Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Eighty

Be quiet when you hold a human being.
And try hard not to hurt their spin.
Of all the creatures that near the Mozart.
They'll have the thinest skin.

#535Front Door Clock with One Foot Tangled Vines of Man who Keeps his Outings Short

#536An Over Weight Woman Putting on a Pair of Rose Colored Glasses

#537Surprised Women in Bikini Waking up on Top of a Woman in Bikini Somewhere on a Tundra

#538Romantic Candle Lit by a Woman That is Falling into a Box of Fireworks Behind Her

#539A Flat Faced Man in a Bed with his Features Like a Rubber Mask

#540Leg Descending a Mountain Resting and Overlooking a City

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