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         E L E C T R I C     D R E A M S 

                Volume 4  Issue #1
                 26 January 1997

                  ISSN# 1089 4284


 Electric Dreams  - on the World Wide Web


-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl 

-- Send Dream Questions and Concerns to
Victoria Quinton 

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats 

-- Send Requests for Dream Groups to:
Chris Hicks  

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson:   

--For back issues, editors addresses
   and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue


Download a GREAT COVER for Electric Dreams 4(1)!
Cover by Rob Childress


C O N T E N T S 

++Editors' notes
++Dream Groups via Email - Chris Hicks
++Slow Wave - Jesse Reklaw
++Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton
++DreamTrek Column - Linda Lane Magallon
  The Holiday Ornament -Dream Telepathy Game Results
++Article - ASD UPDATE - ASD links - Richard Wilkerson
++(NEW)Column:  Jung and Dreams Column: 
                The Real Dream by Matthew Clapp
++Feature: Epic Dewfall Interview:
            Man Against Eternity Tour
++Article -- A Healing Power, Update on 
             Castaneda's Projects - Mark Seven Smith
++Guest Column:  Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams
                  Part III by  Charles McPhee
++Column: Life, Art Dream : Projection 
                            by Alissa Goldring
++Article:  D R E A M S : a Source of Inner Truth
                by Nathan Zafran
++Poem: Grateful for Second Chances 
        Dream Inspired Poetry of  Karen Sosnoski
++Article - The Electric Dreams Education Program - 
            A Proposal by Richard Wilkerson
++NEW) Column:  Madame Aionia's   Astrological Dreaming Series:   
         Dreaming Through the Houses - January- First House!
++DreamSharing In Cyberspace I - Email and Mail Lists
                                Richard Wilkerson
++Dream Sharing Influences - This month: >>> Freud <<<
                            - Article by Matthew Parry
                            - Freud Resources online

G L O B A L   D R E A M I N G   N E W S - Peggy Coats

- Dream Catchers - Dream Art Show
- Certificate in Dreamwork
- Personal and Practical Approaches to Your 
- Dream Incubation Retreat
- Volunteers Sought for Computer Room at ASD 
- Call for Entries ASD Art Exhibition
- Dream Art Quarterly Meetings in SF Bay Area
- Novato Center for Dreams Closing
- New French Revue About Dreaming 

- ASD  Links - how to get one
- Roberta Ossana articles online
- Dreamwork from the Adler School of Professional Psychology
- Sufi Dreamwork with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
- National Dream Group Leader Training 

- Strange, Weird or Crazy Dreams
- Dream Photography Project
- Online Dream Interpretation Interns Needed
- Dream Education Project

- ASD Links
- Dream Mandalas has moved

- PowWow Get-togethers
- IRC Get-togethers

- February - March 1997

D R E A M S   D R E A M S   D R E A M S   D R E A M S 




Subject: A Flying Fish and A Book---Thanks


=Commentary by Narcissus on "The Magical Little Man" by Mark
=Commentary on "The Magical Little Man" by MarkM (961228)=


[Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it
happens, if you can]

* Dream:  Belated Precognitive Dream? by Nutcracker (961230)*

[Significant by nature]

* Dream: Bug Dreams by TrishC (961231)*

[Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

               LINKS TO STAGES OF LIFE

BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end] 

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]


ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

* Dream: BUG DREAMS by TrishC (961231)*
= Commentary on Bug Dreams by Alex (970101)=
* Dream:  Untitled II by Nutcracker (961230)* 
* Dream:  Mystical Happenings by Nutcracker (961206)*

AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

* Dream: SHOT AT THE DOOR by Nancy (970110)*
= Commentary by BobK on SHOT AT THE DOOR (970126) =

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

See Jeff Bridges in: Love of A Life  under ROMANCE.

See Holly Hunter (The Piano), Jerry O'Connell (Sliders), and some
girl that looks like Rosie O'Donnell in MENaces To Society under
the category ESCAPE.

See Leonard Nimoy and Gloria Marsh in My 3 Husbands under the

See Jimmy Carter & Roslyn in Hello Mr & Mrs President under the

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

 [How come we didn t have this category sooner, seeing that we
are a computer assembled and computer distributed publication? Go

See the dream UNTITLED under ANIMALS for a downloading theory.

From the Ed-Staff - C & V on Computer Dreams:

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

* Dream: "EGYPTIAN ASSUMPTION"  by Andrew    (961230)
=Commentary on EGYPTIAN ASSUMPTION by Mark (970101)=
* Dream: THE FACES OF THE CHOIR BOYS by Magyar (9701xx)*
=Commentary on : if 'the faces of choir boys' by magar were my   
dream, by jay (further thoughts) (9612xx)=
* Dream: "The Arid Circle" by GWCOO (970101)
=Commentary by Jay V on The Arid Circle by GWCOO=
=Commentary by Narcissus on "The Arid Circle" by GWCOO=
=Commentary by John Hebert on The Arid Circle by GWCOO=           

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

* Dream:  The Shoes by Nutcracker (961215)*

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

* Dream:  MENaces To Society by Nutcracker (961230)*

FEAR [What scares us]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

*Dream: Flying...More and more Difficult by AL (970124)

GIFTS [Offerings from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

* Dream:  Pez by Nutcracker (961208)*
* Dream:  Pez II by Nutcracker (961208)*
* Dream:  Pez III by Nutcracker (961219)*
* Dream:  Pez IV by Nutcracker (961219)*
* Dream:  Pez V by Nutcracker (961222)*
* Dream:  Pez VI by Nutcracker (961227)*

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

Is the Airport terminal a hospital? Check out the dream: Shoes,
in the category ELEVATORS.

* Dream: The Bear and the Bags by LM in PR (970111)*

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

* Dream: BIG HUGE HOUSE LEVELS by VickyT (961231)*
* Dream: "Crying Woman Dream" by Eugene (970120)*

= Commentary on The Crying Woman: MY UNDERSTANDING by Eugene=

* Dream:  Untitled 1/4 by Nutcracker (961203)*

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

* Dream: Three Part Dream by J-ones from NORWAY (961228)*

= Commentary on: Three Part Dream from Norway by BobC (961228)=
* Dream:  Out To Sea by Nutcracker (961228)*
* Dream:  A Cheap Thrill by Nutcracker (9612220)*

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

* Dream: 'Crazy' by MadGrl (970123) *
= Commentary by Emarks on: Crazy (970123) =

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the             

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

* Dream:  Pre-U2 by Nutcracker (961210)*

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

* Dream: THE DEAL by MarkM (961228) *
= Commentary by MarkM=
= Commentary on ANOTHER DEAL by rcwilk (961228)

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

* Dream:  Hello Mr & Mrs President by Nutcracker (961210)*

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves]

See a Dad related dream under ELEVATORS.

* Dream : My Dream question & Concern by Anonymous (970119)*
= Commentary by Narcissus on "Dream Question & Concern" by Anon=
* Dream:  Don t Mess With Me by Nutcracker (961221)*
* Dream:  My 3 Husbands by Nutcracker (961211)*

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

* Dream: A Changing Pair of Feet by LT (9701XX)*

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

[Ice Cream and Love ... does it get any better??? ;)]

* Dream:  Love of My Life by Nutcracker (961203)*

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or
imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

* Dream: A FLYING FISH AND A BOOK by AmaznBeast (961225)*  
= Commentary on:  A Flying Fish and A Book by BobK (961226)=
= Reply from AmaznBeast on A Flying Fish and A Book (961227)= 
= Reply to Amazn =

* Dream:  Woman/Child by Nutcracker (961222)*

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

* Dream: SOMEONE IS STEALING MY CAR by Steve (970124)

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

See A FLYING FISH AND A BOOK for a trapped in the workplace dream

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

== == == == == == == == == == == ==

February 12, WED  deadline for submission  FOR ED 4(2)


                   Editor's Notes


As I have a rather long proposal this month for themes for
Electric Dreams over the course of the year, I'll keep the
editor's notes brief. This will be hard to do as there are so
many offerings this month. If you would like to align your
articles, send in dreams related to the upcoming themes, or just
peek into the future,  read my proposal on Electric Dreams and

Featured this month is the lucid dream gallery of Epic Dewfall.
Epic looks for art work on the wall of lucid dreams and then
creates images in paints and poetry of his discoveries. Read the
interview, visit his online gallery!

And while we are on the topic of art, did you know that you can
download a unique cover for Electric Dreams each month? This
month we have guest artist, Rob Childress whom you all know as a
creative force on the Oneiro-Network and lucid dream explorer.

Have you been wondering what's been going on with
alt.dreams.castaneda and their meetings? Mark Seven Smith will
update you in his moving article of how Castaneda's work has
touched his illness. Speaking of updates, have you ever wondered
what the Eckankar Dream program was about?  Nathan Zafran give us
a peek into the Master's Mind in  DREAMS:a Source of Inner Truth.

We have a few new regular columns starting this month. In keeping
with the educational program, there is info this month on dream
sharing and email & mail list. Chris Hicks gives us an update and
instructions for the ED DreamWheels, and I am offering
information on a www site with a column about creating
dreamsharing groups via mail lists. For more, See the column
Dream Sharing in Cyberspace.  

The educational themes continue in "Influences on Dream Sharing", 
and information about the old dream geezer Freud, to begin a year
long dream sharing education focus.  Also, we are fortunate to
have a new regular column on Jung and Dreams, from  Matthew
Clapp. He will be guiding us down the many labyrinths of Jungian
thought this year and deepening our dreamwork. Madame Aionia
joins us this year with a look at Dreams through the Houses, a
way to mix the metaphors in dreams and astrology. Our Guest
Columnist,  Charles McPhee, continues his explorations of lucid
dreaming as researched in his book
_Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams_ and provides some profound
questions about the nature of consciousness.

Our Regular columnist have wonderful ideas and projects worth
reading as well. Linda Magallon has the results of the Telepathy
experiment and reveals to us how close we came with our dream
hits. Alissa Goldring's Life, Art & Dream column explores the
world of Projection and offers a corresponding web site with
beautiful graphics from her dreams. 

So that you can get the latest News on Dreams and Dreaming at a
web site right away, Peggy Coats is now mirroring the Global
Dreaming News at a beautiful new site

We will also continue to print the news here and on the Electric
Dreams site, but you can now check the dreamtree site for the
latest updates and changes between Electric Dreams Printings.
    There are wonderful programs and workshops and cyber-events
coming up, so find your interests in the Global Dreaming News and
then print up the Events Calendar and put that right by your
computer!  By the way, the GD news looks really good these days
because Peggy puts so much into getting it ready for you. And she
does this for you for free!  You can help her out by looking over
the resources in your regional area and sending them to her. What
are your Community Colleges offering on dreams, your
Universities, your local churches? Who coordinates seminars and
lectures in you area, what kinds of materials are carried by your
library?  See some really cool web site on dreams? - check out
the reference page
and if we don't have anything on this site, send her the URL and
maybe a short review of the site.

Please note that our Dream Section Editor, Bob Krumhansl, now has
a NEW email address, and all dream submissions should go directly
to him at  
  If you are on the mail list, you can still
just send the dreams into the mail list. Send comments on the
dreams to Bob, or send them into the ed-core mail list if you
want comments on your interpretations. 

   Bob has taken on a new project in the last few months to make
the dream section even more interesting by grouping the dreams
into various topic areas. To find out just what Bob does to get
these wonderful dreams ready for you, be sure to read his Dream
Section Editorial. 

   My apologies to Victoria Quinton and all who have contributed
to the Dream Airing Column. I crashed my AOL email file for Dec-
Jan and just haven't been able to pull all the material together
again.  If you expected to have something printed in this issue
of Electric Dreams and it wasn't, it is probably my fault. Please
re-send the material with a request for printing. Thanks also to
Victoria for all the translations this month!

-Richard Wilkerson

                        Slow Wave

Slow Wave is a collective dream diary authored by unconscious
minds from around the world, and illustrated by Jesse Reklaw. A
new strip is uploaded every week on the first minute of Saturday,
EST. That's 9 PM Friday in California, 6 AM Saturday in France,
and 3 PM Saturday in Sydney, Australia.

Be sure to see the New Slow Wave Comics for January

Also, stop by and read about the new contest to give a theme to
early issues of the related zine, Concave Up.

Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton
If you send material in for publication, but can't find it, its
because Richard lost all the e-mail!  Please re-send and the
Dream Airing Column will be back next month.


I'm asking people on this list that have used Mind Machines
(light and sound machines) that send you into altered states of
consciousness... and what degree of brainwaves is associated with
dreaming and which one is associated with LUCID dreaming...
thanks    Kevin

Did you know that there is a group of people in West Africa,
Liberia, to be more precise, the VAI people, who are the only
Africans to have their own written language?  It was "given" to
one of the elders in a dream.
  I was the field director for this research project 20 yrs ago.  

The VAI language from a dream has been written up under the
official study name of "The Cognitive Consequences of Literacy
among the Vai People of Liberia"  - the co-directors were Dr.
Michael Cole and the late Dr. Sylvia Scribner.  I recently
learned that Mike is at the Univ of CA @ San Diego The book they
published had a different title, and I'm sorry that I didn't get
one at the time!

Hi Cyndi - I have fragments of an interview which I', printing
below, but much of it is out of context - sorry! -Richard

Mermaid: Firstly, would you be able to provide a brief
description of "Sea of Dreams"

Cyndi:Actually, the name of my column is called "Sea of Dreams,"
and the name  of   the webzine is called GTO World Wide, located
at: user/ buttrfly/

Cyndi:This is the first week for my column. :) 
Hence your first interview as a columnist!

Cyndi: The editor, Rod Amis,  contacted   me after seeing my
webpage and offered me first a feature on his zine,  then a
column of my own. 

Mermaid:  Terrific.

Cyndi: The format for Sea of Dreams is pretty simple; a reader
submits a dream  for   interpretation, and I give it my best
shot.  My goal is to help others  learn  how to tap their inner
guidance via their dreams.  My first GTO Reader  interpretation
is now up at the above URL for GTO.   I gave a brief intro  this
week, and a small auto-bio of me pertaining to how I got
interested  in dreams is located at the Staff Roster section of
Cyndi: My main webpage is called "Cyndi's Dream Interpretation
Guide, located at      

Cyndi: I was amazed that I hadn't found Electric Dreams before
now.  What a   great   site!

 If there is any other info you would like, or if you would
prefer the   info  first-hand, just let me know & I will be happy
to oblige.

Cyndi:  I like your nick, Mermaid.  Reminds me of swimming with
the dolphins,  something I've always wanted to do one day.  

   It's mainly because I'm a Pisces woman, but I like the idea of
dolphins too.

Victoria 8*)



Cooper, D. Jason, The Power of Dreaming 
United States of America: Llewellyn Publications, 1995.

Fontana, David, The Secret Language of Dreams London,
U.K.: Pavilion Books, 1994.

Jung, Carl G, Relationships Between the Self and the Unconscious 
Spain: Ediciones Paidos, 1993.

Jung, Carl G., Man and his Symbols 
Spain: Ediciones Paidos 1995. 

Parker, Julia and Derek, The Secret World of Your Dreams
New York,U.S.A: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1990.

Sheppard Linda, Wake Up to Your Dreams 

Tanous, Alex & Gray, Timothy, Dreams, Symbols And Psychic Power 
 United States of America: Bantam Doubleday Publishing Group,
Inc. 1990. 

Van de Castle, Robert L., Our Dreaming Mind 
United States of America: Ballantine Books, 1994. 

-No, the developers do not have a direct Jungian background but
software was developed after 11 months of reaserch and with the
help of
profesional psycologists.

-PRICING: Yes the price is correct. At the moment the software
will only
be available via download purchase. Arrangements for billing are
their final stage. The posibility of packaging the product as an
alternate way of distributing is being considered, so will the
costs of

All information you sent me about DreamUp and the page is

DreamUp is a dream analysis assistant and dream journal software
developed for PC's. It's analysis tool is based on Carl C. Jung's
theory of the collective consciousnes.

DreamSoft, Inc., 9051-C Siempre Viva Rd., Suite MX-037-070, San
CA , 92173

Xavier Ferragut


           DreamWheel DreamGroups Update
                     Chris Hicks



Hello new and seasoned Dream Wheelers and all interested parties!

The next online, E-mail dream group is about to begin.

For those of you who are new to the Dream Wheels, I will be
explaining the process as we proceed and sending you detailed
instructions, step by step.


Dreams are submitted.  A dream(s) is chosen by random process and
distributed to the entire group via our automated mail list. 
Group members ask *clarification* questions of the dreamer, who
then has an opportunity to respond.  Once all the questions and
answers have been sent group members comment on the dream using
the  "If this were my dream..." technique.  The process and
techniques used support and encourage a non-threatening
environment that often leads to insights for both the dreamer and
the commentators!


As before, the level of anonymity is something that each member
can handle themselves by signing up to the mail list via the
email address you don't mind others in the group knowing.  You
can choose whatever pen name you want, or just your first name. 
If you do feel the need for more anonymity, drop me a line and
I'll set up a way for this to happen.  Please respect the privacy
of the dreamers and other group members by keeping dreams,
questions, comments, and email addresses confidential.

Step 1:   Signing on to mail list

Send an email to:

subject: Plz sub me (or anything-its automatic)

In the body of the email type:   subscribe dream-on

 You will be signed on and get a message back in minutes saying
so.  Once signed on you will receive all emails sent to the group
via the 

address.  This same address should be used to send messages to
the whole group.



Thank you for your interest in the Dream Wheel dream sharing
groups.  I hope the following information is helpful.  If, after
reading this, you have further questions or concerns feel free to
contact me, Christopher Hicks,


A Dream Wheel is an online dream sharing group.  The Dream Wheels
have their roots in the work of John Herbert, the "grandfather"
of online dream work. As part of his academic endeavors John
sought, and in fact is still seeking, to find if the "If this
were my dream" dream work technique, originally developed to be
used in face-to-face dream groups, could be used in the online
environment with positive results. Richard Wilkerson, Electric
Dreams General Editor,  was inspired by the ground breaking work
of John Herbert. After participating in two of John's
experimental online dream groups Richard developed his own series
of experimental groups, called Dream Circles.  He used the "If
this were my dream" technique.   Although the technique used in
the Dream Circles was sound, the process was problematic. The
Dream Circles involved E- mailing an ever-increasing file from
group member to group member.  Each time the file was mailed it
grew larger and larger.  This made for many problems.  The E-mail
Dream Wheels have a simplified process that makes participating
very easy, thanks to our automated mail list. The technique,
however, has remained mostly unchanged during the evolution from
Dream Circles to Dream Wheels.  This is due to the fact that the
"If this were my dream" technique is a very sound one for working
with dreams in a group environment. This technique has  two key
factors: safety and discovery.  The "If this were my dream" 
technique respects the fact that the dreamer is exposing a very
personal and vulnerable side of themselves in sharing dreams with
the group.  This technique allows for the dreamer to retain
"ownership" of the dream and a certain level of "control"
throughout the entire group process.  The emphasis on discovery
comes after the group has shared their questions and the dreamer
has responded (more on this later).  It is at this point in the
group that the "If this were my dream" technique asks members to
accept the dream as if it were their own.  The group members
share comments about the dream.  All comments begin with the
remark, "If it were my dream", so it is clear to everyone that
the comments following are those of the commentator and are not
necessarily valid for the dreamer.  From this point the technique
allows for discussion of the comments made and sharing of
reactions to these comments.


The Dream Wheels are running in different venues.

     E-mail Dream Wheels
                         WWW Dream Wheels
                         Real time Dream Wheels
                         Small unmoderated Dream Wheels


There are four phases to the E-mail Dream Wheels.

Ph a s e On e :  In phase one dreams are submitted (all dreams
can be submitted to me, Christopher Hicks, at:  For each dream we ask that a short
title be included.  As well, we ask that the dreamer send the pen
name they want to use.  Many people simply use their first names. 
Although a formal request for dreams is made at this time there
is a "standing request" for dreams at all times.  With the number
of new venues increasing we need dreams for groups at all times! 
Any dreams can be sent at any time.  Dreams are chosen for the
Dream Wheels by random process.

