Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Two Hundred and Forty Nine

Cars can oh through intersections.
But two ways I pretend.
Pause for just eternity.
For that light to change again.

#1558Acrobatic forward Flip by Horse to escape Fear of Four-inch-tall Regular Trainer's arrival near Hind Hoof (living with a narcissist)

#1559A bird living inside a Pipe undiscovered inside a Ship Heard sometimes Tapping Metal and Sometimes Singing Lists

#1560Red Desert area of Barren Land with thousands of Industrial size Fuel storage Tanks and one Watchman

#1561Large upside down Head above Orchard thinking All trees Below reaching up to Connect

#1562Astronaut on Planet that has just One Tree with Hockey players Guarding-path to work place Coffee

#1563Toxic Gadget Battery to Face-Pimple surprisingly slipping under Skin wondering how to Remove it Discovering gentle Pinching Wins

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