Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Two Hundred and Forty Six

Selling, non-violence. Chalk doesn't lend itself.
Hey, this "place" is made of cake.
An entire month they wouldn't do it. Get them out of here.
She dropped "Sweetwater Lake".

#1534The man who builds elaborate Lecture Stages and Seating to Stand Alone in front of That will never be Used

#1535Just the Beautiful leg of a Stage Actress receiving Applause as she makes her Entrance by Slowly Sliding down the Curtain

#1536Angry Fanged Teeth missing the Teeth between the Fangs (unattraction unaware of its center of attention plight)

#1537Two Brothers Ship Crewmen often ordered to Sober up by Sitting on a Sofa lowered halfway down the Port Side

#1538A Woman permanently under Care in a Psychiatric Ward because she Sees her Employer's Vision

#1539Man sitting Back Left of empty City Bus seeing Mother three seats Forward Right trying to get the Laundry Machine to Work

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