In addition to dream submission, Phase One is also the time for
group members to subscribe to the automated mail list.  This mail
list makes communication in the group very easy!  Once subscribed
to the automated mail list all messages sent to the group E-mail
address are automatically sent to everyone in the group.  As a
member of an E-mail Dream Wheel all one must do is send and
receive E-mail.

Ph a s e Tw o :  In Phase Two members send clarification
questions to the group address for the dreamer.  These can be
questions that ask a dreamer to describe a setting, character, or
action in more detail.  The purpose here is to clarify the dream
and grasp it as clearly as possible.  An example of an
appropriate question: "What shade of red is the jacket you are
wearing?" The Dream Wheels do not support members in asking
questions that ask the dreamer to make an interpretation.  An
example of a question *not* to ask: "What do you think it means
that you are wearing a red jacket?"  Questions relating to waking
life events and circumstances that may relate to the dream can be
asked here, but are really more appropriately asked in Phase Four
of the group.  This is primarily due to the fact that in Phase
Three members will be making commentaries by taking the dream as
their own. Therefore the waking life circumstances of the dreamer
are not relevant at this point.  The dreamer is given the
opportunity to respond to the questions in this phase as well. 
To maintain the safe environment and the dreamer's ownership of
the dream they have the choice  to not respond to any of the
questions sent.

Ph a s e Th r e e :  In this phase members make their
commentaries.  This is done by accepting the dream as if they had
dreamt it.  All commentaries are prefaced with, "If this were my
dream", or "If it were my dream". Commentaries are written in
first person present tense as an additional reminder that any
comments are projections of the commentator and may not be valid
for the dreamer.  An example: "If this were my dream, I am
standing on the edge of a steep hill.  I feel like this hill
might be symbolic of some fear in my life...".  Another example,
"If it were my dream, I am walking with my mother.  She is
smiling at me.  My mom's smile may represent my inner sense of
calm and satisfaction that I have been feeling lately...".
Although this technique does lay out some clear guidelines it
also leaves enough room for people to find their own style of
commenting on the dreams. Some people go through the dream line
by line, adding in their comments along the way.  This style is
excellent in that it truly honors the dream and all its detail. 
However, it can be time consuming.  Others chose to absorb the
dream and write their commentary without the original dream text.
Both ways work and it is up to each member to find their style
within the technique's guidelines.

Ph a s e F o u r :  This phase is where the group is "opened up"
to discussion.  The dreamer, if she/he chooses, shares their
reactions to the commentaries--what fit into place and what
didn't.  The commentators can also share their reactions to the
various comments made.  This is where, if the dreamer wishes,
questions about waking life circumstances can be asked in an
effort to help facilitate the discovery aspect of the group. 
There is not any specific structure in this phase.  It is here
that the group is "wrapped up".  Since each new Dream Wheel uses
the same mail list it must be cleared after each group.  Everyone
is unsubscribed from the list.


The WWW Dream Wheels follow the same technique as the E-mail
Dream Wheels. In fact, the process is very similar as well.  The
Phases are the same, one through four.  Since the group is on a
web page in the form of posted messages the movement from one
phase to another is accomplished by instructional postings made
by the group moderator.  To see the detailed instructions go to: 

And click on the "Wheel" button.  There you will find
instructions on how the Dream Wheel groups work on Dream Link. 
Generally the Dream Wheels on Dream Link begin somewhere around
the beginning of each month.

These groups are very new!  So new, in fact, that the how's and
when's are still being worked out.  The real-time Dream Wheels
are conducted via the Internet with the Pow Wow software, which
allows for real time communications between people.  This
software is available free from the following Web site:

For more information about the Pow Wow software and the Real-time
Dream Wheel groups email me.  If you want to be a part of this
excursion into the wilds of Cyberspace then drop me a line!!!


Another new Dream Wheel group is the unmoderated groups.  These
are smaller groups comprised of people who have voiced an
interest in working in smaller, more intimate groups that run
indefinitely with the same members. The techniques and methods
used to work with the dreams are decided upon by each individual
group.  These groups are free to use the "If this were my dream"
technique, or to experiment with other techniques.  The small
unmoderated groups demand that every member be an active
participant.  To request placement in an unmoderated group email


The level of anonymity is something that each member can handle
themselves. For the E-mail Dream Wheels this means that each
member can subscribe using an E-mail address they do not mind
others in the group knowing.  For those that prefer their E-mail
address remain unknown additional measures can be taken (contact
me for more information on this).  When sending questions and
comments participants can use whatever pen name they wish, many
simply use their first name.

For the Dream Wheels on the Dream Link Web site anonymity is
handled in a slightly different way.  When posting questions or
comments participants simply fill in the desired pen name in the
appropriate field (see Dream Wheel instructions at Dream Link).


John Herbert is currently working on a dissertation related to
online dream work.  His work was briefly mentioned in the opening
section of this document.  John continues in his research today. 
He is a frequent participant of the Dream Wheel groups and brings
all the wisdom and insight he has gained from years of study and
experience.  As participants of a Dream Wheel group you may be
contacted by John at some point.  Participation in John's
research, as he will tell you, is voluntary.  You are not
obligated in any way to answer any questionnaires or surveys. 
However, I will add, very subjectively, here that John's research
may prove what I already know in my heart, that people benefit
from participating in online dream groups.  I have seen and felt
the reality of this!  Yet, someone saying they "know" something
may mean little to the world of academia, where statistics and
quantifiable data rule over intuition and "gut" feelings.  I
anxiously await the conclusion of John's research and have,
myself, consented to allow John to use my experiences in two of
his groups.  I encourage anyone contacted to consider working
with John.  John Herbert can be contacted at:



In order for any Dream Wheel group to exist we must have dreams
from people willing to participate!  As a dreamer one is asked
questions about the dream by group members.  The dreamer is then
given the opportunity to respond.  It is integral to the group
that the dreamer respond to the clarification questions.

All dreams (old, new, simple, complex) are welcome!!!  Dreams
that feel like they have significance or meaning but that remain
a mystery are especially appropriate for the groups.  The dreams
for each group are chosen randomly. Each submitted dream should
include a short title.

Send all dreams to me, Christopher Hicks, at:

Important Note:

The Dream Wheel groups are for the adult sharing of dreams and
the dreaming experience.  They are not intended to serve as
psychological or psychiatric counseling or therapy in any way. 
If you are seeking such assistance you should contact a trained
professional in your community.

Thank you for your interest in the Dream Wheels!  Come join us in
our explorations of the Dreamtime!!!

Take Care,
Christopher Hicks 

The Dream Wheels are co-sponsored by the ezine Electric Dreams:

And the IIDCC Dream Gate:
Much thanks and gratitude to:

+God, for everything

+Past dream theorists and dreamworkers, for exploring the

+John Herbert, for his "Trail Blazing" work with online dream

+Beck and Linton Hutchinson, for providing us with a permanent
home on the World Wide Web

+All the wonderful Dream Wheelers, for helping make Dream Wheels
the wonderful thing they are



            DREAM TREK    By Linda Lane Magallon

                   The Holiday Ornament
               Dream Telepathy Game Results


Saturday, December 7th, 1996, was the date of the latest
Fly-By-Night Club dream psi game, "The Holiday Ornament." That
night I concentrated on a telepathic target and mentally "sent"
it out into dream space. 

True to the Fly-By-Night Club theme, the "Holiday Ornament" is a
flying object: a tiny hang-glider. It is made of wood, cardboard,
metal and string. The colors of the hang-glider figure are
yellow-gold with red, green and black trim. The control bar is
golden-colored and the kite wing is white, red, goal, green and
blue and tends towards a triangular or heart shape. The ornament
resides in a cubical box with a pastel floral-and-rainbow scene.
The box is filled with cotton balls, a fact which probably
accounts for the many mentions of the color "white" by dreamers.
The figure is 2" tall; the kite wing is 3" tall.

Ana Marie: Dec. 4, 1996

I see Linda come along with a wrapped gift. This immediately cues
me to become lucid. I greet Linda and open the package thinking
it might be the ornament. To my surprise there are several layers
of wrapping paper. I note the colors: the first layer has pink,
peach and a light gray color to it, the second layer is silver
and the third layer is a striped gold paper. When I get to the
third layer I try to feel the item with my hands. I guess it is a
dreamtime pillow because it feels like a dreamtime pillow I just
bought in Santa Crux in waking life. In the dream I take notes on
a piece of paper and tell Linda, I am doing this to help me
remember. I tell her I will call her when I wake up (on a real

Correct: The cotton balls feel like a "dreamtime pillow."

Exzor Tribble: Dec. 7, 1996 

I started out with noting a large X-Mas tree.  I believe it was a
real tree.  I seemed to be drawn to the top of it on several
occasions, though I do not recall specifically what was on or at
the top.  I think it was white.  I somewhat recall possibly an

As I watched more I seemed to notice a box on the floor which
then caught my attention.  The only thing that I recall,
concerning the box, is that what was in it was something that was
possibly made of paper or cardboard.  It seemed that the item(s)
within the box was made to either be cut out, or something along
that line, and put together.

Correct: Box made of paper-cardboard. I also cut out a piece of
paper towel as the backing (to block out light from the side)
when I made color Xeroxes of various parts of the ornament.
(Later I will scan and post the images onto the FBNC web site.)

Mary Pulliam: Dec. 7, 1996

...Gift box with a gold ribbon, cube shaped box. Ornament within
was just a simple, shiny glass ball with alternating red and
green stripes separated by bands of textured, golden glitter. The
texture was very pleasant and crispy to touch.

Correct: Cube shaped gift-box. Figure has red patches and green
stripes and holds onto a band of golden-colored metal.

Karen: Dec. 7, 1996

...While I'm on the plane, there is no place to sit, so I must
sit in the aisles of the grocery store until a seat opens up.
While we are awaiting take off, a horrible explosion and red fire
occurs, we look out the window and it was another plane, on the
runway near us, not us. It was a small plane, not a big jet like
ours...our plane had no damage.

Correct: A flying object, but this sort of hang glider has "no
place to sit." Red color. riding an old motorcycle by a Mexican restaurant that is
run by a woman with the same name as my grandmother. As I lean my
transportation at the door of this restaurant, it is not a
motorcycle, but a very old bike made partially out of wood and
some old metal, perhaps green-colored metal.

Correct: Hang-glider leans to fly and is made of wood; control
bar made of metal. Ornament is not new. Magallon is a
Mexican-American name. 

BayouAngel: Dec 7, 1996

As I laid down to sleep and repeated over and over, "I dream of
the Holiday Ornament" ... I found myself focusing in on a box and
flew straight towards it.  Inside of the box was a heart shaped
RED ornament with multi-colored jewel -like trimmings.  

I flew into the box and into the ornament and found myself
sitting in a room with some people that I know in this life, and
some that I don' this life, but possibly from another.  

I saw a WHITE man-made tree with ornaments that were all just
numbers hanging from it...

Correct: Colors red and white; heart shape kite wing. The
ornament "flies."

DoctorStrange: Dec. 8, 1996

I tried hypnagogia in the early morning hours and got a very
spontaneous, clear image of a small stylized xmas tree, made out
of wood, painted gold. Two Xmas tree shaped pieces of wood
slotted together.  The ornament looked handcrafted.
If I can trust my impression of size, I say it only seemed about 
3-4 inches  tall.  You would hang it by a golden loop attached to
the top.  A view from  the top, or the bottom would make the
ornament look like a golden X.
Correct: Size of kite wing, wood, gold color, "loop" string.

Trekstor: Dec. 8, 1996

1.  something decorated with cowrie shells; and
2.  a red and gold satiny object.

Correct: #1-"Cowrie shells" may be referring to the cotton balls;
#2-red and gold colors.

VOGELEIN: Dec. 10, 1996

I was exploring an ancient temple which had lain undiscovered in
some remote area of the world. I was inside the temple, which
consisted of large cavernous rooms, constructed from huge
ponderous stone. At present I was looking down into a square pit
- about two feet on each side - which was sunk in the stone floor
of the room in which I was standing. I was somewhat confused,
because I thought that I had earlier discovered a stone statue of
a god, about two feet high, at the bottom of this shaft. However,
I now could not remember if I had taken the statue out of the pit
and put it somewhere else, or if it was still at the bottom of
the hole...
...My companions had decided not only to examine the temple, but
to renovate it. All around me were piles of debris from where the
walls and ceilings had been stripped of the stone
plasterboard-like material which had covered the interior. The
place was a mess. Apparently it had been the intention of my
companions to tear off the old material from the walls and
ceilings, and completely replace it with new material...
Finally, however, I entered a large room, a room which somehow
seemed like the center of the temple...
The statue - about two foot high - was made of white stone,
almost like sandstone. The features of the statue had been worn
away so that it was impossible to tell exactly what it was
supposed to represent, although it clearly had the general form
of a human being. However it was not the statue itself which now
most demanded my attention, but what was behind the statue. 
I was transfixed as I watched what was happening on the wall. It
seemed as if the whole wall were moving, as if it were alive. And
right behind the statue, some kind of figure began to rise up, as
if out of some slot behind the mantel. As the figure rose, I saw
that it appeared to be a flat piece of bronze, about six feet
tall, in the shape of a stylized human being. However although it
was made of metal, it was clear to me that the flat figure was
alive, and that it must be the god which inhabited this temple...

Correct: I (giant figure) opened the lid (moving wall) of the
cubical cardboard box (square pit) and took the 2" hang-glider
figure (2' statue) out of the cardboard box (temple) which was
filled with white cotton balls (plasterboard debris). (Fly-By-Night
Club) (DreamPsi


           ASD Update - Linking up Civilization!

                    Richard Wilkerson


Please check the Global Dreaming News for more information,
including the call for art for the next conference and the call
for volunteers  in the computer room at the next ASD conference.

Links. The ASD WEB site now has links. Thanks to Jayne
Gackenback's continuing efforts for over a year, and the generous
donations of suggestions and annotated links by the Electric
Dreams community, the site now sports 4 categories of links and
has joined in helping the Net project of linking the Globe
together with a true hyper-real cross reference pathway.

There is a very lengthy Statement of Ethical Concerns preamble.
My understanding is that this is a temporary longer statement
taken from the general ethics position of ASD and will shortly be
replaced by a less wordy but to the point statement from the
ethics committee.  

The Links are broken into four categories right now, Dream,
Sleep, Related and Commercial. 
Dreams include a selection of web sites on dreaming, links,
dreamsharing, content analysis and more.
 The Sleep section links to Sleepnet, sleep medicine and other
sleep research sites
The Related section includes such categories as Dream Inspired
Art & Jung and Dreams.
There are subcategories here including Miscellaneous things like
Herbet's paper on dreamwork, lucidity institute, clinical sleep
research, and some dream art galleries. There is also a Books and
Articles About Dreams On the Net section.
The final section is called "Commercial" Really this  means
commercial "carriers and Servers and ISP's " , Including Taylor
and Herbert's work on AOL and Donna Campos's work on Compuserve.
There is also a Mail List group of dream related majordomo's and
listserv lists.

   Jayne tells me that the groupings are a kind of first
experiment and later links and groups will follow soon. 

 -Richard .

