Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Two Hundred and Ffifty Three

I can't believe in Relationships.
Mankind put into the great-cloud of stoic.
Well then stop rhyming about it.
His quantum computer rhymed through poet.

#1576A hungry Roadside Ditch relying Entirely on Texting at a University Level

#1577A new Father in the Rain with his Forehead on his Hands leaning into Open window crying so Sadly is this really fair Elderly Care

#1578Mousy Man sitting at Computer Workstation Within Giant Wooden Mouse Trap

#1579Two elderly apartment tenants in Halloween Costumes embracing in Hallway after asking each other for Kiss

#1580One drone flying over a Grave one Earth rotating under its Phase

#1581A Crow drinking from a Small Lake while waiting for a City Bus on the last day of Autumn

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