Dali Poster Powered Food Court Wall Behind a Man Wearing Feathered Head Dress Lunching Mall

#630Taking a Healthy Beverage Product from a Shelf and Putting a Cup of Coffee on it Far to the Back

#631A Weird Judge Behind a Small Three Pane Room Divider he Opens Across his Bench Very Often

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