                     The Real Dream
          Jung and Dreams Column by Matthew Clapp
  "The dream shows the inner truth and reality of the patient
  as it really is: not as I conjecture it to be; and not as he
  would like I to be, but as it is."  -C.G. Jung
  Greetings.  My name is Matthew Clapp; I am a student at the
  University of Georgia studying Cognitive Science.  I am not
  an analyst, but an undergraduate.  Nevertheless, I have a
  great passion for psychology, and Jungian (Analytical)
  Psychology in particular.  This is my premiere article here,
  and as such I hope to give an introduction to Jung's
  approach to the unconscious; in particular the way the
  unconscious manifests itself through the dream.  So, those
  of you who are already familiar with Jungian Psychology,
  please bear with this introductory article.  And, to those
  of you who are just now coming to Jungian material as a way
  of understanding your own dreams, well then, sit back over
  the next few issues and perhaps we will, together, unlock
  something new, and exciting about yourself that has been
  unnoticed up till now.  
  What sets Jungian Psychology apart from modern psychology is
  dream analysis.  This is a subject that Jung approached most
  seriously.  On one occasion an analysand (a patient, or
  client) came to Jung with a particularly interesting dream. 
  The analysand mentioned that in her dream she went to places
  in the world that she had never visited.  Before she knew
  it, Jung had pulled a map of the world off of his bookcase
  and had strewn it out across his desk.  He asked the
  analysand where she had been and then they set about finding
  the geographic location of her dream on a map of the world.  
  This is a portrait of a psychologist that took the dream
  most seriously.  He realized that when the dream symbol is
  made concrete through the outward connection of the
  unconscious to the conscious an almost mystical realization
  occurs.  I say mystical only because of the way modern
  industrialized society has denied the dream.  Just like all
  the knowledge of ancient Greece was merely rediscovered
  during the enlightenment, so we are now rediscovering,
  through Jung and other depth psychologists, what the age-old
  shaman has know for eons.  This knowledge, or rediscovery, 
  is that the dream is very much real, and should be treated
  as such.  
  On another occasion, Jung had a very disturbed patient who
  claimed to have been on the moon.  Note that she thought
  this to be a conscious reality, although it was a dream in
  which she traveled to the moon.  Jung reported years later
  to analyst Marie Louis von Franz, that his patient had
  indeed been on the moon.  In a well known interview with
  this remarkable first generation analyst, von Franz
  commented that when Jung told her that his patient had
  really been on the moon, she thought that Jung was crazy. 
  She was very rational and thought that for Jung to say that
  the girl had "really" been on the moon was not reasonable. 
  And indeed, normal rationality fails in these cases.  As
  anyone who has ever dealt with a person on the ledge of a
  building waiting to jump to their death, or a psychiatrist
  who deals with schizophrenic patients will tell you:  here,
  you must throw away rationality as we understand it. 
  Beware, for the minute you try to rationally explain to a
  person on a building ledge that there is no rational reason
  to commit suicide, you will see the reality of the
  unconscious in full force: the power to end life.  Von Franz
  later that she realized that the personal reality is very
  real, and that Jung treated the unconscious and the dream as
  not just a psychic reality, but as a physical reality as
  well.   Jung knew all to well that the psyche does not
  always act according to the way modern psychologists would
  like it to act.  In fact, for some, it just gets in the way.
  If there is one thing I would like the reader to understand
  from this article, it is that: Jung cared for the soul, and
  he did it through dreams.  The secret that Jungian analysts
  learned from Jung was that the dream is real, and as a
  reality it should be respected.  Next month look for more
  about Jung's approach to the unconscious, through dreams. 
  Until then, if you are interested, there are many, many
  sites about Carl Jung on the Internet.  For a good starting
  point on your Jungian Web tour, stop by the C.G. Jung Index
  Also, if you have any question or comments about this
  article I can be reached at
  Until next month, remember: There are only single
  individuals who risk fight for survival. The pilgrims way is
  spiked with thorns everywhere... or just therefore" Letters
  Vol.II (Jung 1975, p.569).
                 Man against Eternity:
          The lucid dream wall art of Epic Dewfall
             Interviewed by Richard Wilkerson
  "I think you'll need a calendar that holds the
  heavens hues and all the clocks that time forgot
  and the hourglasses too and start them all at once
  to time my love for you..."
      From Tic Talk
  Epic's art work really speaks for itself, and the wonderful
  world that he creates is impleached with poetry and text
  that expresses itself in a way I haven't read since Henry
  Miller's _Into the Night Life_. I was immediately struck by
  the art's ability to express a particular balance of tension
  and revelation that I often have with dreams and especially
  lucid dreams. I kept saying to myself, "I'm on a sea of..."
  but could never verbalize the sea. Perhaps this is due to
  the flow of a  transpersonal element I experience  in the
  work that never stops to become calcified, but just touches
  the essential and move continual onward.
  "I get ideas for my paintings from lucid dreams.  About once
  a month when I'm dreaming, I will realize I'm dreaming,  and
  when I do, I then walk around in the dream looking at art on
  the walls.  I usually find many paintings on every wall. By
  the time one of these lucid dreams ends, I usually have one
  or two good paintings memorized.  I always recreate them in
  pastel on 12 by 18 inch paper. I've been doing this as
  a hobby since 1986."  Epic Dewfall
  Richard C Wilkerson (RCW): Epic,  you mentioned that this
  work has been  going on now for over a decade. Did you have
  lucid dreams before this process  started? Were there any
  particularly significant ones  that you could share?
  ED: My first lucid dream was on the job. I would fall asleep
  on the job and in my desperate struggles to stay awake I was
  having false awakenings. This was 12 years ago and before I
  ever read about lucid dreaming. Soon after I read LUCID
  DREAMING by Stephen Laberge. Ph.D.  Then I was able to tell
  people what was happening with proper names for the
  RCW: Do you have favorite dream books or influences?
  ED: I listened to a book on audio cassette once about Edgar
  Cayce and Dreams. Everything other than that I've ever tried
  to read has never held my attention. But I've always learned 
  a lot from books just with fragmented, random openings.
  RCW: Isabelle Allende says that in dreams she would
  sometimes see her grandmother writing and look over her
  shoulder and read the text. But she doesn't remember it as
  clearly as you recall the paintings.  Do you always find the
  art on *walls* in your lucid dreams?
  ED: No not always.  85% or so of them are from the walls of
  my dreams as art hanging in traditional fashion within rooms
  of strange houses and buildings and just as often the
  familiar rooms of my home. But when a painting presents
  itself in other ways I am lucid enough to know not to
  dismiss them. I once rummaged thought pile of loose unframed
  art on a table outside a building and came across #39 SLICED
  was from a book.
  RCW: Many people who practice lucid control struggle with
  the ability to stay lucid. Castaneda suggests looking at
  one's hands, Laberge suggests spinning around. Do you have a
  special techniques or advice for increasing the time you are
  ED: Just keep moving. A remarkable good coincidence with
  getting art this way is that when I have found a painting I
  really like I will wake up after I look at it for about 6
  seconds. I suspect this is because I have stopped moving
  from painting to painting and my stillness wakes me up. But
  this is really more of a terrific benefit than a problem. It
  allows me to wake up with a very clear vision in my memory.
  If I were to keep lucid dreaming for another four minutes,
  the painting I liked so much would have disappeared from
  memory or at least not be so clear. Its quite a useful
  RCW: There is an internal consistency in your work, yet each
  piece you do seems so fresh. Your poetry also has a fresh
  flow.  What artists & poets  have inspired you over the
  ED: I like a painting by Dali called METAMORPHOSE DE
  NARCISSE, and the first four lines of a Blake poem called
  AUGURIES OF INNOCENCE. My energy goes more to finding
  beginners I like more than masters.
  RCW: Jung and others have said that bringing dreams into
  material form, especially art forms, is very transformative
  both spiritually and psychologically. Have you noticed
  changes in you personal, social or spiritual life over the
  span of your creative decade that could be attributed to
  this process?
  ED: Most definitely. My early works are very filled with
  unhappiness and disparity. I don't put them on the web site
  because they are like old bandages and better left for the
  historians to deal with. At first I made some paintings from
  traditional inspiration but they are different. When I made
  them up myself without the aid of dreams they were extreme
  with ether too much unhappiness or too much happiness. But
  when I stick to art from lucid dream inspirations they never
  hit either of those two awkward extremes but show a balance
  between the two. I think this activity has acted like a
  directional beacon for me to follow toward health.
  RCW: Stephen King recently said that he used dreams in
  writing to express things that he wouldn't want to just come
  right out and say. Jung however, thought the best part of
  symbolic imagery was its ability to express that which could
  not be expressed any other way.  Would you say your work
  falls more under a preference to silence, or best possible
  ED: I think its all about perspective. Within two seconds
  you can have one thought. It's like a brick. You don't know
  where you put it until a dream shows you the whole building.
  A symbol has a silent feeling to it because you're just too
  far back to see the words. 
  RCW: Do you have any suggestions for those who would like to
  explore dream inspired art but need a little encouragement?
  ED: I use Stephen LaBerge's Mild method but I add the words
  "and look at art" to its incubation statement. Don't add the
  words "and look for art". Because you would end up looking
  for art instead of at art.
  RCW: So what's on the planning table for your gallery next
  ED: I'll soon have to split the main page and turn the site
  into a two page tour as I add new paintings and poems. 
  Other than that nothing will change. But I'm probably wrong.
  I've learned that things must change. Things like electronic
  devices couldn't work without it. I might get up the courage
  to display some graphs of Usenet news love hate statistics,
  I've done that prove a theory of mine that the slanted trees
  and slanted row boats in my lucid dream art are graphically
  showing us what the number pi looks like when you turn it
  into a percentage and then show that percentage as an angle
  within 90 degrees.  This is not to likely though because
  mostly  I just want to maintain the sites quiet strength. 
  You can view about one third of Epic Dewfall's collection at
                  A Healing Power, 
    Update on Castaneda's Projects - Mark Seven Smith
  After six years of Silence, Carlos Castaneda published "The
  Art of Dreaming"(HarperCollins, NY)  and re-established the
  Castaneda tradition of trickster shamanic travel begun with
  drugs and meditations in the 1970's  now with a safer 90's
  process of  lucid dreaming. Or is it lucid dreaming that
  drives Castaneda's Dreaming? Those who claim to explore
  these paths feel so strongly that the path is different that
  they broke from the alt.lucid Usenet Newsgroup and formed
   In this update, Mark Seven Smith gives an account of  his
  personal journey and how it has influenced his 14 year old
  battle with illness.  Mark also includes a variety of links
  and contact points for more information.  -Richard
     Currently Carlos Castaneda is holding Workshops in Los
  Angeles, and Mexico. There are bulletins at the Castaneda
  home page, as well as information on the upcoming Workshops:
  Castaneda home page:
     There is not as much focus on *dreaming* right now, as
  there is on Tensegrity, the magical passes of the sorcerers
  of ancient Mexico. Build energy and *intent* through
  Tensegrity (sorcery passes) and the rest will follow of its
  own accord.
     At the Westwood Workshop, which I attended, much
  emphasis was place on the attainment of *inner silence*, and
  there for the first time, a device for the attainment of
  inner silence was introduced. It is merely a drafter's
  paperweight; rather heavy, so that you can feel its weight
  pressing upon you; it is used by placing it on the abdomen
  over the a point just below the navel (other locations such
  as the solar plexus can be used, but are probably better
  applied when one has some experience with this sort of
  thing). But as you lay back, perhaps sitting up somewhat,
  you also press certain points: these are detailed on the
  Castaneda web site and I won't go into them here, except
  that they have an incredible effect, that must be actually
  tried to be understood.
  Tensegrity Tools page:
     The reason I bring this up, is because Carlos told us
  that it is all right if we fall asleep while using this
  device; and as a matter of fact it does seem to induce a
  deep and restful sleep; a curious sort of sleep that seems
  devoid of all dreams! But I have heard that we would either
  have dreams, or would remember them, when we gather more
  energy, and these would be dreams of power; they would be
  *dreaming* proper (according to what Carlos wrote in "The
  Art of Dreaming".)
     As for me, I am battling a 14-year long illness that I
  should be dead from; and yet I have survived because of
  Carlos Castaneda's teachings; and this is what prompted me
  to write. I am alive today because of the teachings of
  Carlos Castaneda. I have short-bowel syndrome; because of a
  botched surgery (appendectomy) I have been through over 17
  major surgeries (I've lost count!) and I am the only patient
  who has lived this long in this severe of a condition; I
  have less than 1.5 ft. of small intestine, and I am supposed
  to be living on a machine! I had been so convinced by all
  the "specialists" that I was going to die without yet
  another surgery (while they were telling my parents not to
  get their hopes up, nobody lived beyond five years in this
  condition, anyhow!) But I refuse...
     Carlos Castaneda wrote, in his book "The Power of
  Silence" that don Juan told him: "all we have is the power
  of our decisions". And this is what has kept me alive! There
  was a point I reached, where I said "no more machines! No
  more surgeries!" I MUST live on my own, without
  contrivances, without continuous medical intervention. And
  through Castaneda's teachings, and especially Tensegrity, I
  have found that way (much to the astonishment of all my
  doctors, including the last time I was in the hospital; I
  was told that I had less than two weeks to live! And that
  was October of 1995, over a year ago!)
     Carlos Castaneda is one of four apprentices of the
  nagual, don Juan Matus. The other three apprentices are the
  nagual woman Carol Tiggs, Florinda Donner-Grau, and Taisha
  Abelar. They lecture at the Workshops as well, and two of
  them, Taisha and Florinda, have books out, that are
  especially good for women to read, or anyone for that
  matter. These books are as incredible and as powerful as the
  women who wrote them!
     The sorcery passes of ancient Mexico are truly
  *magical*. They work. It is incredible; and what's more,
  they can be learned from the Tensegrity videos (that are
  offered at the Castaneda home page). I didn't realize how
  easy it would be, when I attended my first Tensegrity
  Workshop; I figured that this would be impossible (even
  though I had seen the videos already). What you get from a
  Workshop is basically the chance to see Carlos Castaneda in
  person; this is what first attracts people. But beyond that,
  there is group or mass consensus; Carlos Castaneda had this
  to say about the "Westwood Series", a series of magical
  passes taught last year in July:
     "It is of great importance to all the participants of
  the July seminar and workshop to practice the Westwood
  Series as exclusively as they can, for a period of one
  month. In this manner, a much-needed kinesthetic consensus
  could be obtained. Such a consensus is necessary because it
  would reinforce the sorcerers' intent of freedom, without
     People gather together to practice Tensegrity in
  groups; there are practice groups all over the world, and it
  is possible to attend a group in your area, and pick up some
  of the passes, and enjoy this "kinesthetic consensus", which
  truly has a remarkable effect. If you order the videos from
  Cleargreen (the corporation that sponsors and organizes the
  Workshops Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity), you can ask them
  if there are any groups in your area. There is also an
  Internet mailing list, that is for anyone who has attended
  at least one Workshop, where you can find out more about
  local groups. But there is one thing; Carlos Castaneda had
  this to say about teaching others who had not yet attended a
     "Yes, by all means [in response to someone asking if
  they could teach someone the "Westwood Series"]. If you have
  a group of people that practice Tensegrity together, you can
  show them the movements and arrive in this manner at a
  concrete kinesthetic consensus among yourselves, which means
  a great deal in the overall attempt to reach a unifying
  homogeneous purpose among all the practitioners of
     "However, showing the movements to people that practice
  together is not the same as setting up mini-seminars to
  teach anybody. What is needed the most is consensus, but a
  consensus under the auspices of sorcerers' intent. The end
  result of the July seminar and workshop for those who
  participated in it was a state of "energetic realization"
  that cannot be duplicated. That state, which can be
  described as you please, but which sorcerers abstractly call
  energetic realization, is the sorcerers' intent."
  Tensegrity Bulletins:
     The next Tensegrity Workshop will be in Long Beach;
  California, USA. It will be a review; with special
  elucidations on the passes and an emphasis on practical
  applications. The Workshops are an incredible experience,
  and I heartily recommend attending one if you get the
  Upcoming Carlos Castaneda’s Tensegrity Workshops:
  Tensegrity Videos:
  Book List: current list of books:
  --Mark Seven Smith
        LIFE , ART , DREAMS  by Alissa Goldring
                   This month  
  G L O B A L   D R E A M I N G   N E W S
  - Dream Catchers - Dream Art Show
  - Certificate in Dreamwork
  - Personal and Practical Approaches to Your 
  - Dream Incubation Retreat
  - Volunteers Sought for Computer Room at ASD 
  - Call for Entries ASD Art Exhibition
  - Dream Art Quarterly Meetings in SF Bay Area
  - Novato Center for Dreams Closing
  - New French Revue About Dreaming 
  - ASD  Links - how to get one
  - Roberta Ossana articles online
  - Dreamwork from the Adler School of Professional Psychology
  - Sufi Dreamwork with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
  - National Dream Group Leader Training 
  - Strange, Weird or Crazy Dreams
  - Dream Photography Project
  - Online Dream Interpretation Interns Needed
  - Dream Education Project
  - ASD Links
  - Dream Mandalas has moved
  - PowWow Get-togethers
  - IRC Get-togethers
  - February - March 1997
  ========Dream Catchers - Dream Art Show =======
  The works of Marsha Connell, Betsy Davids, Donna
  Fenstermaker, Pamela Johnson, Dorothy Rossi and Diane Rusnak
  are featured in this new exhibit of paintings, prints, books
  and mixed media based on dreams at the Los Medanos College
  Art Gallery from 21 Jan through 13 Feb.  The gallery is
  located at 2700 East Leland Road in Pittsburgh, California
  (northeast of Walnut Creek in the east San Francisco Bay),
  and is open Tue/Wed/Thur from 12:30 - 2:30 pm and from
  6:30-8:30 pm.  The opening reception will be held Wednesday,
  5 Feb, from 6:30-8:30 pm.  For more information, call the
  gallery at 510-439-2185, ext 493 or 494.
  ====== Certificate in Dreamwork ==============
  For those interested in dreams and therapy, the California
  School of Professional Psychology offers programming to
  provide the helping professional with new techniques and 
  perspectives in the management of his/her client-base.
  Alameda, California Campus, 1005 Atlantic Ave.800-298-0317
  In this new certificate, the participants learn about the
  use of dreamwork in psychotherapeutic practice. Why
  dreamwork? Several reasons - first, few therapists receive
  formal training in working with dreams; second, skills in
  this area enhance assessment, diagnosis and treatment-
  related skills already possessed by practicing clinicians.
  In a clinical context where much work has already been
  accomplished at an accelerated rate, the dream as an
  assessment tool can provide a snapshot of the emotional soul
  and even physical health rounding out the clinical
  interview. Future courses will explore higher level topics
  such as the use of dreamwork with couples, groups, and the
  community-at-large; the role of trance in dreamwork; medical
  dreamwork; and special topics in the area of dream and self
  Foundations in Dreamwork.  March 15th
  In diagnosis, dreams can provide supporting information. In
  the area of treatment, the dreams is a powerful template
  that arises from within and offers insight and guidance in a
  powerful, non- judgmental way. An exploration of the various
  types of approaches to dreamwork is followed by the
  conversation of the class into a dream group so that they
  can experience the power and depth of the dream in their own
  Dreamwork Case Studies   April 18th
  The workshop provides hand-on experience in working with
  dreams from differing perspectives. The group acts as
  feedback/support structure so participants can present cases
  they are working on and utilize the dream group for
  Kathleen O' Connell, PhD., Instructor
  CSPP CE, 1000 S. Fremont Ave, Alhambra, CA 91803-1360 Call
  ============ Personal and Practical Approaches to Your
  A conference jointly sponsored by the   Association for
  Research and Enlightenment; the Association for the Study of
  Dreams and the C.G. Jung Society of Tidewater will be held
  in Virginia Beach, VA,   April 24-27, 1997.  This conference
  is a chance for a meeting of professionals and lay people
  who are actively engaged in dream exploration. The emphasis
  will be on useful methods of working with dreams- methods
  found in the spiritual psychologies of Edgar Cayce, Carl
  Jung, and other pioneers of inner life exploration.  Morning
  and evening presentations feature several leading
  practitioners and authors of innovative dream methods,
  including Robert Bosnak, Carol D. Warner,  Rita Dwyer, Stase
  Michaels, Raye Mathis, Kevin Todeschi and David Gordon.
  Registration Fees: Members of ARE, ASD or CG Jung Society:
  $150.00 Non Members: $180.00. For more information, contact
  the ASD, PO Box 1600,  Vienna, VA 22183.                     
