Article #6742 (6742 is last): From: (Po$$e) Newsgroups: alt.dreams.lucid Subject: Using Lucid Dreams For Creativity Date: Wed Mar 8 18:14:06 1995 I just discovered this newsgroup yesterday and was really happy I found it. As soon as I found it I told my friend Tony who goes to a different school. Tony and I have always thought about our dreams and then after reading an article on Lucid Dreams a few years ago, we've tried to accomplish lucid dreams. We've both had them in the past but with little control. I remember an article I read where a painter used his lucid dreams for his creativity. He would have his easil and all by his bedside, then he would put himself into a lucid dream. In his dream he would get out of bed and look at the easil and there would be a painting on it. He would study it very closely and then wake up and paint what he saw in his dream. All of his paintings were done like this. I thought that this was very interesting. I forgot the name of the artist. Did anyone read this article? Does anyone know the name of the painter? In any case, I can't wait to start lucid dreaming again, with more frequency and control. Sweet dreams. -Po$$e