Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Fifty Six

Where man looks there he goes.
Learned mosquitoes say.
And where he finds incline in dreams.
You'll find him there next day.

#389Nemesis Left of Frame in Profile Cloaked with Oversized Triangles Only for Best Reach

#390Woman Leaning Peacefully with Nose and Mouth Covered by One Large Bandage

#391Four Female Brains One Painted Larger By Me During My Visit to an all Girl Art Class

#392Many Car Batteries Next to a Fence Some With Light Bulb Loads and Some Not

#393My Ear's Stereo Equipment Store (asking a dream to show a best career for my brother)

#394Deep Thinking Woman Hurt by Thinking Looking Down at Funnels (asking dream to show cause of my headache)

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