           Phone: (703)-242-0062 Fax:(703)-242-8888
  =========== Dream Incubation Retreat =========
  Dream Incubation is an ancient technique which uses dreams
  to solve problems and answer questions in our everyday
  lives.  As a participant, you will bring a life problem or
  choice to the retreat and then immerse yourself in the
  incubation process.  We will use a variety of learning
  techniques - group work, meditation, art-play, lecture etc.
  to refine and focus on your question.  Then you will "sleep
  on it" and bring your dreams back to the group the next
  morning. Cost for the retreat is $160, which includes
  lodging and organic vegetarian meals.  A $50 non-refundable
  deposit is due by February 20.  Land of the Medicine Buddha
  is a 55 acre retreat center in the redwoods south of Santa
  Cruz.  Along with meeting rooms, dining facilities, and
  overnight accommodations, walking trails and meditation
  areas are available for guests. Christine Boyer does
  dreamwork with groups and individuals in the Santa Cruz
  area, and is a regular guest host on "Dreams, Another Way of
  Knowing" , a weekly radio show on  KAZU 90.3  in Californias
  Monterey Bay. To enroll or to receive additional
  information, contact Christine Boyer at
  ( or phone(408)427-9861.
  ================== Volunteers Sought for Computer Room at
  ASD Conference
  The Host Planning Committee for the 14th annual conference 
  of the Association for the Study of Dreams (this year in
  beautiful Asheville  NC June 17-21)  is looking for a few
  computer savvy people to help set up and monitor a computer
  room for the  conference.  This volunteer work could reduce
  your conference fees. Please contact Earl Koteen (AKA
  Narcissus) at if you're interested.
  ======Call for Entries ASD Art Exhibition ======
  Call for Entries Dream Art Exhibition in conjunction with
  the Association for the Study of Dreams Conference XIV at
  Warren Wilson College in Asheville, NC.  All artist are
  eligible to submit up to 10 slides of dream-related work.
  Deadline is March 1, 1997. If you would like an entry form
  sent to you, e-mail your address to:
  ========= Novato Center for Dreams Closing =====
  The Novato Center fro Dreams ceased operation on 1 January
  1997. NCD has been serving the Bay Area Dream Community for
  10 years. Jill Gregory, the founder, will continue putting
  her energy into the Dream Library and Archives, which shares
  the same space. 
  ========New French Revue about Dreaming =======
  "Dreaming" is a new French magazine dealing with dreams and
  lucid dreams from a new and interdisciplinary perspective.
  It does not represent any school or interest group; it is a
  forum for exchange for all those who are passionate about
  dreams. The site is at
  ===== ASD Linkage information ===========
  As mentioned in our Web update,  ASD Site now has links -
  So how do you get your links on the ASD site? 
  For over a year the issue of how to decide when and where to
  link has been tossed back and forth without results. Thanks
  to Jayne Gackenbach's continual efforts in this area and the
  genereous donations of annotated suggestions by the Electric
  Dreams community, ASD WEB has now joined the cyber community
  of netizens and includes links to dream related sites. To
  add your links to this page, they must first be reviewed by
  the Electronic Committee, headed by Jayne Gackenback. You
  can contact here at the ASD web site.
  =========== Osanna Wisdom Online ============
  Every two weeks new articles are added by Roberta Ossana,
  the editor of the DreamNetwork Journal.
   Here are some of the titles of the available articles:
   Exploring The DreamTime Mystery,  "How To Better Recall
  Your Dreams",
   "Recurring Dreams: What Are They Saying",  "Nightmare... A
  Blessing in Disguise!",
  "Incubating Dreams for Guidance and Problem Solving", 
  "Developing Dreamsharing Relationships and/or Dream
  Groups","The Many Types of Dreams & Purposes for Which
  Dreams Come to Us.",- "Ethics to Employ in Dreamsharing,
  Dreamworkand Dreamplay",
  and  "Dreams and Deja Vu"
  ===========  Dreamwork and Expresive Arts Therapy
  This class is taught at Adler School of Professional
  Psychology in Chicgo, Illinois
  by Judy Sutherland and Renee' Dobkin Dushman twice a year.
  They integrate Art
  Therapy and Psychodrama exploring dreams.
   They have submitted a proposal for ASD in N.C.and plan to
  be there in June.
   This is the 3rd year they are teaching this course and they
  report that it  has been well
  received by students studying for an M.A. or Psy.D.
  Contact: Renee' Dobkin Dushman
  =========== Sufi Dream Workshop  ===============
  Sufism, Dreamwork and the Journey Home will be presented at
  the Insititue of healing Arts and Sciences at UCSF, The
  Universtity of California at San Francisco Medical Center
  Complex.     Tuesday, January 28, 6:00-9:00 $20.00
  The workshop is being conducted by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee a
  long time Naqshbandi Sufi follower.    He is the author of a
  number of books on Sufism, dreamwork and the spiritual path,
  including _The Paradoxes of Love (1996) and Sufism: the
  Transformation of the Heart (1995).                          
     For more info call 415-663-8773
  ==== National Dream Group Leader Training ==========
  The Haden Insititute begins its Dream Course  kicked-off
  weekend for a two year (four semester) certified course;
  history, symbolism, methods, Jungian psychology, individual
  and group work.  $50 reg. plus $550 for eachof four
  semesters. Call the Haden Insititute for more
  or fax 704-333-6051
  1819 Lyndhusrt Ave, Charlotte, NC, USA 28203-5103
  Dream Education Project
  Are you an educator who does workshops, group dream work, or
  classroom  presentations around the topic of dreams? As a
  thesis project, I am collecting educational activities /
  lesson  plans in order to compile an interdisciplinary
  resource book for  educators and dream workers. If you
  submit material for the resource book and it is accepted,
  you will receive a copy of the entire completed work.
  (Expected date of  completion: August or September, 1997.)
  You will receive full credit for  your contribution, and
  will have an opportunity to review and approve its  form.
  Ideal activities are ones that are interesting and
  interactive, while  also conveying important information.
  -Taking students on a surreal "dream walk" to teach about
  differences  between dreaming consciousness and waking
  consciousness. (Contributed by  Dr. Russell Gruber, Eastern
  Illinois University.)
  -Having participants stand in different areas of the room,
  to represent  their different opinions on the purpose and
  meaning of dreams, and then  comparing their positions to
  those of famous theorists.
  -Developing a David-Letterman-esque "Top Ten List" of the
  group's most  common dream themes.
  If you have material (or ideas) to contribute, please
  contact me via  e-mail as soon as possible. Pamela Ryan,   or
  ======== Strange, Weird or Crazy Dreams ========
  I am currently obtaining dreams for a book I'm going to
  publish, which will be a collect of strange, weird or crazy
  dreams that people have had. If you'd like to submit your
  dream, write it out exactly as you wish it to appear.  The
  dreams will not be edited in any way, and can be as short or
  as long as you like.  Once the book is put together, we will
  also be doing some illustrations for some of them.  You may
  have your name included, or remain anonymous, and you may
  send more than one dream.  Contact Tibet,
  ========= Dream Photography Project ===========
  Become a part of a new creative concept -- photographer
  Robert Specter would like to photograph "real people's" own
  dreams, depicting the elements that  enlighten, confuse,
  invigorate, frighten and/or cause them to question their
  lives and perhaps combine the photographs with  small
  quotes, revelations and insights that people have as  a
  result of their dream/photographed visions. Contact Robert
  Specter at 
  =================== Online Dream Interpretation Interns
  Needed ================================
  DreamLink ( is accepting
  interns for the jan-march time frame. If you are a  students
  interested in learning and doing dream translations, contact
  Linton Hutchinson at: or  (407) 644-0856
  Hi, I am currently studying in my final year of Psychology
  at Edinburgh University and I am investigating the
  phenomenon of Lucid  dreaming for my thesis. I am examining
  the aspects of control that can occur during this experience
  and I need subjects to fill out my  questionnaire. Lucid
  dreams are dreams in which the dreamer becomes aware that he
  is dreaming and has subsequent control over the dream.If you
  have had such an experience I would be very grateful if you
  could fill out the  completed form. If you know anybody else
  that has  experienced lucid dreams ask to email me for a
  copy of the questionnaire. If you are interested I will
  inform you of the results of this experiment once I have
  written the final copy Joe Fortune,
  Dear Oneironaughts, I am currently researching the use of
  lucid dreams and dream GESP. If you are a frequent lucid
  dreamer, ( LD @ 2/week) please get in touch...I can send you
  an outline  of the methodology if you are interested and
  want to know more... I hope to hear from you soon. Kris
  Langbridge , Department of Psychology, Edinburgh University,
  ==================== ASD Link  =================
  After some months of debate, exploration and study, the
  Association for the Study of Dreams is now including links
  to other dream websites from their webpages. Organized into
  categories of dreams, sleep, related sites (dream inspired
  art, Jung, miscellaneous, books/articles about dreams on the
  net), commercial sites and mailing lists, its well worth
  a visit at
  ======= Dream Mandalas Moved ===============
  Last month we reviewed Bruce Jones dream mandala site, which
  has since moved to:
  Paranormal Chat on the Microsoft Network " Feb 6, 13, 20 and
  27 from 7-9 PM PDT.  To find the Chat room, go to "Classic
  MSN" (MSN now has a new format.
  Do you have an event you would like listed here? Send a
  message to Rob Childress  Include the Date,
  Time, Name, Description, and Contact Information.
  Jan 21- Feb 13   Pittsburg, CA
  "Dream Catchers",  an art show of paintings, prints, art
  dreams, books and mixed media at the Los Medanos College Art
  Gallery, 2700 East Leland Road, Pittsburg, CA.  For more
  info, call 510-439-2185, ext. 493.
  Jan 21-Mar 25    Santa Cruz, CA
  Level 1, Personal Dreamwork, the first part of the Dream
  Studies Program at Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts,
  1210 Brommer Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95062.  For more
  information, call 476-2152.
  Feb 4-Mar 11     Altamonte Springs, FLA
  "The Spiritual Practice of Dreamwork", led by Jean Raffa and
  Mickey Griffin, 6 Tuesday evenings at the Jung Center, 427
  Whooping Loop, Suite 1881, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701. For
  more information, call Mickey Griffin at 407-629-2083
  Feb 5            Pittsburg, CA
  Reception for "Dream Catchers" Dream Art Exhibit, 6:30-8:30
  pm, at the Medanos College Art Gallery, 2700 East Leland
  Road, Pittsburg, CA.  Call 510) 439-2185, ext. 493 for more
  Feb 7-9          Chicago, IL
  Conference on "Soul Loss & Recovery: Shamanic & Jungian
  Perspectives" in Chicago, IL. Sponsored by SAR (The Shamanic
  Applications Review). For registration information, contact
  SAR at 616-683-8972 or Fax
  Feb 9-21         Big Sur, CA
  "Shamanism and Shamanic Healing", a two-week advanced course
  taught by Michael Harner at Esalen Institute, Big Sur. For
  more information, contact The Journeyman Institute at
  Feb 14-21        Ashland, NC
  A week-long workshop with Jeremy Taylor in Ashland, NC.  For
  more information, contact Annette at 704-877-4809.
  Feb 15      Albany, CA
  Bay Area Dreamworkers Group Meeting, at the home of Norma
  DeArmon, 920 Ramona Avenue, Albany, CA, 510) 526-7539.
  Feb 21-23        Gainesville, FLA
  A Weekend Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor in Gainesville,
  FL. For more information, call Diane Farris at 904-378-3500.
  Feb 28      Mountain View, CA
  An evening with Fred Alan Wolf, physicist and author of The
  Dreaming Universe, 7:30 pm, at East-West Bookshop, 324
  Castro Street, Mountain View, 415) 988-9800.  
  Feb 28      Concord, MA
  "The Hidden Gifts of Strangers: Using Dream Images of 'The
  Other' to Move Us Towards Wholeness". Presented by Nancy
  Gazells, 7:30-9:30 pm at the Dreamwheel, 191 Sudbury Road,
  in Concord, MA.  For more info, call 508-369-2634.
  Mar 3-4          Bloomington, IL
  "Exploring Your Own Dreams", Heartland Community College,
  instructed by Pamela Ryan, $35. Call 309) 827-0500 x 402 for
  more information.
  Mar 15-16        Soquel, CA
  A weekend dream workshop with Christine Boyer at Land of the
  Medicine Buddha in Soquel. For more information, contact
  Christine at 427.9861.
  Mar 15      Alameda, CA
  "Foundations in Dreamwork"  taught by Kathleen O'Connell, at
  the California School for Professional Psychology, Alameda,
  CA. Call 1-800-298-0317 for more information. 
  Mar 22      Berkeley, CA
  Bay Area Dreamworkers Group Spring Party, 2-6 pm, at the
  Unitarian Fellowship Fireside Room, 1606 Bonita, Berkeley,
  CA. Call Anne Prescott, 510) 724-7730 for more information.
               ==  D R E A M S  ==
  Hi there! Some of this months new dreams come to us
  from across the US, Australia, Norway, Puerto Rico,
  Indonesia and Scotland. Dreams really do cut across
  international barriers. Wherever you are, thanks for
  reading, and come on join in the fun. Send us a
  dream or commentary.
  Subject: A Flying Fish and A Book---Thanks
  =Commentary by Narcissus on "The Magical Little Man"
  by Mark (961228)=
  =Commentary on "The Magical Little Man" by MarkM
  [Stories from past experiences, or send them in
  before it happens, if you can]
  * Dream:  Belated Precognitive Dream? by Nutcracker
  [Significant by nature]
  * Dream: Bug Dreams by TrishC (961231)*
  [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]
                 LINKS TO STAGES OF LIFE
  BIRTH [Starts]
  CHILDHOOD [Early development]
  ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]
  ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]
  OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end] 
  DEATH [Endings]
  COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial
  ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]
  * Dream: BUG DREAMS by TrishC (961231)*
  = Commentary on Bug Dreams by Alex (970101)=
  * Dream:  Untitled II by Nutcracker (961230)* 
  * Dream:  Mystical Happenings by Nutcracker
  AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others
  * Dream: SHOT AT THE DOOR by Nancy (970110)*
  = Commentary by BobK on SHOT AT THE DOOR (970126) =
  BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]
  BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we
  BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from
  here to there]
  CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]
  See Jeff Bridges in: Love of A Life  under ROMANCE.
  See Holly Hunter (The Piano), Jerry O'Connell
  (Sliders), and some girl that looks like Rosie
  O'Donnell in MENaces To Society under the category
  See Leonard Nimoy and Gloria Marsh in My 3 Husbands
  under the category RELATIONSHIPS.
  See Jimmy Carter & Roslyn in Hello Mr & Mrs
  President under the category POLITICAL SCENE.
  COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,
   [How come we didn t have this category sooner,
  seeing that we are a computer assembled and computer
  distributed publication? Go figure!]
  See the dream UNTITLED under ANIMALS for a
  downloading theory.
  From the Ed-Staff - C & V on Computer Dreams:
  DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]
  * Dream: "EGYPTIAN ASSUMPTION"  by Andrew (961230)
  =Commentary on EGYPTIAN ASSUMPTION by Mark (970101)=
  * Dream: THE FACES OF THE CHOIR BOYS by Magyar
  =Commentary on : if 'the faces of choir boys' by
  magar were my    dream, by jay (further thoughts)
  * Dream: "The Arid Circle" by GWCOO (970101)
  =Commentary by Jay V on The Arid Circle by GWCOO=
  =Commentary by Narcissus on "The Arid Circle" by
  =Commentary by John Hebert on The Arid Circle by
  DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]
  EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth
  and pleasure]
  ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button
  or else...]
  * Dream:  The Shoes by Nutcracker (961215)*
  ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]
  * Dream:  MENaces To Society by Nutcracker (961230)*
  FEAR [What scares us]
  FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]
  FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]
  *Dream: Flying...More and more Difficult by AL
  GIFTS [Offerings from others]
  HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING
  * Dream:  Pez by Nutcracker (961208)*
  * Dream:  Pez II by Nutcracker (961208)*
  * Dream:  Pez III by Nutcracker (961219)*
  * Dream:  Pez IV by Nutcracker (961219)*
  * Dream:  Pez V by Nutcracker (961222)*
  * Dream:  Pez VI by Nutcracker (961227)*
  HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]
  Is the Airport terminal a hospital? Check out the
  dream: Shoes, in the category ELEVATORS.
  * Dream: The Bear and the Bags by LM in PR (970111)*
  HOUSE [Where our lives take place]
  * Dream: BIG HUGE HOUSE LEVELS by VickyT (961231)*
  * Dream: "Crying Woman Dream" by Eugene (970120)*
  = Commentary on The Crying Woman: MY UNDERSTANDING
  by Eugene=
  * Dream:  Untitled 1/4 by Nutcracker (961203)*
  HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event
  JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -
  * Dream: Three Part Dream by J-ones from NORWAY
  = Commentary on: Three Part Dream from Norway by
  BobC (961228)=
  * Dream:  Out To Sea by Nutcracker (961228)*
  * Dream:  A Cheap Thrill by Nutcracker (9612220)*
  LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]
  * Dream: 'Crazy' by MadGrl (970123) *
  = Commentary by Emarks on: Crazy (970123) =
  LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors
  the                         dreamer] 
  LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]
  NUDITY [What you see is what you get]
  PERFORMERS [Entertainers]
  * Dream:  Pre-U2 by Nutcracker (961210)*
  PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes
  present choices]
  * Dream: THE DEAL by MarkM (961228) *
  = Commentary by MarkM=
  = Commentary on ANOTHER DEAL by rcwilk (961228)
  POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of
  * Dream:  Hello Mr & Mrs President by Nutcracker
  RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves]
  See a Dad related dream under ELEVATORS.
  * Dream : My Dream question & Concern by Anonymous
  = Commentary by Narcissus on "Dream Question &
  Concern" by Anon=
  * Dream:  Don t Mess With Me by Nutcracker (961221)*
  * Dream:  My 3 Husbands by Nutcracker (961211)*
  RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]
  * Dream: A Changing Pair of Feet by LT (9701XX)*
  ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]
  [Ice Cream and Love ... does it get any better???
  * Dream:  Love of My Life by Nutcracker (961203)*
  SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]
  SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]
  TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of
  TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are
  paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or
  * Dream: A FLYING FISH AND A BOOK by AmaznBeast
  = Commentary on:  A Flying Fish and A Book by BobK
  = Reply from AmaznBeast on A Flying Fish and A Book
  = Reply to Amazn =
  * Dream:  Woman/Child by Nutcracker (961222)*
  VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of
  WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]
  See A FLYING FISH AND A BOOK for a trapped in the
  workplace dream
  WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]
  == == == == == == == == == == == ==
  See Nutcracker s December 1996 PEZ six-
  pack...searching for the object of our desire as the
  elusive PEZ.  Even Santa PEZ makes an appearance! 
  ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
  ** ** 
  While it s a lot of fun for me as a Dreams
  interested person to be involved with the Dreams
  section, it does entail hours of tweaking files,
  reviewing email, sorting, rearranging, spell
  checking and editing out message headers to ensure
  anonymity for those who request it. I thought this
  issue would be relatively simple, but I m finding
  that since each issue is completely different in
  this section, it s almost like starting over every
  time and the hours keep going up instead of down. I
  also find that I have little time for commentary or
  dream reporting of my own. I have made a resolution
  to change that situation this year.
  Any way, the mechanical process starts with the
  receipt of the email messages with dreams or
  commentary. I get them through Richard, the ed-core,
  or direct messages from readers. I review them, and
  if it has not been circulated among the ed-core I
  forward the body of the message. I then save the
  message to file on my PC with a designation of ED
  for the first two characters so I know its ED
  related, the Volume & Number of the issue in the
  next two spaces (ie. 41), a D (for Dream) or C (for
  Commentary)in the next space, and the next three
  letters either represent the title or the category &
  a number.  Finally, I have a designation of .DRE for
  all dream related material I have on my PC. For
  instance, an animal dream for this issue would be
  ED41DAN1.DRE. Towards publication date, I merge all
  these messages into a master file (inserting files).
  Once I have all the messages in one document, I then
  save the document to a draft file name such as
  ED41DRA1.DRE.  This is when the real fun starts.  I
  need to strip off all the headers with mail
  identification etc. The most time consuming part
  used to be stripping the hard carriage returns and
  replacing the funny characters some messages arrive
  with, and it still is not as automated a process as
  one would think it might be. (Try rearranging a poem
  after you have eliminated all the returns!).
  Next, is the content part.  I review the messages to
  ensure they are not patently offensive or
  derogatory. Hard to with dreams because as dreamers
  know most anything can happen in a dream. I do minor
  editing related to personal information or clear
  misspellings unless the submitter does not mind -
  which is when they usually would like feedback.
  Originally, the dreams were roughly in order of
  receipt with any comments moved around to accompany
  the dream.  With the  classification  system set up,
  it is quite more involved. I must deciding on a
  category which best fits the dream in the scheme we
  have or create a new category. No category is all
  encompassing though, and many dreams fit into
  multiple categories with multiple meanings. I do the
  best I can. I try to add in some pointers (and
  humor) for the index to orient interested readers.
  Then comes the sorting process - moving each dream
  into its section, and after that is done, cutting
  and pasting the titles into the index.  
  Last of all is my editorial comment section, where I
  try to tie in some theme as an introduction to the
  dream section without trying to pick any one dream
  or comment as better than another. I try to thank
  all the dream contributors, and specially the
  commentators such as Eugene Marks, Earl Koteen, John
  Hebert, Richard Wilkerson and Jay Vinton in this
  issue, who share their wonderful insight with us.
  Last step is to bring it into Word Perfect 6.1, and
  save it.  I then email it from Washington,DC across
