Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set Ninety Three

Like a concert equipment truck for the who.
Wrapped in tracing paper in a dark unheeded.
With its skin so thin down the street of men.
Can you hear the inner spin be needed.

#614Note Dropped by Man to Soldier Down Five Floors Intercepted by Woman Down One

#615Person with Black Piece of Paper Faking Missing Tooth Shaking Hands (a quit smoking idea)

#616Rubbing the Floor Around a Toilet with your Clothes Before Meals (how to lose weight idea)

#617White Light Ahead Driver Finding Hobo Sleeping Passenger Floor Inset Color Circles (cure for cancer dream)

#618Cafe Logo Saying Hooray Hooray the Lawyers are in Town Hooray Hooray Let's Call the Clowns

#619My Mother's Keys Beside a Kitchen Sink in an Empty Dish Drying Rack

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