Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set One Hundred and Ninety Six

Somehow I'm quite optimistic.
And I go on patronizing inner say.
Oh, no, He serve pages.
I'll have the "not-around-here" tray.

#1234Sittwomuch Cryfowl receiving his weekly Grocery Delivery confused by the joking about not Needing Water

#1235Milk Men playing Pour Milk seven feet down into Drinker unknowingly Driving towards Luxury Pickup Truck owner Fishtailing Backend over Cliff

#1236Magically Figure Skating in Public Square without Roller Skates to Romance Music that for some reason only I can Hear

#1237Feeling admiration for a Bare Bones new Candy Store Owner and thinking carefully of offering him my Paintings

#1238A premodern Warrior in theater Seating interrupting Stage Players to ask if they also are hearing his Favorite Song

#1239An old Farmer and an old Computer Programer imagining they must talk to each other's child level whenever they Meet

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