  the country to Richard in San Francisco,CA usually
  at 4:30AM the last possible day (I will improve!!!).
  Richard then integrates it into the rest of the
  issue, implementing any final formatting and copying
  the dreams index to the front pages index. So much
  for the process.
  This month brings us an emphasis on House dreams and
  Journey dreams as well as an excursion into a Work
  related dream and a slice of Americana through the
  Nutcraker connection (though she s off to Arabia &
  France among other locations. Throughout this issue,
  the creativity of our dreaming mind stands out, as
  it sorts through the events and relationships of our
  daily life - past and present- to show us a snapshot
  of an issue frozen in time/space. Electric Dreams is
  dedicated to helping us all to make more sense of
  those daily mysteries. Thanks for joining us in this
  ED Volume 4, initial voyage Number 1.
  Bob Krumhansl
  See: A Flying Fish and A Book
  >Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996
  >Subject: Re: A Flying Fish and A Book---Thanks
  >From: AmaznBeast
  >> >>I did indeed find you while researching dreams
  on the web.  I did sign up for Electric Dreams.  The
  thing is... I was cruising the web, fretting over
  that dream, and when I saw the opportunity to get
  help with it free of charge, I didn't investigate
  the web site more carefully.  However, just last
  nite I again located your web site, and am excited
  about getting launched from that point towards doing
  some dream research.  Thanks again! >> >> 
  =Commentary by Narcissus on "The Magical Little Man"
  by Mark (961228)=
  The magical little man's name is Rumplestilskin
  (sp?).  It's also  grandfather.
  I was very disappointed that Geo Lucas never
  realized that O-be-one  Can-O-Be was Luke's
  grandfather and Darth Vader's father.  Of course, as
  Darth's mentor, he was a father figure to him.
  Grandfather, either literal or metaphoric, is the
  one that Dad  summoned as a child.  He's a little
  man because he didn't live up to Dad's expectations,
  he was old and shrunken by the time I knew him, he
  didn't live up to my expectations, he was already
  dead by the time I was born (pick one or more that
  The magical little man is all my ancestors.  He
  can't overcome the "criminals" because they're my
  criminals to overcome.  He may be able to help, but
  it's my battle to fight.
  Who are these criminals?  What are their crimes?  In
  my dream, I'm the criminals.  What crimes have I
  performed, what crimes am I performing, for which I
  have to make amends?
  And where is my magic?  What powers do I have to end
  my torment?
  I hope these questions are of use to you.
  =Commentary on "The Magical Little Man" by MarkM
  I enjoyed reading Earl Koteen's comments about my
  dream about the Magical Little Man. I don't agree
  that the Magical Little Man represented my father's
  father, but Earl's analysis about the reference to
  criminals in the dream and his questions, ''And
  where is my magic? What powers do I have to end my
  torment?'' were right on the mark. Thanks.
  >Who are these criminals?  What are their crimes? 
  In my dream, >I'm the criminals.  What crimes have I
  performed, what crimes >am I performing, for which I
  have to make amends? > >And where is my magic?  What
  powers do I have to end my torment? > >I hope these
  questions are of use to you.
  [Stories from past experiences, or send them in
  before it happens, if you can]
  * Dream:  Belated Precognitive Dream? by Nutcracker
  (Bits & Pieces):  Asleep, I dreamt I woke up the
  next morning to find they had repaved a new cement
  curb right outside my bedroom window.  (in real life
  time) I had heard a noise the next morning outside
  the bedroom window in my neighbor's driveway.  Later
  that day, while out in the yard, I noticed that my
  neighbors had done some cementing to their driveway
  (though not actually on that had already
  cured and set).  (96/12/30)  #797 
  [Significant by nature]
  * Dream: Bug Dreams by TrishC (961231)*
  Hi, I'm a recent lurker to this list.  Has anyone
  ever had any nightmares which involve bugs? I seem
  to have recurring nightmares which always involve
  insects(each different species), always inside me
  trying to get out. Trish
  [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]
                 LINKS TO STAGES OF LIFE
  BIRTH [Starts]
  CHILDHOOD [Early development]
  ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]
  ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]
  OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end] 
  DEATH [Endings]
  COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial
  ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]
  [This month brings us: Bugs, a Flying Fish that
  turns into a Parrot (under TRAPPED), crumbs that
  turn into baby armadillo s, and a magical cat.]
  * Dream: BUG DREAMS by TrishC (961231)*
  Hi, I'm a recent lurker to this list.  Has anyone
  ever had any nightmares which involve bugs? I seem
  to have recurring nightmares which always involve
  insects(each different species), always inside me
  trying to get out. Trish
  =Commentary on Bug Dreams by Alex (970101)=
        I've had bug dreams before and I've read that
  the bugs represent that something is bugging you in
  real life.
  * Dream:  Untitled II by Nutcracker (961230)*
   All night long the ceiling fan squeaked, leading me
  to dream that whatever files I was downloading
  couldn't be downloaded unless this other person's
  alternate universe was making the same noise.  All
  this amidst my neighbor's swimming pool being dug
  (literally).  I was with Clint Buchanan (Clint
  Richie/OLTL) and we had gone to some guy's office. 
  We suspect the guy is corrupt.  His desk was like an
  oven.  There was foil on the bottom to catch spills. 
  The foil was greasy and I removed it.  Beneath the
  foil was some charred debris.  I wiped that off with
  a damp sponge.  Now it was clean except for a few
  crumbs in the right hand corner.  I scooped this up
  with a paper towel.  I missed some crumbs and
  grabbed another paper towel, but now they've turned
  into various sizes of baby armadillos.  I yell for
  Bo Buchanan (Robert Woods/OLTL) to take them outside
  and set them free. 
  (96/12/30)  #798 
  * Dream:  Mystical Happenings by Nutcracker
  I was out with this photographer, watching him work. 
  We were in the middle of nowhere.  His girlfriend, a
  lanky blonde with short hair, was wearing jean
  shorts and a sleeveless white t-shirt.  B. was there
  as well as the photographer's cat.  The photographer
  was taking pictures of something when I noticed
  behind him a shot so exciting that I felt he needed
  to capture it.
    "Look!" I said pointing to the small island across
  the lake.  He turned to see what it was I was
  ranting about. The island was about 25 yards away
  and had a small sand colored castle on it.  There
  were fir trees and deciduous trees surrounding the
  front of the castle.  A fog began to form.  The
  leaveless trees were white with frost and icicles;
  the firs tipped in snow, yet it was warm where we
  were.  The castle had an eerie cast to it, as though
  seeing it through a soft filter of a camera.  It had
  a mystical quality to it.  The shot was too
  beautiful to be missed.  The photographer handed me
  his camera and grabbed another.  I held his camera,
  resting it in the hollow of my neck.
   The fog is getting heavier and the water in the
  lake begins to boil.  The photographer's girlfriend
  gets into the boat we came in (an aluminum flat
  bottom boat).  She lies down on one side of it.  The
  photographer gets in and sits at the head of the
  boat.  I get in opposite his girlfriend and B. sits
  at the other end.  The photographer calls for his
  cat.  She's over on the island, by the castle.  I
  call her also.  He tells me that I have to call her
  in french.  "Le chat, le chat," I call.  The cat was
  white and looked like a Russian Wolfhound.  She came
  dashing across the water as we called her in french. 
  (96/12/6)  #751  
  AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others
  * Dream: SHOT AT THE DOOR by Nancy (970110)*
     A woman at work had a dream.  A friend of hers
  comes to her door and she opens it. He shoots her,
  but she does not die.  She wants to know what this
  dream might mean.  She has had it several times
  = Commentary by BobK on SHOT AT THE DOOR (970126) =
  Shooting dreams are scary. To be shot by a stranger
  in a random violence act is bad enough, but to be
  shot by a  friend  would indicate that there is some
  level of suspicion as to the friendliness of the
  supposed friend.  It could also mean that the friend
  is involved in trying to kill or injure a part of
  the dreamers active concerns - but is not being
  successful in doing so.  Unless one lives in a gun
  infested subculture of our modern society, the
  shooting dreams would be more likely symbolic than
  any kind of precognitive forewarning. The repetitive
  nature of the dream would indicate to me, if it were
  my dream, that some level of awareness inside of me
  is concerned about my friendship with this person or
  what this person represents to me in my life. On the
  surface, I am being warned about continuing the
  relationship. Maybe my judgement of who my friends
  are needs reviewing.
  BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]
  BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we
  BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from
  here to there]
  CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]
  See Jeff Bridges in: Love of A Life  under ROMANCE.
  See Holly Hunter (The Piano), Jerry O'Connell
  (Sliders), and some girl that looks like Rosie
  O'Donnell in MENaces To Society under the category
  See Leonard Nimoy and Gloria Marsh in My 3 Husbands
  under the category RELATIONSHIPS.
  See Jimmy Carter & Rosslyn in Hello Mr & Mrs
  President under the category POLITICAL SCENE.
  COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,
   [How come we didn t have this category sooner,
  seeing that we are a computer assembled and computer
  distributed publication? Go figure!]
  See the dream UNTITLED under ANIMALS for a
  downloading theory.
  From the Ed-Staff - C & V on Computer Dreams:
  Hi V,  At 12:26 PM 1/10/97 +1100, you wrote:
  >I hope your computer is behaving better now C.
  >>My husband is forever fiddling with ours, to try
  out newest versions of everything that comes out,
  >  Yeah, I guess my downloading beta and shareware
  versions of everything under the Sun and then
  deleting them could have something to do with my
  problems. When I switched ISP's a while back the
  Win95 expert that came and set things up told me
  that I should re-install Win95.  He said I had some
  serious Registry problems.  All I can do now is keep
  my fingers crossed and maybe sacrifice a chicken to
  the computer gods : )
  > I guess it is truly in the spirit of "electric
  dreams" to dream about them.
  >>I have found over the years that anything I am
  learning, especially as an intensive course
  (including learning how to use the internet; do
  e-mail interviews, etc) tends to occur in my dreams.
  I still remember waking up with most of my first
  ever "Q&A Forum" preformatted in my sleep as it
  >>Sometimes I imagine computer games that I have
  been playing too.
  >I do the same thing.  The day my zip drive came I
  didn't get a chance to set it up (too busy playing
  with Z).  That night I dreamt about zip drives and
  putting people and family on the 100 MB disks! 
  Also, I've been dinking around with HTML for a
  little while and I often dream of tags and frames
  and stuff.
  Take Care, C 
  DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]
  * Dream: "EGYPTIAN ASSUMPTION"  by Andrew (961230)
  Hi, My name is Andrew, based in Edinburgh, Scotland.
  I know it sounds like a Blues song ...but  'I woke
  up this mornin' ...' and in my head are the most
  amazing images. There is this vast cavern and in it
  a central metallic tower with rampways into a wider
  facility in the tower higher up, from openings
  surrounding this facility. I am walking over one of
  the rampways into an archway, as I near the door it
  slides open to reveal a dimly lit interior. I go in,
  and there are small egyptian looking sarcophagi with
  luminous green finish radiating out like thick
  spokes from a central pillar. The walls look like a
  computer facility. In each sarcophagi are small
  thin-looking grey beings that look like something
  from the Independence Day movie. I turn round and am
  met by one that I believe is female - for some
  reason, we embrace and I am transported onto the
  floor of an even bigger cavern, where strange stone
  buildings curve and tower above my head. I am lead
  to a marbled throne room, and there is a dias upon
  which is an empty throne and a smaller throne beside
  it. I am suddenly up near the roof of another
  cavern, and down below, there is an altar. Two small
  grey beings enter the dark cavern via a lit doorway.
  They approach the altar and look up appearing to see
  me. Next I am in a very dark cavern, and the only
  light appears to be coming from two luminous white
  beings, very much like the grey ones. They are alone
  and afraid, for beauty has died, we embrace. I wake
  up feeling sad. Andrew
  =Commentary on EGYPTIAN ASSUMPTION by Mark (970101)=
  Hi, Andrew. I took your interesting dream to mean
  that you are intimidated by women's sexuality. What
  a shame that beauty dies at the end of your dream.
  Was this a nightmare?
  * Dream: THE FACES OF THE CHOIR BOYS by Magyar
  I was with my husband, I think. I say 'think'
  because he wasn't terribly present in a visual way,
  but we seemed to be a couple walking in a street
  together, and so I assumed he was my usual
  companion. There was that sense, anyway, of our
  usual companiable duo.
  At some point early in the dream I/we became aware
  that were not only being trailed, but that we were
  anxious, afraid to confront whoever it was. We were
  looking for places to avoid him.
  We found ourselves in a church precincts and I
  pointed to a niche between parts of the ancient
  building, suggested we step into it, so that 'he'
  wouldn't see us. There was a definite feeing that
  our follower was a 'he', and there was a definite
  feeling that he was some kind of criminal. We
  stepped into the niche but it still didn't feel safe
  enough, and the tension got worse as we sensed his
  approach. I noticed that if we crossed a kind of
  courtyard there was a small flight of steps leading
  to a dark oak door. I vaguely remembered having been
  there before and felt guaranteed some safety. In the
  middle of the courtyard, as we were crossing it,
  there lay a walking stick, a pipe, and a pair of
  spectacles, and I had an impression of a bicycle
  having fallen over, as if there had been an accident
  and it hadn't been cleared away yet. But we were too
  afraid of our follower to enquire more. I just
  remember speculating about these objects and they
  were especially vivid to my eye, and startling in
  those surroundings, like a still life in the middle
  of action.
  We gained the steps, climbed up, and I pushed open
  the oak door. I seemed to be the leader in all of
  this dream and there were no words spoken between
  myself and companion. Strangely, I 'knew' how it
  wold be inside there. I recalled the sense of peace
  from some former visit, and remember reassuring my
  companion about this. We entered, and were startled
  to see the room - ancient and musty smelling and
  dark - was occupied by a choir in practice. I had
  expected to find it empty, as it had been before,
  and I expected to find it much lighter, from the
  large leaded window I'd recalled from the former
  visit. There were boys, around 13 and 14 years old,
  and they were singing in unison and looked around at
  us as we opened the door. They were dressed in
  ordinary clothes, as in a rehearsal. There was just
  enough room for us to squeeze in, next to where they
  were singing, and at the same time as we did so I
  signaled a 'request' that we be allowed to do so.
  But as soon as we were inside they began to file
  towards the door and out, still singing, very
  orderly and slow, their faces turned towards us.
  What struck me was how smooth and tranquil their
  faces were. I remember thinking: this is what peace
  is, and safety. They looked as if life had barely
  touched them, and yet they appeared, too, just a
  little complacent, a little uncaring, and looked at
  us with curiosity.
  The anxiety about our follower seemed to fade with
  this safety, yet there was still a vague sense of
  unease that these boys were not wholly guaranteed to
  not blame us for something. It's hard to put the
  feelings in the dream into words here. The visually
  striking aspect of the dream was at this point - it
  was the look on the choir boys' faces, seen very
  much in close-up as they passed by me. When I recall
  the dream now, it's this look on their faces I see
  the most.
  =Commentary on : if 'the faces of choir boys' by
  magar were my dream, by jay (further thoughts)
  in my first response I suggested the courtyard items
  are related to the threatening entity.  it now
  occurs to me that perhaps instead, they represent a
  more current life view of mine which I leave behind
  me in my retreat to the choirboys outlook.  in that
  case they could be pointers to a more appropriate
  point of view which I could adopt once I realize the
  inadequacy of the choir boy outlook.
  * Dream: "The Arid Circle" by GWCOO (970101)
  The following is a dream I had a few nights ago. It
  has been troubling me greatly, and I feel compelled
  to get to the bottom of it. Here it is:
                             "The Arid Circle"   
  I am in the backyard. Most of the yard is lush with
  vegetation, including trees, shrubs, green grass,
  and flowers of all descriptions.
  However, there is another section of earth that
  catches my eye. It is circular, about eight feet
  across. Here, everything is dead, dry, arid and
  Suddenly, an unknown man appears who I discern is
  some kind of gardening expert. I ask him how I
  should go about beautifying the circle. Before he
  can reply, I say either to myself, or to him: "That
  circle is obviously mandala symbolism."
  He suggests I plant flowers all around the
  circumference, as well as in rows leading to the
  centre, as in the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
  I agree with him that this is indeed a good idea.
   Okay, I look forward to any assistance you can give
  me with this dream. 
  GWCOO from AU
  =Commentary by Jay V on The Arid Circle by GWCOO=
  in my dream, the backyard is my inner self. the
  puzzle for me is what is, why do I have, this arid
  dead area inside myself? the advice appeals to me
  =Commentary by Narcissus on "The Arid Circle" by
  I'm disappointed when others only look for a single
  meaning in a dream, yet I find myself drawn to a
  single meaning for this one.  Please  consider it
  the beginning rather than the end of interpretation
  for this dream.
  If this were my dream, I would ask myself in what
  way have I not been nourishing my soul.  On the
  outside, I look good to all around me.
  Superficially, all is green and growing.  
  Yet at my core, the soil seems parched and nothing
  grows.  In what  way is my ______ (job, wife,
  significant other, Higher Power, whatever I hold
  most dearly in life) not being nourished, or am I
  not being  nourished in my relationship w/ what I
  hold most dear?
  Please excuse me if this is shameless projection,
  but I too would find this dream very disturbing and
  would want to know how I could nourish this land
  gone dry.  To me, the gardener is my Higher Power
  because He knows how to nourish my soul.
  =Commentary by John Hebert on The Arid Circle by
  Hi Glenn:  If this were my dream, I would look at it
  as a very straight-forward message.
  >I am in the backyard. Most of the yard is lush with
  vegetation, including trees, shrubs, green grass,
  and flowers of all descriptions. All around me there
  is beauty, lush and healthy  However, there is
  another section of earth that catches my eye. It is
  circular, about eight feet across. Here, everything
  is dead, dry, arid and brown.
  This certainly strikes me as a mandala symbol of
  mine, (something you  yourself confirm within  your
  >Suddenly, an unknown man appears who I discern is
  some kind of gardening expert. I ask him how I
  should go about beautifying the circle. 
  I am looking to an outside source for guidance.
  >Before he can reply, I say either to myself, or to
  him: "That circle is  obviously mandala symbolism."
  This confirms my understanding that this really is a
  mandala symbol, and  if it were my dream would be a
  representation of my mandala.
  > >He suggests I plant flowers all around the
  circumference, as well as in rows leading to the
  centre, as in the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
  In my dream my self knowing expert is suggesting
  that I do two things:  (1) surround myself with
  beauty (and nourishment), and (2) bring this  beauty
  into the inner center of my being.
  > >I agree with him that this is indeed a good idea.
  My inner sense knows I should do this.
  > >Okay, I look forward to any assistance you can
  give me with this dream. 
  If this were my dream, I would tend to think that
  this would be like  being hit over the head with a
  2x4 and delivered a message that was  exceedingly
  direct.  I'd appreciate the dream  process for its
  directness  in telling me that I am probably so busy
  doing other things that I am not  tending to my
  spiritual garden.  Thanks for sharing.  John
  John W. Herbert
  DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]
  EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth
  and pleasure]
  See ROMANCE for some Ice Cream
  ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button
  or else...]
  * Dream:  The Shoes by Nutcracker (961215)*
  [Staring with a shoe search in an apartment/office,
  moving to an airport terminal(not!)elevator episode,
  and concluding with a George Clooney appearance -
  moving around is the issue here but can ER be far
  My dad had come to visit me.  I live in an apartment
  that is a glass office suite.  A girlfriend, Nancy,
  shares the apartment with me.  Her boyfriend's come
  to pick her up.  They're going to a school dance.  I
  have to go to cheerleading practice. I'm standing in
  front of her boyfriend wearing a black lace leotard,
  looking for my black shoes.  Every floor in every
  room of the apartment is covered with black shoes,
  but there isn't a matched set in the lot.  I
  chastise Nancy for not having all her shoes together
  in pairs.  I can't find mine anywhere in the pile. 
  Now there is an Asian girl and her family in the
  apartment.  She's concerned about some mail she got
  with an AIDS awareness label on it.  She's afraid it
  means they'll be deported or something.  I somehow
  think the mail is my dad's and try to explain the
  label to her.  My dad tells me someone is trying to
  kill him and leaves.  I put on my cheerleading
  outfit (black and gold) and follow him.
  He goes into a building.  It's like an airport
  terminal (but isn't).  There are lots of people
  milling about.  I can
  only see the back of his head as he disappears into
  the crowd.  I watch as he gets into an elevator.  B.
  is in the elevator too.  The elevator is full and
  there's no room for me.  I scream, 'Daddy, daddy" as
  the doors close.  George Clooney (ER) walks by. 
  He's wearing a blue and black plaid jacket.  I grab
  him by the arm and tell him about my dad.  "I have
  to get on the elevator, my dad's on it.'  (96/12/15)
  ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]
  * Dream:  MENaces To Society by Nutcracker (961230)*
  At my/my parents house.  Holly Hunter (The Piano),
