Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set One Hundred and Fifty Four

Now I understand painting.
It works fluidly like self finds self.
Like dreams "form" up against other dreams.
Adding details, "moist" eyes will help.

#981Visual Instruction Guide of how to Choose a Proper type of Coffee Cone Filter

#982Sleepy man who Woke at night while Camping feeling around Floor of tent in search of Nothing

#983Reaching into Darkness between two Storage Sheds pulling back Nothing that was lost to Time

#984Contemplating the Impossible question by sitting Center of Frozen Pond whenever Morning something Lost

#985Compliant Passenger in Car where Driver's rule is Everybody must Sit upon Fresh Sheets of Tin Foil

#987A Man and Woman in a Space Viewing Port after hearing about Hate for the First Time

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