Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set One Hundred and Eighty Three

Suspicion will always need a suspect.
Earned by the tip at eternity's fine.
That two-way sting that also respects.
History's reason to find.

#1156People living inside their Walls in Small Drawers hiding from Emergency crews Breaking In (ebola preparedness)

#1157Women getting together for Tea and also for Washing Everything (ebola preparedness)

#1158Women saving us from all the Bathtub leaks in our Homes (ebola preparedness)

#1159What might mean my first Activated Unconscious Visual seen while testing Napping with my Hand out before my closed Eyelids

#1160Two homeless Men getting Disability if they can prove a Garbage Bin Lid could Close above Them

#1161Just standing with Milk on Scarf too far from a Mirror but Not too far from the Sea

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