  Jerry O'Connell (Sliders), my parents, myself, some
  girl that looks like Rosie O'Donnell (but weighs
  less) and is wearing a brown velvet dress, a woman
  with short brown hair wearing a skin tight dress and
  smoking, and another woman who is outside.  The
  woman outside yells, "If you want to fuck that
   black guy, go right ahead,
  trying to embarrass us.  I yell at the woman who is
  smoking and tell her to get out, that she's a where. 
  My dad has to take some kind of a math test for his
   I leave and go down the hillside to Holly's place. 
  It's empty.  The place is a dive.  As I'm about to
  leave, four men come out of the woods and say,
  "There's a woman (me)," and start chasing me (to do
  me harm/rape me).  I run back into Holly's house and
  lock the door.  I then wonder how long it'll be
  before anyone comes to
  find me.  (96/12/30)  #799 
  FEAR [What scares us]
  FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]
  FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]
  *Dream: Flying...More and more Difficult by AL
  I'm going to describe a dream I had a couple of
  weeks ago. It was a  nice dream, a bit scary but
  only enough to make it exiting. I was flying, not
  when you think you re falling or something like that
  but  really flying, like a bird. It wasn't in any
  other shape, it was I and  I had kite wings of some
  sort. Anyways, I flew over the neighbourhood  where
  I lived (Sweden) when I was 6-11 years old; my
  childhood meadow  - forest and lake. Although I have
  never seen it from above I could in  the dream. It
  was joyful and I was alone all the time, but
  suddenly I started to have problems with the wind
  and I would start to fall but I didn't hit the
  ground, I landed softly. It was extremely annoying 
  because I wanted to fly, be in the air which was the
  only place where I didn't have any worries - free
  with no burdens, alone, strong and  independent. The
  wind didn't have as much importance as to have the 
  right "feeling", I had to concentrate to get that
  feeling and then the  wind would come to me. I can
  imagine it is the same as if one tries to meditate,
  to think about nothing and then one gets frustrated
  trying not to think! While in the air relaxing was
  no problem, everything was better and easier when I
  was flying. But suddenly I would worry about falling
  and then I would. This would go on and off until I
  woke up, in  the beginning of the dream it was
  easier to fly and the longer I dreamt it became more
  complicated - maybe because I was waking up and 
  becoming more conscious.....
  GIFTS [Offerings from others]
  HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING
  * Dream:  Pez by Nutcracker (961208)*
  I had found a Pez Reindeer dispenser.  It had gold
  horns, a black body and a red bridle.  I also found
  a Cockatoo Pez (it was two shades of blue), a
  Rooster Pez and another reindeer Pez (blue also). 
  The guy I'm with decides to start collecting Pez
  after I had come upon a cache of old and rare Pez
  dispensers in an antique
  mall, thinking he could buy them out from under me. 
  (12/8/96)  #757
  * Dream:  Pez II by Nutcracker (961208)*
   I'm in Germany.  No, it's not London, Paris or
  Ireland (where I'd prefer to be), but I'm back in
  Europe and I'm happier than I've been in a long
  time.  I had been with a group of people, then
  wandered off by myself.  I began to look for Pez.  I
  was in a dirty, seedy part of town (reminds me of
  Mexico).  I make my way up to a different section of
  town.  I went into a store and saw some Santa Pez
  and a Coca-Cola Pez (like a Coke bottle).  I ran
  into a guy from my group and asked him if he knew
  what Pez was.  He said no and I showed him what I
  meant.  There was a fourteen year old boy with him. 
  He told me he knew where to find Pez.  I left with
  him and we headed back to the part of town I had
  just come from. (96/12/8) 
  * Dream:  Pez III by Nutcracker (961219)*
  I'm in a store and surprisingly run into some Santa
  'A' Pez dispensers.  They are hanging from strings
  in the ceiling.  I grabbed up two of them quickly
  only to discover they were actually chocolate Santas
  wrapped in foil in the guise of Santa 'A' model Pez. 
  There was also a Pez that was three figures in one;
  Snap, Crackle and Pop (Rice Krispies), which later
  changed into Snap, Crackle and Marilyn Monroe. 
  (96/12/19)  #777 
  * Dream:  Pez IV by Nutcracker (961219)*
  My friend Nancy and I are in a toy store.  The place
  reminds me of a movie theater lobby; tall ceiling
  and lots of windows.  Across the room I see a
  display about some new Monkey Pez dispenser.  "Oh
  good," I think as I rush across the room to the
  display.  Now I can finally get a Monkey Pez for my
  brother, Monkeyboy (a nickname).  But when I get
  over to the display, there are no Monkey Pez
  dispensers, only stuffed monkeys wearing t-shirts
  with PEZ written on them.  The monkeys are life size
  orangatans with long curly tails.  They are hanging
  in a row from the ceiling to the floor and are
  orange/brown in color.  In a bin beneath the monkeys
  are white baseball caps with PEZ written on them in
  various colors of the rainbow (PEZPEZPEZPEZPEZ). 
  The hats appear to be made of paper and the brims
  are trimmed in fake white leather.  (96/12/19)  #778
  * Dream:  Pez V by Nutcracker (961222)*
  I was at the mall shopping.  I came out of one store
  and noticed a new store across the way from it.  It
  was an all Austrian shop.  Everything in it had been
  made in Austria.  The place was bright and colorful. 
  I wondered if they had any Pez? 
   The entrance to the store was blocked by four
  displays.  There was barely enough room to squeeze
  by them to enter.  I wasn't sure if they (the shop)
  were open, but then a clerk came and asked if I
  needed help.  I asked if they carried any Pez.
   "Pez?" she repeated.  I had one in my purse, but
  didn't feel like digging around in it to find it. 
  Another clerk joined us.  "Do we carry Pez? the
  first one asked the second.  The second clerk was
  wearing a visor, her curly blonde hair covering part
  of the writing on it.  I pointed to her visor. 
  "There, Pez," I said.  But in brushing back her hair
  from the writing I discovered it read PENZLE, not
  PEZ.  Just then a third clerk, and someone I knew,
  came and grabbed me by the arm.  She had long,
  thick, dark hair.  We walked to another section of
  the store.  She began rattling something off at me
  in Spanish.  I let her go on for a few moments when
  I finally said, "You do this to me every time.  Who
  do you talk to me in a foreign language when you
  know I'm not bilingual?"  Then in English she asked
  me, "Have you and your sex
  slave done (whatever?) with my  yet?  (96/12/22) 
  (comments by Nutcracker:  Well, I guess I'll never
  know about my sex slave, etc.  At this precise
  moment, hubby decided it was time for me to wake
  * Dream:  Pez VI by Nutcracker (961227)*
  I was a tenant at a black boarding house.  One of
  the owner's daughters (in her teens) was involved in
  a gang.  The woman who ran the boarding house had to
  leave and asked me to cook for this black man who
  lived there.  I was baking a sour dough pear bread
  and a chocolate bundt cake with icing.  While
  looking for some cooking utensils, I found sitting
  on the back staircase, a jar with pens, letter
  openers and several Pez dispensers.  There were two
  Pony Pez; one was pristine, the other from 1952 and
  attached to a light blue pencil with advertising. 
  Also in the jar, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pez
  holding a fishing rod with something dangling off
  the rod.  And there were a dozen or so various other
  dispensers in the jar.  Two other (white) people are
  with me also.  The guy says I should ask the teenage
  daughter if they'll sell them to me.  Then they
  decide that I should price them and make them an
  offer.  They get out my picture book and price guide
  and we all sit down at the table to look them up.  I
  have to write the prices down on newspaper, the
  cartoon section, in the blank spaces I can find.  I
  Pony -
  $60.  Eva (LaRue/AMC) tells me the white (no feet)
  Pony is hers.  Of course it is (that figures...just
  my luck).  Now outside I see the teenage daughter in
  a fight with some other black girls.  Here I am, a
  white person living in a black family's home and we
  get along fine, why can't people of the same color
  get along? 
  (96/12/27)  #791 
  HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]
  Is the Airport terminal a hospital? Check out the
  dream: Shoes, in the category ELEVATORS.
  * Dream: The Bear and the Bags by LM in PR (970111)*
  I am on the floor resting, and I feel a bear come up
  behind me, and wrap his arms around me. I feel safe.
  I can feel the breath of the bear on my neck.  
  I suddenly realize that if the bear falls asleep, I
  might be trapped. I ease my way out from its grasp.
  It is then that I realize that in an adjacent room,
  my husband has a plastic bag over his face.  He is
  choking and I desperately try to cut through it or
  rip it.  I m not having much success though I do
  make a slit so he can breath.  I need to go for
  help, so I run out of the room into a hospital-like
  setting.  I run into a room and find a roomful of
  animals in the same situation.  Faces wrapped with
  plastic bag material. Some are dead. There is some
  kind of conspiracy.  I run out into the hall to ask
  for help.  I am directed to a lady administrator. 
  Somehow I know that she is the leader in charge of
  the plastic wrap project- she will never help me. 
  As I run to find help elsewhere, I awake.
  HOUSE [Where our lives take place]
  * Dream: BIG HUGE HOUSE LEVELS by VickyT (961231)*
  Bob, Hey I Haven't Heard from You in Awhile. I Am
  the One Who Kept Having Dreams  of Tornado's. Now I
  Am Having Dreams of Going Exploring in a Big Huge
  House.  I Am Going from Room to Room, and There Are
  Endless Rooms in this House. The  Rooms Are Full of
  Beautiful Furniture and Things. The Rooms Are Big
  and  Beautiful. I Have this Feeling of Ah, When I Go
  Through Them. It Is So Neat,  I Just Keep Going from
  Room to Room, Thinking Man, Look at All this Beauty, 
  and Neat Things, and All of These Rooms, and this
  Big House Full of Rooms.  It Is like an Adventure,
  Exploring the House and Finding out it Is Full of 
  All These Neat Things, and Rooms, Many, Many Rooms
  and the Best Part Is That  it Belongs to Me. I Own
  All This, but I Do Not Know How I Got it or Why, but 
  I Am Just Amazed. And I Keep Wondering, What Am I
  Going to Do with All of  this. How Could I Ever Use
  All of These Rooms. In One Dream, All the Rooms Were
  Exactly Alike, and this House or All the  Rooms Were
  in a Basement. Sometimes They Are Upstairs, or Even
  on the Main  Floor. When Ever I Do Have These
  Dreams, All the Rooms Are on the Same Floor.
  Meaning, One Nite They Were All down Stairs. The
  next Time They Were All  Upstairs, the next One All
  on the Main Floor. Why Is That? Why Are They  Always
  on One Floor? Why Not Many Rooms in this Big House
  on All Floors? What Do the Rooms Represent? Is it a
  New Part of My Life, Exploring It? Full of Many
  Options? Tell Me What You Think. I Have Such a
  Wonder Feeling in  These Dreams, and I Am Always
  Alone, When Going Through Them. Thanks Vicky
  *Dream: "Crying Woman Dream" by Eugene (970120)*
  I dream that I'm walking down the neighborhood
  street with two young boys in tow, one maybe six,
  the other eight.  Their hair is cut short for the
  summer.  We're on our way to dinner at Steve and
  Carol's, at our old house, our last house, where
  they're living now.
  We arrive on time.  Being here brings back a lot of
  memories, especially of living without neighbors
  right on the other side of almost every thin wall,
  as in each and every apartment that we've lived in
  these past four years.  Walking into the house, I
  also remember the big, productive garden we had here
  and my tipi up in the back yard.  
  Carol has just arrived herself.  She just walked in
  with a woman friend.  They're busy in conversation,
  sort of ignoring us, so I take the boys out to the
  back yard.  There's no garden now, and it's seems
  empty without the lodge up.  I wouldn't want to live
  here again, but I would like to own a house
  When we go back inside, Carol's acting weird. 
  There's no dinner cooking, and Steve's not here
  either.  She quickly lets us know that there won't
  be any dinner for us.  
  I ask if we've come on the right day.  I know we
  were all invited for dinner.  I'm confused.  I feel
  as if I'm being blamed for something.
  Carol starts to cry, breaking down.  I ask her
  what's wrong.  She asks me to look around, "can't
  you see that we don't have very many electronics?" 
  I look around and see that this is true, but I don't
  understand why she wants me to notice this and why
  she's acting as if I'm somehow responsible for the
  She says she's leaving here, going to New York.  Now
  I wonder  if they've been ripped off (the lack of
  electronics) and have to move away.  However, when I
  ask, she just turns her back on me and begins to cry
  even harder.  She's becoming more and more upset and
  finally even asks me to leave.  I try once more.  I
  ask if she's still with Steve.  I ask about her
  boys.  She doesn't answer in words, but somehow I
  get the feeling that she is still with Steve and
  that all the boys are all okay.    
  I finally give up and leave with my two young
  charges, with two very confused young boys.  On the
  porch, I stop us and ask if they have everything
  they came with.  They do.  As we walk north, I tell
  them that I'm just as confused as they are.  I tell
  them that Carol was too upset to see us but that I
  don't know why.  I also tell them that I have a
  quarter and we'll call Aspen when we find a pay
  phone, maybe meet her somewhere along our way home
  for burgers and fries.  This perks up the hungry
  =Commentary on The Crying Woman: MY UNDERSTANDING by
  My dream is charged with feeling.  Since it came to
  me, and because of these feelings, I haven't wanted
  to think about it.  In my dream, these powerful
  feelings are expressed by Carol.  In the outer
  world, she and Steve were our landlords, not for the
  house in the dream, but for the house before that,
  the one with the outdoor hot tub and the perfect
  yard and garden.  Carol's a good mother, a good
  person.  She and Steve are Quakers.  They live very
  simply and lovingly.  
  The two boys remind me of my brother and myself at
  that age.  More than that though, they remind me of
  myself at age six and again at age eight.  In
  between, when I was seven, I died on an operating
  table, when my heart stopped, while I was undergoing
  surgery.  Who I'd been as a six year old died then. 
  I was never the same.  The eight year old I became
  was very different.  For one thing, he was very
  scared.  He had visited places that little boys
  didn't visit, not and come back.  Somehow, although
  greatly  shaken, he did manage to come back, but he
  retreated from life then, becoming a recluse, always
  reading his books.   
  The house in my dream is actually the last house
  that Aspen and I lived in.  Ever since then, we've
  lived in apartments or been on the road, living in
  our van.  I know I'd rather live in a house.  Aspen
  would too.  I also know that my dream is all about
  this.  I'm remembering something else now too.  When
  I was seven and sick and dying in the hospital, my
  mom and dad had to sell their house to pay for the
  doctors and the hospital.  It was their last real
  house for a long while.  
  This is really what my dream's all about.  In my
  dream, Carol is angry about something.  Maybe I was
  right in my dream when I thought that she had just
  lost her house.  When I was seven, my mother lost
  hers.  It was because of me too, although not my
  fault.  I'm certain it was worth it to her.  But
  maybe, besides being thankful that I still lived,
  she was also very upset and angry over losing the
  house she had lived in and owned with my dad and in
  which she had hoped to raise her children and spend
  the rest  of her life.  Although not intended for
  me, perhaps her feelings still leaked out onto me,
  affecting me too.   
  Carol isn't in my dream just to remind me of what my
  mother went through when she lost her house.  She's
  also here to remind me that I was also there, the
  six and the eight year old in me too, when my mother
  went through her loss.  We all felt what she felt. 
  Maybe we were too young to understand it, but we
  still all felt it.  We took it into ourselves.  Her
  feelings of loss are still with me, even today.  For
  example, they certainly explain why I've never
  wanted to own a house--I didn't want to lose it.  N
  ow though, I can separate myself from my mother's
  old feelings.  They were never really mine anyway.
   That seemingly weird comment about the lack of
  electronics nagged at me all last night.  Just
  before I fell asleep, though, I put it all together. 
  After all, I was sleeping in the same room with it. 
  The only electronics here in my room are this
  computer, the modem, and the printer, all quite old
  and primitive except for the modem.  I can't even
  cruise the web now.  I can put things on my web
  site, but I can't browse the web and view them, not
  from here.  I don't have enough power.  I have to go
  down to the library and look at it from there.  
  I'm remembering a dream now, one from three years
  ago, at the beginnings of all the recent changes in
  my life.  In it, this powerful woman, a shaman, is
  giving me the key to the detective agency, to a
  magical room full of all sorts of electronic
  communication gear.  In this room, I'll find my way
  to myself as a shaman.  Maybe I do need more and
  better electronics.  Maybe this is the key to my
  getting out of jail.  I could certainly use a more
  powerful computer and maybe even a keyboard with a
  "v" (which I n ow have to copy and paste).  Perhaps
  then I'd have the power and speed to wander the web
  as I'm meant to.  
  Like Carol, I'm a house person--but I'm also a
  wanderer.  Up till now, I've always wandered out
  onto the roads and trails, away from home.  I've
  always thought that I had to get out into the world
  to wander.  I'm beginning to see now, though, that I
  can wander in a new way.  I can wander anywhere I
  want out onto the info highway yet still be here at
  This is why my inner Carol is pointing out the lack
  of electronics in her house.  She wants me to see
  her needs too, to see that she needs the security of
  a house, one that she owns.  She also wants me to
  see that I can wander in a new way now, on the web
  at home.  She also thinks that, once I'm wandering
  the web, it'll be easy for me to support a house. 
  Then I won't always have to be taking her away from
  her home just to satisfy my wanderlust.  She doesn't
  want to lose another home, and I can satisfy my
  wanderlust right here at my keyboard.  I can do this
  and still be the Carol house person that I also am .
   If you reread your dreams, say once a year, you'll
  soon notice that they present different themes. 
  Over time, they'll help us to work on many different
  life problems and on many different levels of
  understanding.  Two years ago, I had another dream
  about that time of my life, when I was that young
  seven year old boy, a dream in which a family asked
  for my help, a man and woman and their young son.  I
  knew then that the family was my own family.  I knew
  then that my dream was asking me to become conscious
  o f this long buried family complex that I'd been
  carrying around ever since those early days.  My
  dream wanted me to be especially aware of this
  complex's effect upon me and my life in the here and
  My more recent dream of me and the boys and of Carol
  being so upset is the first to bring up this crucial
  time since that family first asked me for help in my
  earlier dream two years ago.  This dream is the
  first to touch upon this part of myself since then. 
  It's bringing up the next related issue to work
  upon, the next understanding I need to reach in
  order to continue growing.  It's telling me that I
  need to remain conscious of myself as that young boy
  who died and then came back to life.   It's also
  telling me to not let my mother's old feelings over
  losing her house keep me from owning one and being
  the house person I am.    
  * DREAM:  Untitled 1/4 by Nutcracker (961203)*
  (This is like four dreams in one):
    1)  I was on my way to the mall.  As I left the
  house I realized that I hadn't washed my hair for
  the past three days.  I went back inside and washed
  it.  Now in the car, I'm at the mall looking for a
  parking spot.  As I make a left turn around a curved
  area, all of a sudden there are cars to the right of
  me driving backwards.  One by one they pull into
  parking spots all in a row.  Now the direction of
  traffic has changed and I'm the one in the wrong. 
  Now I have to back out to extricate myself from this
  mess.  As I do so I find there's a garden center to
  my left.  It's a white corrugated metal building
  with plants and yard art outside.  In backing up I
  slightly tap (hit) a large silver clock which is
  sitting on the ground and leaning against the
  building.  I get out to check for damage, but there
  is none.  I end up in a conversation with the
  (female) owner, but I don't mention hitting the
  clock to her.  Now I'm off to find my friend Nancy
  who's at her husband's office.  Jamie's secretary
  tells me to go on in.  I find Nancy lying on a full
  size bed, knees bent, reading a book.  I sit down on
  the bed and tell her my tale of woe from the parking
  lot at the mall.  There is a connecting door to
  Jamie's office that leads to his boss's office.  His
  boss and two others are sitting there joking and
  smoking.  Jamie is on the computer playing games.  I
  wonder to myself if he should be doing that during
  business hours, but then he wins and swirls his
  monitor around for me to see.  I guess his boss must
  not care.  I ask Nancy why we're waiting.  She says
  it's payday.  Then Jamie's boss comes in and passes
  out the payroll checks.  Jamie gives his to Nancy
  and tells her not to spend it all in one place. 
  Nancy comments on how great my skin looks (since
  switching facial products).
    2)  Nancy and I go to her house.  The house is set
  on a small
  hill.  We're outside.  I'm looking at the trees in
  the yard.  They are badly in need of trimming.  I
  tell Nancy that I can bring my chain saw and my
  neighbors extending ladder and trim them for her. 
  There is one tree that is particularly annoying. 
  It's got one huge dead branch jutting out to the
  side, disrupting the growth of a neighboring tree. 
  Nancy declines my offer. She prefers the natural
   3)  Now I'm at home.  B. is packing for a trip. 
  I'm in one of the bedrooms.  It has no furniture in
  it.  I'm sleeping while levitating on a surfboard
  next to an open window at the far left corner of the
  room.  I like fresh air wafting over me as I sleep. 
  I get off of the board (and it's still levitating). 
  I wonder if I can levitate higher, to just below the
  ceiling, but figure I'll just fall off and hurt
  myself in my sleep. 
   4)  Now I'm at my parents house.  My mom and one
  sibling are downstairs.  I'm upstairs in the
  bathroom brushing my teeth.  Down the hall, at the
  end, is a bedroom.  The door is closed and I'm not
  supposed to go in there (no one is).  I know the
  room is empty, but it scares me anyway.  I finish
  brushing my teeth and then rinse twice using two
  different mouth washes.  When I finish I rush
  downstairs to safety (or where I feel safer). 
  (96/12/3)  #744  
  HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event
  JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -
  * Dream: Three Part Dream by J-ones from NORWAY
  Hello Bob. At the moment I am very new to dreaming
  and dream-interpretation. I have a lot of special
  dreams that I can't quite figure out. Here is a
  dream I had one night. It has 3 parts, and I've
  numbered each part.
  1. I was a passenger in a car, I think it was white,
  I was sitting in the back-seat. It was dark, only
  black outside the windows, but I was able to see the
  shape of the landscape. The road was along a
  mountain: On the left side the mountain was high and
  steep, and on the right side it was a very long way
  down, I could not see the end and it was only dark
  there. We were driving forward, and I remember I was
  scared because I thought the unknown driver drove
  too fast, and the road was slippery. The special
  about this road was that it was very curved, and
  most of the curves was to the left. And on the right
  side of the road was a line of shining
  blue/silver/white light. It sort of kept us from
  driving off the road.
  2. I came into a shop after the car-ride was over,
  and I was shopping something, I can't remember what.
  But I remember when I was going to pay, I had this
  terrible feeling of writing out a check with no
  cover. I knew that I shouldn't be writing out the
  check, but I couldn't make myself stop. 
  3.After leaving the shop, I suddenly was in a big,
  white room. There was a woman sitting there, dressed
  in white clothes ( like they wear in a hospital )
  and she had black hair. I remember feeling guilty
  when I walked up to her. She said that she had
  received a letter from my bank saying they would not
  cash in any checks written by me, because I had
  already used more money than I had on my account.
  And she showed me letters where several people/shops
  claimed that I owed them money. And then she said
  that I had forgotten to deliver some keys, and I
  remember taking them out of my handbag saying that I
  had brought them along. I delivered to her 2 keys
  hanging on a chain. I felt very guilty because I
  knew that these were not my keys and I should have
  delivered them long ago.
   This was my dream that night. Hope you can use it,
  and that someone has a comment.
  Regards from Wenche 
  =Commentary on: Three Part Dream from Norway by BobC
  In the first part of the dream the white car seems
  to represent the dreamer's emotional space or place. 
  She wants to see herself as virtuous, (she is in a
  cocoon of white; i.e. the car) but she cannot see
  beyond the cocoon (there is darkness all around). 
  She is not in control (not in the driver's seat) and
  she seems to be heading downhill. She could fall
  very far (possibly this means loss of status) if the
  car slips off the slippery road, but she feels she
  has no control that possibility (i.e. she has given
  another or others decision-making powers in terms of
  her future).
  In the second part of the dream the dreamer has "no
  cover" for checks she is writing.  This could mean
  that the dreamer feels she will be exposed in some
  way.  She knows she should not continue writing out
  checks that will bounce (i.e. continue behavior that
  will lead to the very exposure she dreads), but she
  cannot help herself in the dream, and possibly she
  feels she cannot stop the behavior that the check
  writing symbolizes in real life.
  In the third part of the dream, the dreamer is in a
  big white room with a woman dressed in white
  clothes.  The woman in white clothes seems to be a
  figure of judgement.  The dreamer is told many
  people now know she has no cover.  They have written
  to the dreamer's bank.  Then the woman in white
  tells the dreamer she has forgotten to deliver two
  keys.  The dreamer turns them over, feeling very
  guilty because these keys were not hers to keep.
  This last part of the dream suggests that the
  repressed conflict represented by the dream may be
  sexual in nature.  In Freudian perspective, keys can
  be interpreted as phallic symbols.  The color white
  often represents purity or spirituality in dreams,
  in this last section of the dream white seems to
  provide the ambiance where the dreamer can
  experience her guilt feelings and then repent by
  turning over the keys (i.e. ending the love affairs
  or ending the behavior that was symbolized by the
  If the dreamer does not agree with the above
  interpretation, then it is wrong.  Only the dreamer
                        Bob C.
   'What we do in dreams we also do when we are awake:
  we invent and fabricate the person with whom we
  associate - and immediately forget we have done so.' 
  * Dream:  Out To Sea by Nutcracker (961228)*
  I was in a foreign land, some Arab country.  We were
  near a sea.  The town could be seen from where I was
  (about a mile away).  It looked illuminated and
  reminded me of Coney Island.  Some of the tops of
  buildings had the design of lace, open and intricate
  patterns.  The buildings were bathed in the warm
  golden glow of lights.  The town looked inviting. 
  There was a man, his wife and their two kids
  standing near me.  They had bought a house in the
  city I was observing from afar.  The wife wanted to
  take the kids to see it, but the guy wanted to
  surprise them on moving day.  Everything between
  myself and the city was dark.  The sea was raging. 
  There was a cement pier that extended several
  hundred feet out from where I was standing on shore. 
  The pier was very tall and the peaks of the waves
  would touch the very top of the pier.  As they did
  so, the peaks would appear white, as though lit up
  from the inside.  I asked B. which sea this was, but
  he never answered.  The waves were a dark, angry
  green.  We got onto a boat, a freighter.  Despite
  the rough sea, the boat maneuvered swiftly along and
  the ride wasn't too rocky, though I did have visions
  of us being swallowed up by the waves, but it turns
  out there was no reason to fear.  (96/12/28)  #795 
  * Dream:  A Cheap Thrill by Nutcracker (9612220)*
  I was out with a friend.  She had bought something
  earlier and was carrying it in a little white bag. 
  We were walking along a country road.  Weeks before
  there had been heavy rains and a mud slide had
  ensued.  The aftermath was now evident in the ravine
  to our left.  "Let's go down there," I said to her. 
  The mud was all dried up now, trees and shrubs
  strewn asunder.  We climbed down and stood in the
  center.  I felt as though we were trespassing (on
  the power of God or the destruction of Satan).  I
  turned around and stared in the direction we had
  just come from, imagining how the mud must have come
  at such speed down the hillside and around the
  corner before me.  The excitement of the danger
  exhilarated me (us).  The mud, now dry, looked like
  hard packed sand.  It was the color of peanut butter
  cookies and appeared lumpy like the criss-cross
  pattern you make with your fork in the cookie dough. 
  The lumps were hard beneath our feet.
    My friend and I decided to walk up the ravine a
  ways, in the direction of the flow.  We had only
  gone several feet when she fell into a sink hole
  filled with water, but covered with sand.  "Hand me
  your bag," I said to her.  I knew if the bag got
  saturated, it would dissolve and the contents lost
  forever.  She tossed it to me.  "I saw a board over
  there - don't move."  I walked back to find the
  board.  It was buried in the sand and I had to
  struggle to remove it.  I carried it over to my
  friend.  "Grab it."  She did and pulled herself out
  with ease.  She was wet, yet there was no sand stuck
  to her.  I saw a gleam in her eyes that told me she
  wanted to continue
  on our little journey.  (96/12/20)  #780
  LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]
  * Dream: 'Crazy' by MadGrl (970123) *
   (Takes place in real time.  I exist in the dream as
  I appear in real life.) I was in my car at night
  looking for a WinDixie pharmacy.  I knew the street
  name and I'd been to this pharmacy before.  The name
  was two words something Logan? I knew I'd have to
  make a right hand turn (the pharmacy was on a road
  parallel to the one I was driving on, but I knew the
  street I was looking for would head south and bend
  to the west).  It was so dark I couldn't see the
  street signs, so I got a flashlight out of the glove
  box and shined it up at the sign.  It was very dark,
  I was on the same road but traveling on foot.   I
  ran out of gas, my car was somewhere behind me, both
  theoretically and physically.  My bike ('the urban
  assault vehicle'--an old Mongoose Alta with slick
  tires and pannier frames ) was with the Cougar.  I
  am growing concerned because I can't find the
  pharmacy or the street.  On the plus side, it's
  easier to see the street signs since I'm on foot. 
  Now I'm pushing a shopping cart, wearing Doc Martins
  and a tattered dress.  I'm panicky because I can't
  find the pharmacy.  It's day time and I'm walking
  down a suburban sidewalk.  The houses are lovely
  little single-family two story homes.  All brightly
  colored with white trim.  The lawns are unnaturally
  bright green and the flowers scream with color. 
  Flowers everywhere! I notice all this but I realize
  I don't belong here.   I must find the pharmacy, but
  people are chasing me.  I'm concentrating on the
  handle of the cart and one thought, find the
  pharmacy.  (Perhaps if I don't look up they won't
  see me?)  I hang on to the shopping cart and run,
  run, run.  I must find the pharmacy, they're closing
  in on me, they'll hurt me, where's that street?  
  As I began to wake up, I realized that I had lost my
  mind and the woman in the dream was homeless and
  = Commentary by Emarks on: Crazy Woman (970123) =
  The center, the essence of your dream seems to be
  the pharmacy and your inability to find it.  What is
  the pharmacy?  Why are you looking for it?  Why is
  it so important to you?  What does it mean for you?
  In your dream, you go from being in your car to
  pushing a shopping cart.  You also go through
  changes in clothes, neighborhoods, and feelings.  At
  first, you don't seem overly concerned.  You know
  where you are and how to get to the pharmacy.  Then
  the darkness (the unconsciousness in yourself?)
  makes it difficult for you to see where you are.  
  We all need light to navigate the unconscious, so
  now you have a flashlight.  You're also on foot, now
  pushing a shopping cart and wearing doc martins and
  a ragged dress.  A bag lady!  A homeless, crazy
  woman.  Now the vibes become heavier.  There is a
  feeling of anxiety, of being pursued, of maybe being
  I've felt like this myself.  First I'd realize that
  I was lost, after thinking as you did that I knew
  where I was.  Then I'd get scared because I was
  lost, especially if it were dark.  Then my fear
  would hurry me and provoke pursuit.  At least I'd
  feel as if I were pursued, and I'd be running from
  place to place then trying to leave my fear behind.  
  I've learned that running attracts pursuers.  I've
  learned that it keeps the fear chasing after me. 
  I've learned to accept being lost, not knowing where
  I am in either the inner or the outer world.  Over
  time, I've come to see that I'm never really lost
  anyway, just not where I'd thought I was.  
  I don't know what the pharmacy means to you.  It
  seems to be very important to you.  When I think of
  a pharmacy, I think of drugs, medicines,
  psychedelics, healing, addictions, advice, relief,
  these sorts of things.  What do you think of? 
  Sometimes, in my own dreams, a pharmacy has had
  negative connotations, usually very positive ones. 
  Your dream seems important to you.  It looks like a
  wakeup call to me.  How would finding (or realizing
  it's not that important and letting go of looking
  for) the pharmacy (what that means for you) help you
  to keep from losing your mind and waking up someday,
  a bag lady pushing a cart, homeless and insane?
  LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors
  the                         dreamer] 
  LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]
  NUDITY [What you see is what you get]
  PERFORMERS [Entertainers]
  * Dream:  Pre-U2 by Nutcracker (961210)*
  I met these four guys.  Their names were Paul, Dave,
  Larry and Adam.  They were punk rockers.  They all
  wore their hair short and dyed blonde.  They were
  sitting in school desks, resting their heads upon
  them.  They looked to be slackers, but I knew
  better.  (96/12/10)  #765  
  PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes
  present choices]
  * Dream: THE DEAL by MarkM (961228) *
  I dreamt that a man came to see me. Some of my
  family members were with me. The man seemed
  friendly, but he was actually a sinister, evil man.
  I could feel his malevolence crouched beneath his
  smiling face.
  He said he had a deal for me: I would draw a
  self-portrait, and in return he would make me a very
  rich man.
  The deal had a catch, though: I would never be able
  to hold any beliefs ever again.
  [end dream]
  [begin my comments :MarkM]
  We're all on this list because we're interested in
  dreams, so forgive me if I'm about to state the
  obvious. It's been many years since I've read much
  about dreams, but I do recall that there are
  supposedly two types of nightmares: full-fledged,
  type of nightmares; and anxiety nightmares. Anxiety
  nightmares are the kind when you wake up and feel
  horrible about the dream and can't get the idea out
  of your mind that this horrible thing you just
  dreamt -- about the death of a loved one, for
  example -- didn't really happen.
  The Deal was not a full-fledged anxiety nightmare --
  but it left me with a very uneasy feeling when I
  awakened. I wanted to be rich, but I was mortified
  by the idea that I would never be able to hold
  beliefs. I awakened before I made a decision about
  the deal.
  Notice the unreality of The Deal: How could anyone
  possibly control my thoughts to the point of
  preventing me from holding beliefs?
  One of the most memorable dreams I ever had was when
  I dreamt that I stabbed my father in the head. The
  funny thing is, I don't remember feeling much
  anxiety during that dream or when I awakened. It was
  just sort of a job that had to be done, and I did
  it. The fact that none of you know anything about me
  may prompt more interesting commentary than if you
  did know me.
  One other little tidbit about dreams: Australian
  Aborigines call life in the human form, on Earth, as
  ''the dreamtime.'' I once saw a documentary about
  the vanishing aboriginal way of life titled
  ''Twilight of the Dreamtime.'' What a beautiful way
  of looking at life, and how sad that the dreamtime
  is coming to an end.
  Which brings to mind what some American aborigines
  thought about dreaming: Dreaming is the true
  reality, and waking is false.
  I hope everybody on the list has a Happy New Year
  and a great 1997. And reflect on this: If none of us
  have ever met in waking life, perhaps we have met or
  will meet one day in the dream world.
  = Commentary on THE DEAL by rcwilk (961228)
  >I dreamt that a man came to see me. Some of my
  family members were with me.  The man seemed
  friendly, but he was actually a sinister, evil man.
  I could feel his malevolence crouched beneath his
  smiling face.
  >He said he had a deal for me: I would draw a
  self-portrait, and in return he would make me a very
  rich man. 
  >The deal had a catch, though: I would never be able
  to hold any beliefs ever again. [end dream]
   > >The Deal was not a full-fledged anxiety
  nightmare -- but it left me with a >very uneasy
  feeling when I awakened. I wanted to be rich, but I
  was >moritified by the idea that I would never be
  able to hold beliefs. I >awakened before I made a
  decision about the deal. >
    Thanks for the interesting dream - reminded me
  that there are some nightmares I want to share this
    What struck me was how this was a cool variation
  on the Midas Myth & Faust cycle, where the man
  basically exchanges being able to every really touch
  anything (which we do via beliefs) for wealth and
     >Notice the unreality of The Deal: How could
  anyone possibly control my >thoughts to the point of
  preventing me from holding beliefs?
   Not so for me. This is what I call the corruption
  of experience. Once experienced, fantasy is forever
  altered. Also, many forms of knowledge undermine
  belief. However, what I feel turns everything around
  in the end is that all new forms of anything are
  themselves fictions, new forms of belief. Even the
  epoche, the bracketing out of personal belief, is
  itself a kind of fantasy. Anyway, it brings a lot of
  stuff up for me around the "Tearing of the Veil". 
      >Which brings to mind what some American
  aborigines thought about dreaming: >Dreaming is the
  true reality, and waking is false.
    I like Hillman's point that dreams really show us
  that we are *in* images, rather than *having*
  images. When we wake up we forget this. Still, I
  prefer to say that reality is *another* image, a
  fiction so to speak, rather than to say it is false. 
  I guess I wouldn't do so well in the Bush. :(
  POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of
  * Dream:  Hello Mr & Mrs President by Nutcracker
  Myself and a guy I work with are standing on a
  street corner.  Former President Jimmy Carter drives
  up in an electric car with an electric dolly
  strapped to the side.  Jimmy leaves and now here
  comes Roslyn with the electric car.  She runs up on
  the curb as she tries to park it.  Now a girl I work
  with and I are talking to Roslyn.  Roslyn tells me
  she used to live next door to me.  I don't remember
  this, but she asks me if I recall a dead tree in my
  front yard.  I do.  I ask her about Amy and inquire
  as to whether or not she got married yet.  She has
  and they live in Nebraska, she says.  The woman I'm
  with is trying to set up a steel table with holes in
  it (like an erector set).  The table is one flat
  piece that has folding legs.  She's having a problem
  with one of the legs and I go and help her.  She's
  got some steel canisters to set on the table.  I
  pick them up and set them on the table for her. 
  Then I say to her, "OK, now cook us something great
  to eat."  She informs me that they are for medical
  purposes (instruments), not for cooking.  (96/12/10) 
  RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves]
  See a Dad related dream under ELEVATORS.
  *Dream : My Dream question & Concern by Anonymous
  Hello, & thank you for being available... I wanted
  to write someone ASAP, as I just had this dream late
  this morning; if you could give me any thing at all
  on it or it's meaning it would be helpful, I still
  remember the way it felt, so clear: I dreampt that
  someone I care for very much in life (and he knows
  it... I'm not sure if he feels the same way, but
  he's very sweet to me) called me on the phone said
  to me "I know it may have seemed I didn't feel the
  same way all this time, you know like you do me?
  Well, I just finally wanted to tell you *I do*",
  then proceeded in a soft but stern voice >when my
  divorce would be final. (I'm divorced, unfortunately
  still living with him but friends) I told this
  gentleman, "When I can locate my final papers"
  (Which are missing) He began to speak again, when
  all of a sudden, my ex-husband was on the line,
  screaming at me, "God*da**it, bi*ch, I'm going to
  make sure you'll NEVER see him again!" And I soon
  woke up, saying "No!" in my dream. (My ex works with
  him, (!) >& I had only spent 3 times with him at his
  work functions in the past 1 >« years... I haven't
  seen him for a year but we communicate online.) Any
  help with the idea of this, please respond when
  possible! (Private please!)
  =Commentary by Narcissus on "Dream Question &
  Concern" by Anon=
  I'm not sure what the question is.  I've counseled
  many divorcing people on their dreams.  The
  "threatening ex" is almost a universal symbol. Even
  if we're "divorced, but friends," it's likely that
  my ex still holds some feelings about me, including
  some animosity.  It's also likely that I hold some
  anger for him.  The dream gives me the opportunity
  to project that anger on to an image of him.
  Regarding the man I'm attract to, it's not uncommon
  to feel as if I'm "cheating" on my ex when I'm
  attracted to another man, even tho I'm  divorced. 
  The bonds of attraction/connection w/ my ex may not
  be entirely broken.
  If this were my dream, it would be an opportunity to
  face the fear and anger still existing in my
  relationship w/ my ex.  I would also find the dream
  is telling me that I just might want to risk
  exploring further whether the other man is
  interested in me.  Maybe my fear has been holding me
  back.  On the other hand, I might just want to limit
  myself to finding a closer connection to the loving
  masculine w/in me.
  I hope these thoughts are of use to you.
  * Dream:  Don t Mess With Me by Nutcracker (961221)*
  I'm with a friend at a mutual friend's (Beverly
  D'Angelo/actress) apartment.  The woman has three
  boys and an abusive husband.  We're there to try and
  convince her to leave.  Her husband had at one time
  assaulted me, trying to strangle me, thinking I was
  his wife.  She's made up her mind to do it, but the
  question is, when?  I put my hand on her arm as a
  show of support and sympathy.  She had just come
  from the grocery store and was putting the food
  away.  She had three whole chickens and two cut up
  chickens plus several other large meat packages.  I
  hoped she was stocking up to take this with her when
  she left.  Whenever it is she decides to leave, in a
  matter of minutes we can rally a group of women to
  help move her.  Just then her husband comes home. 
  Again, in one of his psychotic states, he comes
  after me.  He puts his hand to my throat and leans
  me backwards, over the countertop.  All I could feel
  was the pain I had in my lower back.  It felt as
  though my back were breaking.  I called out his
  name.  "Harry, it's me."  He finally focused and
  realized that I wasn't his wife.  The kids are in
  another room.
   His wife is now in the bathroom.  I go after her,
  locking the door behind me.  Her husband comes after
  us, breaking the door down, tearing after his wife. 
  With his back to me, I pick up a fireplace poker and
  whack him twice over the back of the head. 
  He falls to floor, stunned, but not dead. 
  (96/12/21)  #782
  * Dream:  My 3 Husbands by Nutcracker (961211)*
  I was at a gathering.  The men were going off to
  engage someone/group/faction in an altercation.  My
  husband, Leonard Nimoy, grabbed me and bent me over
  backwards, french kissing me.  His way of claiming
  ownership of me (warning others to keep away from
  me).  I was totally repulsed.  I hated the spectacle
  he created and didn't want to see him return.  Now
  I'm with husband number two.
   I don't remember much about him except that he was
  kind and gentle.  He had red hair and was Irish.  He
  too went off, never to be heard from again.  I then
  married husband number three.  I don't know why.  He
  was a tall, husky man in his fifty's.  He had
  longish sand colored hair.  He wasn't particularly
  attractive.  He had thrown a party (a wedding
  party?).  Gloria Marsh (AMC) was the last guest to
  leave.  I told her that I had made a mistake and
  that I wanted to leave with her.  My husband took
  her on a tour of the house, something I myself
  hadn't had.  I didn't even know where the bedroom
  was.  Not that that was a problem.  Personally, I'd
  rather not know.  I stood there silent like a piece
  of statuary.  They came back into the living room
  from their tour.  The house was modern/contemporary. 
  The walls and doors were painted turquoise.  My
  husband went into the kitchen and came back with
  dessert served on a silver tray.  "I forgot to serve
  the compote," he said.  (96/12/11)  #767 
  RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]
  *Dream: A Changing Pair of Feet by LT (9701XX)*
  I LT (Female, age 40), am associated with a
  meditation group, the address of which appears here
  below. I had a dream last night, which I would like
  to submit for interpretation. I hope that you can
  help me out :
  - I saw a pair of feet (without shoes), looked
  dirty, as if have been on the mud. The skin too
  looked very rough. - Later, this pair of feet
  changed into - a pair of another feet, which I
  perceived, as if belonging to Anand Krishna (the
  Founder of this Meditation Centre - Anand Aashram) -
  age 40 - Male.
  Kindly e-mail me immediately - I will be deeply
  grateful to you.  Thanking you, with best wishes - I
  pray that the Existence amply reward you for your
  help extended in this matter.
  LT >-->E-mail 
  PS : If your org is not in position to interpret the
  dream, would you be kind enough to e-mail me
  addresses of other sites, which could help me out.
  Thank you so very much.
  ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]
  [Ice Cream and Love ... does it get any better???
  * Dream:  Love of My Life by Nutcracker (961203)*
  I was in an ice cream shoppe.  I was sitting in a
  chair (while in line it appears).  My legs were
  crossed at the knees and I was jiggling my foot
  (nervous energy).  I was wearing my off white jeans
  and admiring how slim I looked in them.  There was a
  guy in a suit standing directly behind me, staring
  at the top of my head, or so I felt.  Suddenly, the
  guy in the suit (Jeff Bridges) comes rushing around
  in front of me, gets down on one knee and kisses me. 
  The kiss is wet and cold, like we'd both been eating
  ice cream already.  Then he picks me up in his arms
  and carries me off saying, "I've been waiting my
  whole life to find you."  (96/12/3)  #745   
  SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]
  SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]
  TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of
  TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are
  paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or
  * Dream: A FLYING FISH AND A BOOK by AmaznBeast
  I hope you can help with interpretations for this
  dream.  It has really bothered me the last couple of
     In my dream of Dec. 23, I was at work, but my
  office building also housed a high school, in which
  I was also enrolled (I am 30 yrs old!)  I was
  working really hard, or trying to appear that I
  was... for some reason it was more like being in a
  prison camp than really at work, apparently I lived
  there and I couldn't leave. 
  Then this fish was flying around my desk (yes
  flying) and I kept trying to shoo it away but it
  wouldn't go.  I looked up and realized it was Bosco,
  an old Siamese Fighting Fish that I had  that passed
  away this year.  (He was really full of personality
  for a fish, and I have truly missed him.)  He was
  talking to me, saying to hurry and follow him, and
  suddenly he wasn't a fish anymore, but a bright red
  and yellow parrot.  I was trying to cautiously
  follow him, but wanted it to look really casual so
  the guards wouldn't notice I was leaving my work
  area.  For some reason, I had cut off all my hair to
  a crew cut and was trying to pass myself off as a
  young man.  I knew that if anyone looked at me too
  close my disguise would not work. 
  So I am following this bird down the hall into the
  school part of the building when I am stopped by
  this woman from work that I am technical support
  for, but don't really know personally.  I knew that
  she was pretty sure I was not male, but I also knew
  that she wasn't 100% sure.  She was questioning me a
  lot about why I wasn't dating this pretty girl from
  the office who liked me.  I knew she was taunting
  me, trying to trip me up into letting her know I was
  not a male .  And she was getting in my face looking
  at me too closely.  I was really nervous.  While she
  was talking, she kept pointing her finger at a fish
  tank standing in the hall, and every time she did, a
  fish would pop and disappear just like an air
  bubble.  I couldn't see Bosco in the hall, and I was
  afraid he might be hiding in that tank.  There were
  lots of baby fish in there, and I couldn't believe
  how cruel she was being. 
  Finally I got away and followed the bird up to an
  attic type place in an old run down  part of the
  school section.  It was full of dirt and rocks like
  an archeology dig, full of tunnels that were half
  collapsed, and the bird told me to go and get "the
  book".  I crawled and dug around until I found a
  book that reminded me of a Bible, but it wasn't, and
  it was written in some kind of runic or glyphic
  writing I couldn't read.  I hid it under my shirt
  and ran out of the building. 
  I was planning to escape by crossing this football
  field and jumping the fence, but when I was halfway
  across the field, the coach of the football team
  stopped me and said I had to try out for the team. 
  I was again afraid of being found out, so I played
  along, not wanting to bring attention to myself.  I
  was doing really terrible throwing the ball,
  (throwing like a girl) but could catch it alright. 
  I also was really embarrassed because I couldn't run
  fast, and I started to cry because they were making
  me play in my penny loafers and slacks, when the
  rest of the team was all suited up.  I felt that I
  could make the team  if they would play fair.  (Why
  I suddenly wanted to join the team is a mystery to
  me) The boys all kept saying I was a fag and started
  punching me on my breasts.  It really hurt
  physically, and emotionally too, like for a minute I
  was really a boy being called fag and not a woman
  disguised as a boy.  They were trying to pull my
  pants off and I thought they were going to try to
  rape me regardless of whether they figured out I was
  not a male. 
  Then I realized I needed to get the book to the
  radio station so  I could read it on the air and
  everybody would know what was in it and it could
  never be unsaid.  That seemed really important, like
  some kind of big lie had been perpetuated by the
  government and I could end it all by reading this
  book on the radio.  I knew the prison/work/schools
  would all be closed down as a result.  In the dream
  I never made it to the radio station because I woke
  up in tears from the taunts and punching of the boys
  on the football team.
  =Commentary on:  A Flying Fish and A Book by BobK
  Dear AmaznBeast:
  Thanks for sharing your "A Flying Fish and A Book"
  dream with me.  I was very touched by the dream and
  can see how it could be disturbing.  It has many
  elements of powerful dreams ranging from the
  extraordinary appearances and transformations ("the
  book," Bosco and the Parrot conversion) to an impact
  of emotional nature (punches and taunts leading to
  tears in the dream and waking reality).
  I can offer some thoughts, but please realize that
  you are the only judge of what this dream means to
  you.  My comments are based on what I see in the
  dream, and what I would feel if the dream were mine.
  So take them with a grain of salt and think about
  them, but reach your own conclusions.
  The location of dreams is often a key to their
  meaning.  From this perspective, the location in
  this dream is my office building which happens to be
  a High School and which happens to feel like a
  prison camp in which I am trapped and can't leave.
  The rest of the dream flows from this context.
  If this were my dream, it would be talking to me
  about my job - my career. In my dream, I feel
  trapped in my job.  It is like a high school in that
  the nature of the job involves learning and applying
  new knowledge, but this job isn't where I would like
  to be permanently. In fact, this job is turning into
  a prison of sorts from which I feel that I can't get
  The people I support, as represented by woman that I
  provide technical support for, are not only
  confining me but zapping away at the fish in the
  fishtank which might represent ideas and solutions
  made available to them. They aren't even letting
  them develop here before eradicating them. I'm
  specially concerned by the status of one of my "pet"
  projects. (Could there be some "beta" testing going
  on there? BOSCO="BETA") 
  There is also an issue here of being "one of the
  boys" in order to (a) get out of the complex, and
  (b) become a full fledged team member on "fair"
  terms and "suited-up" like the rest of the men. The
  disguise is only partially helpful as it gets me out
  of the building, but not out of the complex.
  Why "football" conveniently in the path of escape?
  The football game is won by scoring
  "goals/touchdowns." It involves overcoming physical
  challenges aimed at obstructing the offensive teams
  push toward the goal line. Why I suddenly want to
  join the team is because I want to be one of the
  "guys" and achieve the goals everyone is expecting,
  and which are very hard to do alone. My attempt to
  cross the field toward the fence is a goal different
  from that of these guys.  Even as a "boy" though,
  I'm getting mistreated by these team members. Seems
  like I can't "win" no matter what I do. 
  The "book" seems to be a dream solution to the
  problem.  I can do away with the prison, work and
  school by revealing the truth about the "big lie."
  But wait a second... even though I miraculously
  found this "book" with the help of the magical
  flying fish-parrot Bosco in an abandoned attic
  (unattended Mental or Spiritual area) section of the
  school, I don't even know how to read it or
  interpret it! Sounds like my solution is another
  impossible mission doomed to failure. I can't even
  get to the Radio Station to broadcast the news to
  the world anyway because of the physical and mental
  abuse. Am I upset!   
  I have often thought of the jobs I have had over the
  years as prisons of sorts. When we are in High
  School and even College, the possibilities of the
  REAL WORLD seem endless.  We could end up doing
  anything anywhere.  Once we enter the work force
  however, the possibilities narrow down tremendously
  for most. It's sure a "big lie" in that we are
  taught that we can do anything and be anything with
  education, and hard work. But the truth is that
  timing, location and luck have a lot to do with our
  careers also.  It's bad enough in this job market
  for people with lots of experience, even worst for
  newcomers to the job market or immigrants, and
  always more difficult for women, specially at higher
  levels if we are to believe the statistics. Once we
  enter into obligations it's harder and harder to
  just pick up and quit because we need the income to
  pay the bills. Marriage and children bring on even
  greater obligations of their own.  Magically finding
  an ideal mate and living happily ever after in
  effortless never ending suburban bliss is another
  myth we think exists "out there" for others to
  Wouldn't it be great if there was a "truth that
  could set us free" like (1) this is all a "play" and
  meaningless in the grand scheme of things or (2) It
  doesn't matter what you do or how you do it, in the
  end we'll all wind up in the same place. What
  motivation would there be for work or school?  When
  we physically die, there is no need for work or
  school - somewhat like the stages of infancy and
  advanced age where we are taken care of by others.
  While we are in between stages though, if we want to
  be independent, we must play the game the way it is
  set up.  In practical terms, the knowledge of a
  higher spiritual reality helps to ground many into
  doing their best while facing he daily grind.
  Perhaps the "book" from that unattended mental or
  spiritual area will help me to overcome the
  obstacles I find in my path.  I might have to focus
  some attention on "runic or glyphic writing"
  (psychic, metaphysical or spiritual knowledge)
  before I can do anything with it though.  I might
  even consider writing my own "book" of truths to
  help myself and others. I have a very powerful ally
  in Bosco the Flying Fish who will never die within
  me, and the colorful flying parrot he can become.
  Unconfined by the limits of his fishbowl or
  fishtank, the universe is now his domain. I need to
  think about getting out of this fishtank I find
  myself in before I am totally zapped out.
  This dream does not necessarily mean I would have to
  quit my job or stop being a woman in order to
  succeed in the path I have taken.  It certainly
  points out the two as areas meriting deeper
  examination.  If my job is "killing" me, I need to
  consider alternatives. I can change my job.  I can t
  change the fact that I am a woman in the dream. You
  shouldn't see it as a disadvantage or hindrance as
  the dream perceives the role. I could become the
  woman who receives the technical support and do a
  much better job at evaluating options and growth
  opportunities. I could go some other place where
  being a woman is a great asset rather than a
  perceived weakness. Government, Private Industry,
  Retail and Non-profit organizations are making an
  effort to seek qualified women to show they are
  being given an equal opportunity. Maybe a task in
  decoding the truth of "the book" is to work on
  improving my relationship with men, specially those
  in a work environment. I'm sure it's a lot easier
  said than done specially coming from a man, but
  think about it.
  Best Wishes for a Prosperous and Joyous New Year
  Bob K.
  = Reply from AmaznBeast on A Flying Fish and A Book
  Subject: Re: A Flying Fish and A Book---Thanks for
  Your Analysis
       Thank you so much for your analysis.  You hit
  home so much I actually got goose bumps and choked
  up.  I do indeed loath my job, and for the exact
  reasons you described.  I am also struggling with a
  real desire to spend my life in the pursuit of a
  higher spiritual evolution, instead of working for
  "the man".  But it is hard for the spirit to do
  anything but wither behind the glass of an office
    I am indeed in the process of Beta testing a
  project which was my idea, but which someone else
  got the credit for.  I am reduced to a secondary cog
  in the wheel that I invented.  
     I am very interested in dreams, as I have been a
  vivid dreamer since early childhood.  I have several
  a night and can remember them easily most of the
  time.  I keep a dream journal.  Also, my friends
  tell me I really help them understand their dreams. 
  But I seem to hit a block when faced with the task
  of untangling on what I call a "big dream" for
  myself.  I can tell when they are really important,
  because I feel almost conscious while dreaming, and
  often awaken with a deep emotional feeling.
    I would like to learn techniques for dream working
  for myself and others as well.  What
  resources/training should I look into?      Again,
  thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help. 
  Your insights touched a nerve.  The dream wasn't
  telling me anything I don't already know, but things
  I don't 'look at' because it is painful.  If my mind
  were only so creative during waking hours, I could
  be a best selling author! Have a happy and safe New
  =Reply to Amazn:
  Thanks for sharing your dream and your reaction.  I
  can sympathize very much with part of your dilemma,
  as I wish I could dedicate myself full time to
  "Dreamwork" but find that the level of income I need
  at this stage of my life (I'm 50) requires me to go
  through the motions in a stable career. At least you
  are in a field of dynamic change and ever growing
  opportunities which may open a new path for you
  One thing I have also learned is that working with
  our own dreams is often the most difficult dream
  related task.  Sharing in Dream Groups led me to the
  significant insight that our dreams speak to more
  than just ourselves and often have different
  messages on several levels. The insight from others
  on this journey of earthly life often fills gaps we
  don't realize exist or bring into sharper focus
  those issues we know do exist but remain unresolved. 
  An early "waking dream" of mine was to write a book
  of significance - which later in my life switched
  from a fictional adventure to a book on dreams and
  spiritual growth. I also have been fascinated by my
  dreams since early childhood. Well, I'm still toying
  with the idea.  That's how I got involved with
  computers and on-line communications back in 1983 -
  but they took on a life of their own.  I have
  committed myself to participate in the developing
  Internet Dreams projects.  I am currently a
  volunteer co-editor of Electric Dreams, a freely
  distributed e-Zane so my writing dream with dream
  related content is happening, but in a very
  different way than I anticipated. The internet and
  internet publishing /distribution didn't even exist
  when I was in college. Have you seen an issue? It is
  full of resources and ideas for people interested in
  dreams. We just released our December issue
  yesterday. All previous issue are available from our
  web site currently maintained in Australia of all
  places.  I thought that Electric Dreams was how you
  got hold of my email address, but from your question
  on resources/training I'm not sure.  How did you
  find me anyway? 
  I would suggest that you consider participating in a
  dream wheel round-robin (check Electric Dreams for
  information on the next one). It is an email dream
  group which focuses on two or three dreams for a two
  week to three week period.  It's very powerful, very
  rewarding, inexpensive, and builds a "community"
  sense regardless of whose dream is selected for
  "work" by the group.
  Seems like you are already well on the dream
  awareness path. Being able to identify the more
  "important" dreams is a great accomplishment.
  Take care.
  Bob K.
  * Dream:  Woman/Child by Nutcracker (961222)*
  I'm at the liquor store.  I've got a dolly with
  several cases of beer already on it.  I'm now
  looking to buy a variety of different kinds of beer
  in six packs.  I put three more six packs on top of
  the cases of beer.  Honey beer?  No, that's the
  wrong kind.  I put it back and pick out something
  else.  I then go to the checkout.  I see cigarettes
  and decide to buy some for B. and Nancy.  I pay for
  everything with a $10,000 check.  The owner and I
  discuss the kind of change he'll have to give me. 
  Another customer comes in.  He's tall, has dark hair
  and is extremely good looking.  He picks up a
  newspaper, but then can't decide whether or not to
  buy it.  He's going to rob us.  When this becomes
  apparent, the owner pulls me behind him to protect
  me.  The robber holds out his hand for me to come
  with him.  I tell the owner that I'll be all right
  and go to his side.  The danger and the robber
  intrigue me.  The robber lines up the rest of the
  customers by calling out their names.  He separates
  us into two groups.  One group he lets leave via the
  front door.
   Now the robber is standing outside the back door,
  watching for cops.  I tell the rest of the customers
  that we should all just leave out the front while
  he's not looking and we do.  As we leave, those of
  us now left have turned into children, about four
  years of age.  Jane Z. is the fastest runner of all. 
  "Go Jane go," we chant as we try to keep up with
  her.  My sister is last.  She's an overweight child
  and is walking, not running.  She's wearing a blue
  dress with a white print of some sort on it.  The
  robber comes out and sees that we've all escaped and
  starts chasing after us.  I sense he will leave my
  sister alone (not do her any harm) and come after
  the rest of us instead.  (96/12/22)  #783
  VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of
  In my dream, I went to a snow-pilled parking-lot to
  get my car.  As I walked towards my car, I saw a guy
  (who went to the same high school with me but I
  barely know him) who was trying to open my car door
  and get into it.  I immediately knew that he was
  trying to steal my car.  He ran away as soon as he
  saw me.  I chased after him but he was running too
  fast that I couldn't catch him.  As I return to my
  car and got inside, I found that the interior was
  too pack that I felt very uncomfortable.  And the
  driving wheel was pressing against my chest.  So I
  turned the driving wheel anti-clockwise to re-adjust
  the position and make it comfortable for me. 
         End of dream 
  WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]
  See A FLYING FISH AND A BOOK for a trapped in the
  workplace dream
  WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]
  == == == == == == == == == == == ==
  See Nutcracker s December 1996 PEZ six-
  pack...searching for the object of our desire as the
  elusive PEZ.  Even Santa PEZ makes an appearance! 
  ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
  ** ** 
  Thanks again for spending some time with Electric
  Dreams. To the dreamers and commentators- we
  wouldn t be here without you, so keep the dreamstuff
  coming. Remember that my e-mail address has changed
  (Bye, bye for now - AOL) to -
  sorry for any inconvenience the sudden change has
  caused. Hasta La Vista Amigos!
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  you can, be clear what name you want or don't want.
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  Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If
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  dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions
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  Richard Wilkerson 
  SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to
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  JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams.
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  Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine
  Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine
  Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database
  Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning
  the Electric Dreams project.
  Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in
  FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for
  other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to
  continually post messages.
  Thanks to our many web links!
          The Electric Dreams Staff
  Peggy Coats -  News & Calander Events Director 
  Earl Koteen - Dream Interpretation Mentor
  Dane P  -UK Distributing Editor
  Chris Hicks - Dream Research & Group Moderator
  Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor
  Matthew Parry - Web Master
  Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper  
  Rob Childress (Rob Childress)
  The Oneiro-Network
  Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor
  mermaid 8*)
  Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs
  Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director
  Cover this month by Jesse Reklaw 
  Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles &
  + The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each
  issue to your dreams!
  + The generous authors of our articles
  + The delightful dreamers and commentators
  + Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton
  All dream and article text and art are considered
  (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers
  themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or
  reprint the text for non-commerical use, but all
  other use by anyone other than the author must be
  with the permission of either the author or the
  current Electric Dreams dream editor.
  Electric Dreams is an independent electronic
  publication not affiliated with any other
  organization. The views of our commentators are
  personal views and not intended as professional
  advise or psychotherapy.
  Februay 12, WED  deadline for submission  FOR ED 4-